Fear Of Horses

Elysia had never seen so much horses before, her eyes widened as she was in awe, the stable housed up to fifteen horses. All properly fed and groomed. She watched from a distance as the stables man led the gentlemen towards the horses, speaking in a low tone that Elysia could hear only whispers of.

After talking for a few minutes, the stable man led out two brown muscular horses to the open. Elysia instinctively stepped back as the horses approached, they were huge. Their size alone was intimidating. Their glossy manes flowed elegantly down their strong backs.

"This is Lady Elysia. Elysia, this is Mr Collins, he takes care of the horses." Sevastian introduced them to each other.

The elderly man gave her a curtsy bow, white hair covering his head. Elysia had not seen an old dragon before, she wondered how long he had lived to look this physically old. "It is a pleasure meeting you, Lady Elysia." His voice hoarse and raspy.