
Sevastian stared at her for a few seconds before answering, "That is a wild generalization Princess, I do believe you are judging dragons just based on what you have been made to believe of them."

"You might be right, but I have met a couple of dragons and they do not beat allegations Lord Sevastian," she replied.

"Would you be kind enough to give me directions to the library?" He changed the direction of the conversation, clearly not interested in going back and forth about dragons with a princess who clearly had sealed her mind about them.

A small smile tugged on her lips, "I will take you there. I would not want my brother to make a fuss about my refusal to help his guest." She stated, turning her back and walking away.

Sevastian trailed behind her, doing his best to avoid looking at her as she moved, the shape of her legs and hips visible through the white dress. The library was not far from where they stood.