Dangerous Information

Natalie's weird reaction to Jean's statement confused Jean to some degree.  He wasn't sure if Natalie's expression suggested that she was siding with the powerful guy or not.

Due to this, he didn't know how to react. And as a result, he decided to remain mute and wait for Natalie's next words. Perhaps through this, he could have the ability to discern where her interest leaned towards.

Feeling the pressure of the piercing look that was being directed towards him by Natalie,  Jean looked away in embarrassment.

Just as he was still pondering on the matter,  Natalie resounded.

"I don't remember telling you anything about the guy apart from where he resided and his power level. So, I don't know where you heard me telling you that the guy was a vile one."

Turning in Natalie's direction,  Jean's jaw dropped as he struggled to recall when Natalie told him about the guy being a bad individual. Finding none, he sighed and let out a cough in the effort of concealing his embarrassment.

"Yeah! You are right, I don't remember you telling me that. But.... I think I have my own reasons of saying that."

With that, he paused for a moment.

Staring at Jean with a questioning look, Natalie motioned Jean to continue.

"I think I  was quick to judge, considering that I immediately assumed that the guy was one of those self-centered individuals that you told me about. The one reason that made me  stick to this thought, was because the guy used to hide from the government officials. So, that was what made me think that he could have been doing some illegal stuffs and that's why he used to hide himself."

With a snort, Natalie looked at Jean with a deadpan expression.

"Now I see where your awful conclusion originated from. Just to let you know,the guy that used to live hear was not one of those vile individuals. Instead,  he was assisting the government in the subjugation of those stubborn individuals unnoticed. Even his levels of power were only known to a few individuals because of his ability to conceal it."

Scratching his head, Jean hesitated for a moment before responding.

"And who could be this guy,  I feel like I should at least know him."

"I would like to tell you about the guy, but unfortunately,  it was only your grandpa that knew him better than anyone else. I am disappointed,  I can't provide you with the information you are seeking since I am not in the right position to do so. Let me not telling you about the guy make you go ask other people about the guy to someone else, because by doing so,  you would be breaking the promise you made to me. And that's not sharing any information of this discussion to anyone else. By doing so, you willbe risking your own life considering that such individuals were banned from accessing the city without the government's consent. No one can privide you this information maybe the one that schemed the execution of the guy since the guy was his close friend, and he used to share his secretes with this friend of his."

The moment Natalie was done with her explanation, it had already past more than three hours. She slowly got to her feet and did some stretches. Seeing this, Jean also got to his feet. Although he still had a bunch of questions still lingering in his mind, the hunger that had descended upon him didn't give him the chance to put them across. In simple terms, he needed a break and maybe the discussion can commence some other time.

Judging by Natalie's expression,  Jean understood that his mom was in a similar position as him.

"I would like to end this discussion here, but you can ask me at least  a question before we call-off this discussion."

Letting out a tired yawn, Jean hesitated for a moment.  Although he had preemptively decided not to ask Natalie any further questions since he knew that she was tired, he still appreciated the little opportunity of asking one of his disturbing questions that had been offered to him at the moment.

"Thanks for this special chance, mom."

Jean stated in a haggard voice as he tiredly rubbed his eyes.

"I have many questions that I would like to ask you, but since you seem tired as I  am, I am not going to stress you with too much questions. Among all the questions I  would like to ask you this particular one because it concerns me and my safety."

With that, Jean gulped.

Hearing Jean's statement,  Natalie's expression livened as she increased her concentration.

'What could be that that concerns his safety? Could it be... wait...it must be the mysterious spot if I  am not mistaken.'

Natalie mused as she slowly sneaked glances at the mysterious spot.

When Jean noticed this, he cursed inwardly.

'Why does it seem like she has already figured out what I am about to ask her? Anyway,  I still have to ask her. After all, it is the kick-start of the length conversation that we have had in the past hours.'

Leaning on the nearby tree and glancing at Natalie with a grim expression, Jean sighed.

"I want to ask you one thing. How did this mysterious spot come into existence in the first place and why did it look like it was trying to ensnare me the last time we were here?"

Immediately Natalie heard Jean's question,  she felt a pang of headache. She had tried so hard not to answer this question in the past since she had her own reasons for doing so.

Jean on the other hand, had hit multiple huddles in the process of finding information about the mysterious spot since the strange encounter. His mom would always come up with an excuse to avoid informing him about the spot.

Now that the opportunity had presented itself, he couldn't let it slip off.

After a short moment of silence,  Natalie responded.

"I will answer you basing on my level of understanding and basing on the little knowledge I  have about the spot."

Pausing for a moment, Natalie turned and faced in the direction of the mysterious spot before continuing...

"The powerful guy that I have told you about, must be the one responsible for the existence of this place. But on the ensnaring, I only learnt how to react to it from your grandpa; Your dad's father."

Natalie then turned and faced Jean.

"I think I have answered your questions,  although not in details because we need to get back in the house and prepare our lunch as it is already lunchtime. With that being said,  I don't think I  need to tell you that I am tired and famished."

Albeit Natalie's explanation wasn't that satisfying, Jean at least felt releaved as unlike the previous times when Natalie could just dismiss him whenever he would ask the question, this time around she tried her best and provided straight answers.

Just at that moment,  Jean felt like asking another bothersome question,  but he could do so, Natalie started leaving.

This made Jean to postpone his questioning session as he didn't want to provoke his surprisingly gentle mom.

Without further hesitations,  Jean lunged forward and followed Natalie as the two left the forest after spending some memorable hours together  in the forest.

As they were leaving the forest, no one bothered to talk to the other as they were busy thinking about what had just happened.

'What if the friend that schemed the killing of the guy be my grandpa since he was the one who looks like the one that had much information about this guy basing on mom's explanation? But I don't think grandpa could be that mean even if I didn't have the chance to meet him.'

Jean pondered as he trailed in Natalie's back.

'Would this information change him? Now that I have revealed to him the existence of these powerful individuals, there are higher chances that he is now going to be more curious to know much about them.  I need to come up with a scheme to prevent this from happening since this might end up risking his life. I can't afford to lose him, he is all that I got.'

Natalie thought with a slightly contorted face as she hastened her gait while sneaking glances at Jean.

At this point,  Natalie was almost regretting sharing the information about the mysterious spot with Jean. But since the option of not sharing the information with him was the worst of the only two choices that were in front of her after the strange encounter, she didn't have a choice but to share the information with the boy since it was the only easy choice available.

Despite the awaiting dangers that came with her decision, she still felt that she made the best decision ever.

Now that she had already taken a course, she had to come up with the suitable solutions to the impending repercussions that came along with her choice.

Before she made this decision,  she had already brainstormed on the matter and came up with some suitable measures to counter the problems that were now underway.

Natalie already knew the task that was ahead of her and that was to prevent Jean from endangering his life by seeking further information about the powerful individuals in case she fails to provide him with enough information on the matter.

Jean on the other hand had started visualising the world in a different way. But since he hadn't confirmed this stories, he still had some doubts about the existence of such powerful individuals.
