Unexpected Question

As soon as Casper entered the veranda, he turned around and let out a chuckle.

Upon seeing this, Jean was embarrassed. He couldn't believe that he had fallen for this farce.

"Calm down, I am not angry at you."

Casper said with an amused look.

With a snort, Jean shook his head in disbelief as he took a step forward and stepped in the veranda..

The moment Casper walked past him a moment ago without uttering a word, Jean developed a nagging feeling almost instantly that made him think that the guy was angry at his last statement. He was almost regretting his actions only for the guy's chuckle erased his doubt.

Now that it was clear to him that it was just a mere act, Jean didn't see any need of wasting time.

He straightened his face and faked a smile before walking out of the veranda.

As soon as he was out, he turned back only to notice Casper following him behind.

"Let's head to the fireplace."

Casper suggested as he gestured Jean to lead the way.

Without any further hesitation, Jean lunged forward and started heading to the fire place with a measured gait.

The air in the surroundings smelled fresh with a mixture of sweet scents from some flowering plants within the vicinity.

The tree branches and leaves swayed in the wind as if cheering for the arrival of the two.

As usual, the surroundings were eerily quiet with only the sounds of trees swaying and leaves falling from trees. This was one thing that was on top of the list of things that made Jean hate the place.

He couldn't stand the dead silence that the area harboured. It was only Casper's company that was helping him cling to his sanity.

With that thought in mind, Jean slowed down before turning to Casper.

"It is hard for someone to overcome the silence in this area. But despite this, I can tell that you conscience is perfectly fine. If you can tell me, how have you been able to keep your sanity while in this place alone?"

Jean asked with a glint of curiosity evident in his grey eyes.

Casper turned to him and lingered.

"I must say, it can be almost impossible for someone to overcome the psychological torture that such level of silence brings, over a long period of time. It requires a strong mind for someone to at least have a chance against it."

With a gulp Casper continued...

"So, for people to optimize their chances of resisting such silence, they need to come up with pastimes. This can be a key role in keeping the mind busy and at ease."

Just at that moment, Jean interjected.

"If that can reduce the effect of the silence to the psychological status of an individual, why didn't you carry even a cellphone to this place to at least play some video games and listen to some music?"

Jean asked in a serious tone as he slowly lowered himself in one of the stones at the fireplace. They had just arrived at the place.

Still on his feet, Casper resounded.

"That's a good suggestion, but for me, I don't need such things. Instead of making my life easier at this place, they will complicate it."

For a moment, Jean was confused. He was finding it difficult to discern what Casper was implying by his statement.

"Please make me understand how a cellphone can complicate your life."

Jean inquired with a curious face.

"Wait till I give you my story on why I had to leave the city first. That's when you will come to understand what I am trying  to imply. But that must be after you have linked up with your family."

Although Jean was eager to know why Casper said that a cellphone can complicate his life, he still found it important to wait until he had linked up with his mum. This was more important to him than Casper's own story.

"Now that a cellphone isn't suitable for your pastime, what takes its place?"

Jean asked out of curiosity.

Inhaling deeply, Casper slowly lowered himself and sat on another stone that was next to the one that Jean was sitting on.

"I have some novels that I usually read to keep myself busy. Besides reading, I also go hunting. It is unfortunately that since your arrival I haven't gone for hunting because I had to stay here with you and give you company. It is also good that I always store enough food that can last me for a month.

So, there is no need to worry about what we shall eat. I have stored enough food for us."

With that, Casper crossed him arms and glanced at Jean with a questioning look.

Jean seemed to have understood his gesture.

'I need to utilise this time and kick off the interrogation as soon as possible. This way, I can have enough time to know him better before we break for lunch.'

Jean pondered.

"Now, can I go on with the interrogation?"

Jean asked in a gentle tone.

With a gentle nod, Casper responded.

"Of course."

Inhaling deeply, Jean lingered.

"Now to my first question. Where did you learn your herbal skills?"

"Hmm... I could have asked you why you want to know the source of my skills, but since it is your turn to ask the questions and not mine, I will just answer your question accordingly.

Well, these skills I obtained them from my dad. He was one of the best herbalist during his time, although not famous."

With that, Casper went mute.

"I know you must be wondering how such a great herbalist wasn't famous despite possessing one of the most important skills. The reason is very simple. It was hard to find clients in such a sparsely populated area. Besides, it was only a few of the few available that were in need of his services."

Pausing for a moment to allow Jean digest the information, Casper pouted.

"If that was the case, then why did you decide to learn the skill knowing at the back of the mind that its demand in the area was limited?"

Jean asked after a short moment of contemplation.

"Well, it my reasons for learning the skill wasn't based on the idea of turning it into a source of income, instead, it was because of my family."

Casper said with a slightly contorted face.

"Now I understand, you did that to tend to your family in case the need arises?"

Jean inquired.

Raising his brows, Casper responded.

"Yes, something like that."

"If you find it okay, can you tell me how many kids you had?"

Jean asked in a friendly tone.

Heaving a sigh, Casper bit on his lower leap and pouted. After lingering for a moment,  he looked at Jean with dubious eyes.

"Since you are the one asking, I don't have anything to hide from you. For my family, I can say I had two kids in total. A girl and a boy. Although it was unfortunate that I lost the boy immediately after his birth together with his mother."

Suddenly, Casper's eyes turned watery. But immediately he noticed Jean staring at him with questioning eyes, he quickly wiped the tears at the slits of his eyes. In the next moment, his expression turned serious.

"But among all my family members, I only remained with one."

At this point, Jean wanted to ask the guy which family member remained, but the answer was just in front of his eyes. So, instead of asking, he saw the importance of consoling the guy.

Stretching his hand and patting the guy on the shoulders, Jean smirked.

"I am sorry for your lose, sir."

For the very first time after a long time, Jean found himself using a honorific in his statement. It was strange that he hadn't been using honorifics when talking to Casper since they started residing together, yet he was old enough to be his dad.

Perhaps it was because of how simple the guy was.

With this sudden realization, Jean's mood was almost piqued. But suddenly, Casper's next statement swept away his worry.

"Thank you for your encouraging words, but I must say I am not used to Honorifics. So, it would be okay if you just call me by my name."

Casper said in a friendly tone.

Heaving a sigh, Jean responded.

"Okay, you might not like being addressed that way, but for me, if you allow me to call you dad, I will be glad."

Jean said as he patted his chest with a grin.

When Casper heard these words, he was taken aback. He remembered how he lost his son and his wife due to the doctor's negligence.

This was the main reason he was motivated to equip himself with some herbal skills. He believed that with such skill, he can alt least save a life or two in scenarios like these in the future.

When the opportunity of saving Jean's life presented itself to him, he took it with both arms. He did it because he enjoyed saving life. Jean was just one of the many lives he had saved after learning the herbal skills.

Now that Jean was offering him a chance to have a son in the making, he didn't see the chance passing him without launching to it.

"Yes, you have my permission."

Casper said enthusiastically, as a bright smile formed on his face.

Jean on the other side, he was the happiest. Since he didn't have a dad, he was glad to have Casper accept him as his son, even if he wasn't a biological father. He was over the moon.

With both parties overwhelmed by their emotions, they frantically hugged each other in a tight hug.

A moment later, they lessened their grip and let each other go.

Just at that moment, Casper's expression turned serious as he cleared his throat.

"I know this is your chance to ask me questions, but I ask  you to allow me to ask you a question before we continue."

In response, Jean nodded silently.

"There is this question that I have been longing to ask you. If you were truly kidnapped, how comes you were still able to keep your cellphone all this while?"

Casper asked in a serious tone as he looked Jean straight in the eyes.

Suddenly, Jean shuddered as the heart in his chest raced wildly.
