Two weeks had passed since the war ended, and Valeria was slowly beginning to heal. Homes were being rebuilt, markets had reopened, and cautious laughter began to fill the air once more. Farmers returned to their fields with renewed purpose, mothers tucked their children into bed with peace in their hearts, and the rhythmic sound of hammers repairing broken roofs echoed.
However, the scars of war were still visible. Despite the village's gradual return to normal, there was one chamber in the palace where time seemed to stand still. Sevastian remained unconscious, lying on a grand bed casted a soft glow of the candlelight. His breathing, though labored at times, remained steady enough to offer a glimmer of hope to those who visited him. Lyra was rarely seen anywhere but by his bedside, her prayers unceasing as she desperately willed for him to wake up.