Available Solution

'Could this topic result into me divulging the information about the mysterious spot? But I am avid to know more about it.'

Jean was anxious to know more about what Casper was talking about. But at the same time, he was wary of the fact that there could be some chances that he might be forced to divulge some information about the mysterious spot, something that Natalie had prohibited him from doing.

'I guess I must act somewhat curious for him not to suspect me of having a hunch about what he is talking about.'

With that thought in mind, Jean blinked for a couple of times.

"I think I am interested in knowing how this oddness was achieved."

Jean said with a grin.

Nudging Jean to the side, Casper furrowed his brows.

"Recover first."

Casper said in a tone laced with amusement.

From the guy's expression, he was enjoying Jean's company.

The fact that Casper was willing to share such information with him, Jean felt like the guy trusted him to some extent. Although this could have been considered as one of the tricks of making Jean feel comfortable around the guy, but still, the other way round could be equally right.

Given the fact that Casper had already shared with Jean some information about his family, this was a clear indication that he didn't feel threatened in any way around Jean, despite him living a kinda private life.

The trust that Jean had towards the guy seemed to grow every moment they had a discussion. The guy seemed free with him. What made Jean even feel comfortable around the guy, was the fact that the guy didn't seem to force the boy to give out information about himself. This gave Jean the freedom to choose what to share with him and what not to.

'If the guy could have been one of those bad guys, he could have just handed me over when I was asleep. Even right now, if he wants to hand me over to them, there's nothing I can do considering that I no longer have the gun to threaten him in my possession.

Up to this point, Jean was finding it difficult to doubt the guy's intentions towards him.

The moment Casper diverted the topic about the oddness of the place, Jean heaved a sigh of relief internally.

He was glad that he at least had some extra time to think about the matter before the actual discussion.

By at the moment, he seemed stack on the matter of not being able to communicate with his mom. So, he switched into action to see if there was a possible solution that Casper could come with.

"Now that you dodn't have the cellphone for me to communicate with my mom, how do you think you can help me?"

Jean asked after a short moment of contemplation.

Heaving a sigh, Casper gazed at the boy with a curious face.

"I think I can help you charge your cellphone."

As soon as Jean heard this statement, he was puzzled.

Since this was the last thing he could think of as far as his safety was concerned, he found it hard to accept this suggestion. At the same time, he didn't know how such task could be achieved, considering that Casper's house didn't have any power source.

"How are we going to do that?"

Jean asked in a Hushed tone.

Vigilantly scanning the surroundings, Casper answered in a serious tone.

"I can take you to my friend's house who will help you in charging your cellphone."

The moment Jean heard this statement, he was stunned.

'So, there are neighbours around after all? Now I understand why he didn't lose his mind in this secluded place.'

Giving Casper a sidelong glance, Jean lingered.

"So, you have neighbours after all?"

Jean asked out of curiosity.

With furrowed browse, Casper responded.

"Yes, I have them, but it takes a journey of at least a day to reach to the first neighbourhood when moving on foot."

For a moment, Jean was dazed.

'A day's journey! How far is that?'

"So, you mean a person that lives such far is a neighbour to you?"

Jean asked with a contorted face.

Nodding silently, Casper tilted his head to the side as an amused look surfaced his face.

"Can you be serious at least for once?"

Jean asked out of exasperation.

Judging Casper's replies since he brought the cellphone to him, the guy had been giving him dumb answers to his question. This had made Jean feel like a kid in front of the guy and this was what piqued the boy's mood.

As soon as Casper heard Jean's statement, his mood turned serious in a blink of an eye. The moment Jean noticed this, he almost regretted his words. The guy looked as if he was a completely different person that Jean was conversing with a moment ago.

Looking away to avert the intimidating gaze that was being directed towards him, Jean sighed.

"I am going to commit myself in helping you as long as you are still around."

With that, Casper paused.

Turning to face Casper, Jean lingered.

"Thank you for that. But I don't think the solution you are offering will suit my needs."

"And why is that so?"

"Because I don't think I am ready to go for a day's walk through the forest. That can be dangerous to me as I am still recovering."

Jean's statement made a lot of sense. But Casper had already anticipated this before suggesting the idea of visiting his friend's house.

"I already know that. I could go by myself, but I doubt if you will be able to survive here alone during that period."

Casper responded in a gentle tone as he gazed at the boy with a questioning look.

Although Casper's idea had ignited a spark of hope in Jean's heart, he still didn't know who Casper's friend was. So, he still found it hard to just accept right away and visit the friend without inquiring about him.

He didn't like the idea of staying alone in the forest in an unknown location for a period of at least three days, because that was the total time required for Casper to go and come back.

So, the best idea was for the both of them to go. But since he wasn't in good shape, he didn't welcome the idea right away. Besides the trauma he could experience while in the forest, there could also be some chances that Casper or Casper's friend could try to put on the cellphone after charging it even if he warned him about it, and that could put Casper's friend in absolute trouble in case the cellphone was tracked.

And since this was something that Jean didn't want to share with Casper at the moment, he didn't buy into the idea of Casper going to charge the cellphone alone.

While still pondering on the matter, Casper resounded, thus snapping him out of his reverie.

"Then what is your suggestion?"

Jean asked gently.

"I think you are right. I can't manage to survive a lone in this jungle. So, what I think is that I can wait until I fully recover before we leave together. I hope it won't take long for me to be fully back on my feet."

Jean answered in a galant tone.

With a nod, Casper responded.

"I think that's a better suggestion, because you won't take long to recover."

With that everyone went mute.

A couple of minutes later, Casper decided to break the silence.

"Now that there is nothing more to discuss, I think we should utilise this time in knowing each other better."

Up to this point, it had past two hours since they started their conversation. So, the at least had an hour and some minutes to spare before it was lunchtime.

Casper said as he eyed Jean with a curious face.

Heaving a sigh, Jean shifted.

"That's a good suggestion indeed. Should I start or you start first?"

Jean inquired with a grin.

As soon as Casper heard Jean's question, he pouted.

"Who is a visitor between me and you?"

Casper asked with an amused look.


Jean answered as he pointed at his chest.

"Then what are you waiting for? Kick-start the conversation."

Casper stated with a mischievous smile.

Somewhat dazed, Jean lingered.

"Okay. My name is Jean from Lent. What about you?"

"I am Casper from Ferro."

Suddenly, the two stared at each other before bursting into laughter in unison.

"This is getting awkward, now."

Jean stated in a pitched tone.

"You are the one that started it in the wrong way."

"What do you mean the wrong way?"

Jean asked out of confusion.

"For this conversation to be smooth and effective, we should ask each other questions about things that we would like to know about each other in sessions. This is the only way the conversation can be effective."

Casper's suggestion made a lot of sense. With this suggestion, Jean found the conversation suitable for his concealment of the sensitive information that he didn't want to share with strangers like him.

'At least this way, I can only tell him what he asks for. And if it mean lying I am prepared for that. Answering every question he asks is the only way of buying his trust.'

Jean mused.

Jean saw this conversation as an opportunity to make Casper trust him. This was the only way he believed the guy would be more than willing to give him the needed support in recovering his injuries and also returning to his home.

There was no way he was going to miss on this chance.
