Trust Issues

When Casper questioned Jean why he was still in possession of his cellphone yet he was kidnapped, he found himself between a rock and a hard place.

He lacked the proper words to explain this situation. With Casper asking such question, he might have deduced something about the boy. This was what multiplied his worries. He had a nagging feeling that the guy had seen through his lies all this while and just chose to remain silent.

After some minutes of contemplation, Jean was now hit by the reality that the only way of avoiding any further repercussions that might result from his blunt lie, he had to tell the guy the truth.

Inhaling deeply in the efforts of calming his nerves, Jean let out a frustrated sigh.

"I am sorry to say this." Pausing for a moment, Jean continued, "The truth is that I lied about the matter."

With that, he turned to face Casper. When he noticed the guy wearing a carefree expression, he was dumbfounded.

'Why is he behaving like he had expected such reply from me. Let it not that this will be the reason why he will kick me out of his house. I dearly need his backing and support. He is the only remaining hope that can see me through my current situation. How could I not re-evaluate my answer before coming up with such a stupid lie?'

At this point, Jean had started to feel helpless as he waited for Casper's response. Knowing very well that Casper's next words will determine his fate, he barred his teeth in annoyance as he clung to his little remaining hope.

'I hope he is going to understand me. After all I am still an amateur at lying. No wonder I made such mistake.'

Jean mused as he hoped for the guy to give him a chance to explain himself. He knew that if given the chance, his explanation could lift off his looming karma.

Just as he was still pondering on the matter, Casper responded.

"Hmm! Then why did you have to lie to me, knowing very well that you needed my help. In fact, whose cellphone is it?"

Casper asked in a serious tone.

With a stutter, Jean responded.

" is from one of the kidnappers. I snatched it from him some moments earlier before my escape. I only did that so that I could have some means of linking up with my family as soon as I escape."

Suddenly there was silence.

At this point, Jean felt the pressure of lying pressing on his shoulders because he had used a lie to cover up another lie. Although this lie was somewhat closer to the truth, it was still a lie like any other.

A minute later, Casper perked up before blinking severally.

"That sounds somewhat convincing. But I still have a question. Why did you lie to me?"

Having anticipated such question, Jean let out a stiff smile.

'Finally that the chance of explaining myself has presented itself to me, I can't squander it. This is my chance to write my wrongs.'

Jean mused before his lips parted.

"The reason why I had to lie to you was because I was worried that you could have thrown me out of your house in case I told you the truth, that the cellphone belongs to one of the kidnappers."

With that, Jean went mute as his face paled.

"And why would you think of that?"

Casper asked after a short moment of silence.

"The reason I thought that way was because I knew that you would suspect that the cellphone was getting tracked, and this could have made you worry about your safety around me..."

"...And thus me kicking you out of my house, isn't it?"

Casper chimed in and completed Jean's statement.

With a nod, Jean responded.


"I must say that you were pessimistic on the matter. But just to clear out your doubt, such wireless technologies are useless in this territory."

Casper said in a galant tone.

"Does that mean that if I want to make a call I have to leave the area?"

Jean asked out of curiosity.

"Yes. And you need to be at least five hundred meters away from the territories, otherwise, the outcome won't be any different from the one that you obtain while within the territories."

Casper said with a raised chin.

This turn of events ignited the fading light of hope in Jean's heart.

'At least he seems to have understood my situation.'

In the next moment, Casper spoke.

"It is not like I am angry at you or what. In fact, I understand your point. You were trying to protect me."

"Not really, I was just being cautious."

Jean said in a gentle tone.

"That's good. Also the act of you claiming the possession of the cellphone might have saved us the headache that could come with the idiots tracking the cellphone incase I could have kept it and powered it on outside these territories. But why would they waste their precious time tracking you when you were not the only person they kidnapped?"

Casper asked as he gave Jean a dubious look.

At this point, what was supposed to be Jean's interrogation session had turned to be Casper's. Upon this realization, Jean couldn't help but surrender his chance to Casper as he tried so hard to pent up his frustrations. 

After all, he was the offender in this case, and allowing the guy to ask him some questions was the only way of restrengthening the trust between them that was on the verge of collapsing.

"Yes, you might be right on that, but still, that's not enough reason for ruling out such possibility."

Jean said with a smirk.

In response, Casper nodded silently. A moment later, he patted the boy on the shoulder.

"No need to worry, I do trust you. I am still committed in helping you."

In an instance, Jean's mood brightened up as a genuine smile formed on his face.

He couldn't believe that Casper had given him a second chance despite his exposed lie nearly ruining the guy's trust towards him.

"Thank you for trusting me. I promise not to disappoint you while here."

Jean said with a teethed smile.

"That's fine. Now let's continue with our session."

Up to this point, it was three hours to 1PM. Which implied that they at least had three more hours to spare before lunchtime. But since they had to break at least an hour earlier to prepare their lunch, it could be argued that they had less than two hours remaining.

Now, this was the only remaining time that Jean was supposed to wrap up his interrogation session.

Although the two didn't have somewhere to refer, Casper was an expert when it came to estimation of time. He had mastered the art and made it look like he had an internal clock.

Even if the two become too engrossed in the discussion to forget about the time, their stomachs won't miss out on reminding them by sending some rumbling signals.

"Where were we? Oh, I get it. Since it is only one of your family remaining of whom I am sure is your daughter, how comes you two are not staying together as expected of a family?"

"Well, it is true that it is my daughter that is still remaining of my family. But I think, I need to know you more before sharing some of my family info with you. But all I can tell you right now is that my daughter is currently in the city."

"Talking about the city... What is the name of this city you have been telling  me about?"

Lingering for a moment, Casper looked away before answering.


With a confused look, Jean inquired.

"Is that the name of the city that your daughter resides in?"

"No! It is the capital city of Ferro."

"So, this has been the city that you have been telling me about? The same city that you once resided in?"

"Yes, that's the city."

Casper replied with a nod.

"So, does that imply that you never lived with your daughter in the same city or could it be the same city that your daughter still resides in till now?"

For a moment, Casper felt like Jean's questions were getting  too personal with each passing moment.

Upon this sudden realization, Casper gave Jean a sidelong glance before letting out a frustrated sigh. When Jean saw this, he looked away in embarrassment but still kept cool.

'You wanted me to ask you questions, now that things are getting  hot on your side, you have started pretending that you are annoyed by my questions. After all, it is my session and I can ask whatever my mind pleases, as long as it is not going to interfere with your trust towards me.'

Jean thought to himself as he mind giggled at his own thoughts.

After a short moment of silence, Casper responded.

"I will be honest with you. My daughter doesn't stay in Astra, but a different city that I can't disclose its name to you because of my personal reasons."

Suddenly, Jean was in a stupor.

At this point, his intuitions were screaming at him that Casper was openly hiding some serious information about himself from him.

'He can't even lie to me. He is bold enough to deprive me of some information openly. Wow! What a principled man he is. When I am struggling to come up with a plausible lie to win his trust, him on the other side finds no problem in denying me some information.'

'But for him to hide the information to me this openly, could it suggest that he will be willing to share it with me once he trusts me fully?'
