Shadow Lurking In The Dark

With his eyes fixed on her, Azreal stepped into the room closing the door behind him. His eyes moved from her face down to her feet and back to her face. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Azreal spoke. "How are you feeling? Sevastian mentioned you looked ill."

"I feel normal, Your Majesty." Elysia answered with a small smile across her face.

Azrael's eyes narrowed at her, as if he was trying to look inside her body to confirm if she was telling the truth. "If you feel normal, tell me why you look like you are about to pass out? You are awfully pale this evening." He added.

"It is not as bad as it looks, Your Majesty, I believe if I have enough sleep, I should look better by morning." Elysia said, her fingers moving subconsciously to push strands of hair behind her ear.

"Hmmm, tell me how was your lesson today?" He asked as he moved closer to her, his fingers brushing her hair ever so lightly.

"It was okay, Your Majesty. Kael and I moved to numbers. He said I should learn about numbers this week then move back to alphabets next week." Elysia explained, leaning in closer to the King. "Perhaps tomorrow I can show you all that I have learned." She added her voice small.

"I would love that Elysia, how about you join me for breakfast tomorrow, then after that, you can show me all you plan to." His voice calm and relaxing.

He noticed she was thinking about something as she spaced out for a few seconds, suddenly, she turned to face him. "Will the Princess be present for breakfast?" She asked.

Her sweet scent was filling the little space that was between them. It was doing something to him, to his senses, and he was tempted to pull her closer and run his tongue over her smooth soft looking skin. He managed to look away from her for a second to clear his thoughts. "Yes she would, do you have a problem with that?"

"I don't think I should join you for breakfast then." Elysia said, she tried to move away from Azreal, but he was quick to wrap his arm around her waist, pulling her closer, closer than they had stood before.

"And why is that?"

"The Princess will not be pleased with my presence, I also don't think she would want you visiting me at this hour of the night." She explained.

"And since when did the affairs of the Princess concern you?"

"Since you planned on marrying her, I really do not want to offend the future Queen of Valeria." Elysia confessed, looking down at her hand.

A chuckle left Azrael's lips, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I really don't remember mentioning that I had any plans of marrying the Princess."

"Yet, you never denied it when I asked you, Your Majesty."

"You do not need to bother yourself with all that, Elysia." Azreal whispered, his eyes dropping to her neck and suddenly he was hungry, he wanted to taste her.

His lips touched her neck and Elysia let out a shaky breath. "Is that all I will be to you Your Majesty? An object for your pleasure?" She managed to say after catching her breath.

Azrael's lips stopped moving as he lifted his eyes to look at her, his eyes were no longer comforting and soft, it was cold and empty. "You seem to forget that I own you Elysia and I can do anything I wish to do with you. I show you kindness because I want to, not because you deserve it. So do not make the mistake of overstepping your boundary. Just be grateful and ask no questions. Do you understand?" He could see tears welling in her tears, her mouth opened like she was going to say something but thought against it.

Elysia swallowed the lump in her throat, "Forgive me, Your Majesty, I fully understand you. It is my fault for forgetting my place." She pushed her hair away from her neck so he could continue with what he wanted to do.

Azreal clenched his teeth in irritation, "I have lost my appetite, go to sleep Elysia." He didn't wait for her to respond before he was at the door.

"Please, do not be mad at me Your Majesty, I would never take advantage of your kindness again." He heard her say from behind him, but he was too irritated to respond, instead he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him with a thud.

Azreal stormed to his study in long strides, he was walking down the hallway, when he saw something move from the side of his eyes. His black eyes darkened even more as he immediately turned to walk in the direction where he noticed the strange movement.

As he stepped outside, the cold breeze of the night hit his face. Even though it was a moonless night, Azreal could see perfectly well, it was almost as clear as day in his eyes.

His eyes moved around looking for something out of place but he couldn't find anything odd, he walked further but the outcome remained the same. Azreal was about to head back inside when he noticed something or someone moving, suddenly he appeared in front of it before whatever it was could realize.

Azreal grabbed a black cloak and was surprised to see two people on the ground shivering in fear. "What the fuck?" Azreal cursed, his eyes burning in rage. "What the fuck are you doing out at this hour?" It was then he realized they were both naked and sweating.

"F--forgive us ,Your Majesty. We--we are deeply sorry." The blonde man said, going on his knees.

Azreal closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was definitely going to kill someone this night. Fluttering his eyes open again, he looked at the young humans shivering, as they knelt before him. It was always the damned humans. Even though Azreal did not recognize the girl, he could recognize the boy who was one of his gardeners. "Get out of my sight before I separate your head from your body."

"Thank you King Azrael, you are so kind. We will never forget your kindness." The two of them bowed to him with their hands clamped together.

"Do you want me to repeat myself?" His voice darkened. The young humans began to fiddle with their clothes and in the next few seconds, they hurried away from the King, running towards the servants quarters.

"Fuck!" Azrael hissed in exhaustion as he made his way back to his chambers completely oblivious of the hooded figure who was watching him from a distance.