
Elysia woke up, her head feeling like it was about to explode. "Ahh-" she groaned as she rose from the bed. A bed? She forced her eyes wide open. Where was she? She was on a bed, in a room so luxurious, she had never seen anything like it in her life.

Elysia looked around. She was lying on a plush king-sized bed with expensive bedding. The room alone was breathtaking, it was the size of her parents' house. "Where am I?" Elysia asked herself. "Whose clothes are these?" She questioned again with a frown, wondering who had dressed her.

"You're awake," she heard a deep masculine voice say, which jolted her up from the bed. The man had just stepped out of the bathroom, drops of water dripping down his jet-black hair.

Elysia couldn't believe what she was seeing. She had never seen a man this handsome. His face was sculpted to perfection, with dark hooded eyes, long dark lashes, a strong pointed nose, and his lips...

"Ogling, are you?" he asked with his head tilted to the right, causing his black hair to fall to the side.

"A-who are you?" Elysia stammered. She looked warily at him, which didn't go unnoticed by Azrael's sharp eyes.

"I'm King Azrael," he stated with a small smile.

Elysia's eyes widened in shock. The Dragon King? "Y-your Majesty!" She bowed deeply. What was the Dragon King doing with her? Did he buy her? Was he the one she met that night?She shivered in fear. She had heard many things about this Dragon King and all the terrible deeds he had done.

A dark chuckle left his lips, making Elysia shiver. "How are your feet?" he asked, surprising Elysia.

"I-it's..." She failed to notice her bruised feet earlier, which had healed significantly. Huh? How did that happen? How had her feet healed so fast? "It's healed?" she said, unsure.

"Of course, it is. I used a little trick of mine," he said, the tip of his lips raising a bit.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" she said with a bow.

Elysia could feel his burning gaze on her, but she didn't dare look him in the eye. Something about this king scared her. Maybe it was the fact that he was a dragon and was well-known for all the wicked things he had done.

"T-thank you for saving me, Your Majesty!" She managed to say without raising her head.

"Oh! It was nothing," Azrael said, waving his hand in the air.

"H-how do I pay you in return?" Elysia couldn't help but ask. He had bought her for a purpose. No one would buy a servant, dress her in an expensive gown, and expect nothing in return.

She felt his finger pinch her chin, lifting her head to face him. She flinched, making Azrael smile. "What can you do for me in return?" he asked, his black eyes shining brightly.

Elysia's eyes widened in surprise. There was something unsettling about this Dragon King-the way he smiled eerily at her, the way his eyes conveyed something entirely different. "I-I..." she was interrupted by Azrael.

"There's nothing you can offer me, Elysia," Azrael said with a sly smirk.

Elysia stared at him blankly. How did he know her name? "T-thank you, Your Majesty," she bowed again but couldn't lower her head because Azrael still held her chin.

"Hmmm," Azrael hummed, releasing her chin as he strode away.

Elysia turned to watch him walk away, noticing the dragon tattooed on his back and the scars crisscrossing it. The scars weren't easily noticeable because of the tattoo. Wasn't he going to say anything else to her? What was she doing in his palace?

"Elysia," Azrael hummed her name as he stared at her.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" she replied. When she looked at him, he was already dressed in black pants and a loose white shirt.

"Take a rest. A maid will bring you food," he said, striding out of the room. Before he walked out, he halted. "Don't step outside the room," he commanded, closing the large door behind him.

Elysia stared blankly. A maid was bringing her food. Was she some sort of princess now? She looked around the room and walked towards the bed. She slumped onto it. She needed some sleep; her head still ached.


"Your Majesty! What do you intend to do with the girl?" Sevastian asked, confusion lacing his voice.

"I don't know. She'll be here till I figure that out. Until then, don't ask me about this," Azrael said, leaning against his throne and closing his eyes.

"Noted, Your Majesty," Sevastian said, rolling his eyes. "Taking the girl means starting a war with Lord Dargan."

A dark chuckle left Azrael's lips. His eyes opened, blazing golden. "Dargan?" he huffed. "That good-for-nothing bastard wouldn't dare come near my palace," Azrael said, closing his eyes again.

"Of course, he wouldn't," Sevastian murmured. "But he would try to claim the girl if you don't have your marking on her," he added in a watchful tone.

"Marking?" Azrael asked with a deep frown, his eyes returning to their usual color.

"I know, Azrael," Sevastian said with a small frown. "You'll have to mark her in order to claim that she's yours. Unless Dargan..."

"Why don't you claim her?" Azrael asked, tilting his head.

A frown settled on Sevastian's face. Why should he be the one to claim the girl Azrael bought? He understood that Azrael never marked anyone ever since she passed away. His marking meant a lot, but he couldn't.

"Lord Dargan is superior to me. He would..."

"Dargan wouldn't dare take what is claimed by you. He wouldn't want a war," Azrael stated with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Sevastian gritted his teeth, suppressing his rage. Why did the king keep interrupting him? "Azrael, I can't claim her as mine. You know how the marking works better than anyone. I understand your worry, but you'll have to do it," Sevastian said, and the room fell silent.