
"Take off your clothes and join me," Azrael said, his voice thick and commanding.

Elysia stood there, stunned, her brain struggling to process the King's words. Her heart raced in her chest as she watched Azrael walk into the bathroom, his choking aura leaving along with him. The door remained ajar for Elysia.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The thought of undressing and joining him in the bath naked, felt so wrong in different ways. She hesitated, her feet rooted to the spot.

Minutes passed, the silence stretching thin. She knew she couldn't disobey the king, but every instinct screamed at her to run, to flee from the embarrassment that awaited her. Swallowing hard, she finally steeled herself, her hands moving to the hem of her dress. With a deep breath, she began to undress, her fingers trembling as she took off her long dress.

Once she was undressed, she stood there for a moment, feeling exposed and vulnerable. She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to cover her naked self from the cold and the gaze of the king . But she knew she couldn't delay any longer. Taking a shaky breath in, she gathered herself together and walked towards the bathroom.

As she stepped inside, the warm air enveloped her petite body. Azrael was already seated in the large, luxurious white tub, his body partially submerged in the water. He had his eyes closed, his head tilted back against the edge of the tub, he looked to be asleep, he's face surprisingly calm, it was as if this ways the most natural thing to do.

Elysia's gaze traveled over him, taking in his muscular body, the water glistened on his skin. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight, her heart pounding heavily in her chest, as continued to admire the King.

"Join me," he commanded again, his voice softer this time. Elysia was thankful the king had his eyes closed. She cautiously entered the tub, her movements slow, as she tried to make as little noise as possible, making sure not to slip, or even worse, draw his attentive eyes.

The water was warm, causing her to sigh in relief. She carefully lowered herself into the water, making sure to stay as far away from Azrael as she could. The water in the tub was deep enough to cover her fully.

Once she was seated in the tub, Elysia instinctively pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She was aware of being naked in a tub with a naked man.

Azrael's closed eyes made her a little relieved. Without his penetrating dark orbs looking intently at her, she felt a little less exposed, less intimidated.

Azrael's eyes slowly opened, fixated on her with a look that made her shiver despite the warmth of the room.

"Y-your Majesty, I thought you were asleep," she stuttered, dragging her feet even closer to chest. She avoided his gaze by all means.

Azrael's gaze remained on her, unwavering and intense. There was a slight curve to his lips, a gleam of amusement passing through his eyes as he watched her try to hide from him.

Breaking the silent as he was feeling bored already. "Tell me about your life before you came here, Elysia," he said, his voice lazy.

Elysia blinked, caught off guard by the question. She hadn't expected him to show any interest in her life. She hesitated, unsure of how much she was to reveal to him.

"There isn't much to tell, Your Majesty," she said cautiously, her voice soft and calm. It seemed to stir something deep within Azrael. "I grew up in a small village. It was peaceful... And simple." She paused momentarily trailing off, her eyes drifting to the water.

Azrael's eyes narrowed slightly, noticing the sadness in her voice. "And your family? What were they like?" He asked,

Elysia's grip tightened around her knees, her knuckles turning white. "They were good people," she replied softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "My father was a farmer, while my mother sold his harvest at the market. They both worked so hard to provide for me." Her voice faltered, and she swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure. "But they're gone now."

Azrael tilted his head, his expression unreadable. "How did they die?"

Elysia peeped up at him, his expression stoic as he stared blankly at her. She took in a deep breath, her chest tightening as the memories came back, memories she never wished to remember. "There was a fire," she said, her voice barely audible. "I was the only one who survived."

For a moment, there was silence, the only sound being the faint ripple of water as Azrael shifted slightly. "And how did you end up in the slave shelter?" he asked, his voice turning a bit gentle.

Elysia's eyes moved up to meet his, surprised by the change in his tone. "After the fire, I had nowhere to go. My uncle took me in, but..." Her voice trailed off, the words catching in her throat. "He sold me to slave traders," she finally admitted, her voice breaking.

Azrael's expression darkened, his gaze growing colder. "Your uncle sold you?" he repeated, his voice laced with disdain.

Elysia nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes," she whispered. "He saw me as nothing more than a burden." Elysia could not hold it in anymore, she buried her head in her legs, while she wept uncontrollably.

Azrael leaned back slightly, his gaze still fixed on the weeping lady. Something about this seemed to stir up rage within him, threatening his dragon to take control. He clenched his teeth hard, raking his hand through his thick locks. He was on the verge of giving in to his dragon so he would mercilessly kill whoever had hurt her.

"There, there," Azrael hummed, his lips tilted up to a smirk. His large palm was placed on her head, gently patting her. Elysia raised her head to look at him with teary eyes. Her mind was too preoccupied to bother about how he had moved closer to her. "No one can hurt you now. You belong to me," he added. His voice laced with dominance.

His words sent a shiver down her spine, the possessiveness in his tone making her feel lightheaded yet strangely, it made her feel safe. Elysia's heart raced as she tried to process the emotions coursing through her. The warmth of the bath, combined with Azrael's closeness, was making her head spin.

She could feel herself getting dizzier by the second, her thoughts growing hazy and unfocused. The heat seemed to intensify, wrapping around her like a heavy blanket, making it difficult for her to keep her eyes open. Elysia blinked a few times, struggling to stay awake. Without warning, her body gave in to the exhaustion. Her eyes closed shut, and her head slumped coming to rest against Azrael's chest.