
Two days had passed, and Azrael, Elysia, and Sevastian were ready to begin their journey. A carriage stood waiting at the palace entrance, polished and prepared for the long trip ahead. Azrael had instructed Sevastian to ensure they carried an assortment of weapons, ready to face any dangers they might encounter.

The trio climbed into the carriage as the carriage began to move.The journey was tense yet uneventful, the serene surroundings doing little to ease the anxiety gnawing at them. Despite the peace, an unspoken fear lingered—the sense that something sinister could be lurking in the depths of the forest, waiting to strike.

Azrael had already informed the bailiff of his visit. Vilewood was a ghostly town that sent chills down one's spine, its eerie atmosphere stirring unease in all who entered. With a population of only about two thousand, the town's desolation was palpable, filling hearts with an undeniable sense of discomfort.