Special thanks to SerenityJackson for the Golden Ticket :)
The chaos of the battlefield roared with the clash of blades, the angry shouts of warriors, and the heavy thuds of bodies hitting the ground. Amidst it all stood Sevastian and Rohan, fighting back-to-back, their movements precise and synchronized as they held off the relentless enemy forces.
"I think those are the Rynis!" Rohan shouted, his voice straining to rise above the noise of battle. He pointed toward a group of four men clad in red robes that partially covered their faces. "They are using black magic to control our men over there!"
Sevastian cast a quick glance in the direction Rohan had indicated. His sharp eyes locked onto the robed figures standing in a tight circle, their hands weaving through the air as they murmured incantations.