The Herb's Ace

A minute past by in utter silence as the pressure of wanting to get a reply kept mounting on Jean's shoulders.

Clearing his throat, Casper lingered.

"That's a very good question. But if I can reflect on my previous statement. I remember telling you that such kind of informations are too dangerous to be known by the public. I am pretty sure that, you couldn't get a hand on such information while in your country because of the policies that are enforced to prevent people from divulging such information."

For a moment, Jean was in a stupor. He felt a slight headache as he closed his eyes in the effort of assimilating the information.

At some point, he felt like the scene of Natalie warning him about inquiring about the powerful individuals was just replaying right in front of his broadly opened eyes.

'How am I supposed to cut off this conversation. I think further inquiries on the matter might lead us to what mum warned me against.'

At this point, Jean could easily read between the lines and understood that there was a connection between the information he was seeking with the powerful guys. And since his mum had warned him repeatedly in the past, he had immediately had a nagging feeling that the conversation might not result into a feud ending.

Although this fact could Jeopardise his efforts in finding out more information about the spirit energy herbs, he still had the urge to inquire about it.

If he was going to proceed with the matter, then that would automatically confirm that he had put his trust to Casper. This could be considered suicidal since the guy was still a stranger to him. They were yet to know each other better.

With these thoughts in mind, Jean found himself split between initiating the conversation and calling it off.

After a couple of minutes of contemplation, Jean decided to continue with the conversation. During this conversation, he wanted the topic to only lean towards the spirit energy herbs and nothing else.

And since he was the one who was going to spearhead the conversation because he would be the one asking questions, he was determined never to cross his set boundaries during the conversation.

'If there is someone that is going to divert the topic, then let it be him. This way, the chances of holding me suspicious in anyway would have been dismantled. But that is if I am not going to be too inquisitive on the matter.'

Jean pondered as Casper gave him ample time to come up with the most appropriate decision on the matter.

"I am surprised that you are aware of the happenings of our country yet you don't live there."

Jean said with a dazed expression. But suddenly, a thought ignited in his mind as his breathing became enraged.

'Let this not be what I am thinking... because if this turns out to be true, then I don't know how I am going to drag myself out of this mess.'

At this point, the thought that was lingering in Jean's mind was about the possibility of him being within or closer to the powerful individuals' country.

This thought alone made him lose focus as his thoughts became hazy.

It took Casper's gentle slap onto his shoulder for his mind to clear out.

"Why are you acting strangely? Don't tell me that the chest pain is back. With all my toils and moils in these past days in the efforts of restoring your good health, that can only be the last thing I could wish for at the moment."

With a shudder, Jean faked a smile to conceal his embarrassment.

"No... is only that I was worried about my mum because she must be wondering where I am right now and whether I am fine or not."

Jean responded with a stutter.

Suddenly, a sombre expression flashed in Casper's eyes, but it immediately disappeared as it appeared.

"Sorry for that. If I could be in the same shoes as you, I could be worried as well. But you have to remember that this matter of you requires time considering the state you were in when I stumbled upon you some days ago. As things stand, you don't have a choice other than following the predetermined course of solving your matter.

Although someone could argue that desperate problems call for desperate measures. But all I can tell you is that you aren't in a desperate situation since your life at the moment isn't threatened. You have me by your side to provide you with the needed support and even security if the need arises."

Casper said in a gentle tone that made calm his nerves about the topic they were about to discuss on.

"Thanks for everything that you have done for me up to this point. Even if you decide to give up on me at this point, you always hold a nice place in my heart. Words can't be enough to express my gratitude to you."

Jean said in a friendly tone.

Casper nodded with subtle grin in return.

"It is not that because I am too good that's why I did that. I only did that because it was the right thing for someone in my shoes to do. Who knows, tomorrow it could be you helping me."

Casper said in a calm tone that compelled Jean to give him a tight hag for the first time since they met. Casper on the other hand hugged him back as the two enjoyed this rare moment together.

At this point, Jean was feeling like he had found a father figure in Casper. What hurt him the most was that he didn't have the luck of having a father figure while growing up.

This rare moment seemed to have given him a hunch of what he had missed in his whole life.

But still, he didn't regret it, as the love he was receiving from Natalie was huge enough to counter that gap in his life even if it wasn't entirely.

Five minutes passed while the two were still entangled to each other. It was as if they were battling their thoughts of who would let go first.

This moment made the two almost forget what they were discussing about.

A minute later, the two lessened their grip before letting go each other. In the next moment, they stared at each other in embarrassment.

A moment later, Casper cleared his throat.

"Back to what we were discussing about. As I stated earlier, these kind of information is too sensitive to be heard by anybody. But since I don't hold any doubt against you, I will be willing to share with you some of the information since I am made to believe that your intentions are pure. What is wrong with taking a special herb to your people for the sake of mitigation the physical pains they go through in their daily struggles?"

Casper asked as he swung his palms open.

Jean just shook his head without uttering a word.

"But what you need to know is that, for you to share this information freely you need to be part of them."

For a moment Jean was confused.

"Part of who?"

Jean asked out of confusion.

"I think that can turn out to be a very long story. But in simple terms, I can describe them as rulers of the majority. I could have told you more about them, but this way I won't be doing you any justice."

At this point, Jean's mind was running on all cylinders, trying to digest Casper's statement and try to figure out what he was implying but to no avail.

'This is now turning to be more serious than I expected. Who are these people that he seems to be afraid to talk about? Or wait...Could they be the main reason to why he had to relocate from the city and come and settle in this strange forest?'

In a span of less than one minute, Jean's thoughts were clouded with numerous elusive thoughts and questions.

At some point, he was feeling like asking them. But since Casper had already dismissed the topic, Jean didn't see the need of irking his mood by raising questions on an already discussed topic.

'Let me leave the matter aside. Perhaps it is for my own good.'

Jean thought to himself before facing Casper who seemed to be engrossed in his thoughts.

As soon as Casper noticed Jean's gaze, he shook his head before letting out a snort.

"Now that you know how sensitive this information is, I think you already know what to do with it."

Casper said in a serious tone.

With a nod, Jean responded.

"I must not share it with anyone even if the person is that close to me. For instance, my mum."

With a gentle smile, Casper continued.

"That sounds convincing. Now I want to tell you something that you are yet to hear about. And I am only going to tell you this because I need you to understand how the concept of transporting the herb works."

With that the was a moment of silence as Jean increased his concentration. Liking his lips with anticipation, Jean looked at Casper straight in the eyes before crossing his hands over his chest.

"Now before I inform you anything on the transportation of the herb, I need to clarify something about the herb that you didn't know."

Pausing for a moment Casper continued...

"Apart from expelling the physical pain, another thing that the herb does which makes it even more special, is that it can replenish a damaged soul."

Suddenly, Jean felt his head spinning as he tried to convince himself that what he was hearing wasn't real, but a mere dream.
