A Flying Knife

"Very well then, I am glad that it is settled. Have you found anything new about the Rynis?" Lyra inquired, eyes shifting from the books to where Sevastian stood.

"Not much, just the usual knowledge we shared in the library. Once I learn anything new, I will let you know Princess. You have nothing to worry about." Sevastian replied, waiting for her to leave but Lyra has other plans. She trailed her hand on the books before flipping through the pages.

"Will you be attending the ball my father is hosting for Rohan?" She turned to him, leaning against the table.

"No, I do not think a room of faes will appreciate having a dragon in their midst and your father might have my head this time," A hint of playfulness laced his voice making the young woman chuckle lightly.

"So you have jokes Lord Sevastian? I thought you were all seriousness and no play." Lyra teased, playing with a few strands of her hair.