Chapter 3: bring the boat to me

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The next day, the entire village learned that Larson was leaving, and everyone came to say their goodbyes.

"Just send everyone here."

Larson stood on the beach, waving goodbye to the villagers while carrying a large backpack filled with gifts from the villagers who wanted to support him as he departed.

"Larson, the sea is full of dangers; you must pay attention to your safety!"

"Come back often when you have the time."

"My daughter is still waiting to marry you when she becomes an adult! Why are you going to sea?"

The woman who called out, saying her daughter would marry Larson when she came of age, was standing behind a hefty woman weighing over 300 pounds—her daughter, who was not yet of age.

The girl stood shyly behind her mother, looking at Larson with bashful eyes.

Feeling overwhelmed, Larson quickly pulled his white beard and ran away.

As he left, the reluctant eyes of the villagers watched him and Whitebeard gradually fade into the distance.

Of course, they didn't leave directly for the open sea; they took a short break and headed to the back of the island.

Because Whitebeard's ship was parked there.

However, when they reached the place where Whitebeard had docked his boat, Larson couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth as he exclaimed, "Is this the boat you're talking about?"

Not far in front of him, a small wooden boat, only two meters long, was tied to a stone by a rope.

Whitebeard stated matter-of-factly, "I came to see you right after I went to sea. How could I have had time to build a ship?"

Larson's eyes widened. What this guy said made sense, but he was left speechless.

Looking between Whitebeard's enormous frame and the tiny boat, he wondered aloud, "Are you sure this can support the weight of the two of us?"

Whitebeard laughed heartily, "Gurararara! Don't worry, brother. This ship may not be big, but it can withstand us just fine. You have to trust my skills."


Larson sighed, realizing he had no choice but to trust the ship for now.

Once both Larson and Whitebeard were on the boat, Whitebeard cut the rope securing it and pointed his naginata forward as he shouted with excitement, "Let's go to sea!"

Unlike the cheerful Whitebeard, Larson sat behind the boat with a helpless expression. Worry crept over him about their journey ahead.

The small wooden boat felt like a lonely vessel on the vast sea.

Under the shining morning sun, two men—whose future would influence an era—officially set sail.

In the center of the tree-lined village, a pirate flag on a wooden pole fluttered in the wind. This was the first village protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, but it would certainly not be the last!

One day, this flag would fly all over the world!


The weather at sea changes in an instant. What started as clear skies quickly turned into dark clouds, thunder, and lightning, while the once calm sea began to churn wildly.

The tiny boat Larson and Whitebeard were in appeared fragile amidst the strong winds and harsh lightning, as if a massive wave could capsize them at any moment.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Whitebeard shouted back at Larson, trying to maintain control of the boat.

"Didn't you say there's nothing wrong with this ship???" Larson's face was pale. After experiencing wave after wave, he felt he would vomit the food he had eaten the night before.

"I didn't expect we'd encounter a storm on our first day at sea!" Whitebeard's rationality in the midst of the chaos was astounding.

"What now?" Larson gritted his teeth and asked. This was his first trip at sea, and he had no idea how to deal with the current situation.

Whitebeard pondered for a moment. "Let's adapt to the circumstances."

Larson was disheartened. "Why do I feel so unreliable going to sea with you?"


Whitebeard laughed to diffuse the tension. "I don't know much about the weather either."

After hearing Whitebeard's admission, Larson was struck by two powerful desires.

We have to find a navigator! Navigator! Navigator!

Then quickly locate a stable ship that won't capsize during storms!

Better yet, let's just build the Moby Dick right away!

With that in mind, Larson and Whitebeard were battered by the wind and waves for over an hour before the weather finally cleared, and the sea became calm again.

Exhausted, Larson lay sprawled on the boat. It was his first time at sea, and he found himself unaccustomed to the shifting, rocking motion of the vessel.

Today, he had truly encountered the power of the ocean. This was merely the East Blue, and the winds and waves had nearly stripped away his skin. If he went to an even more dangerous New World in the future, he could face winds and waves that would be unimaginable!

At the same time, this underscored the importance of having a navigator in a pirate crew.

Whitebeard laughed heartily. "Gurararara! The weather is sunny! Let's keep going!"

Looking at the jubilant Whitebeard standing at the bow, Larson could only mutter, "Monster!"

In truth, Larson had fared relatively well against the wind and waves; his main focus had simply been on avoiding capsizing.

However, Whitebeard not only had to keep himself steady against the waves, but he also had to ensure the hull did not get overturned. He endured the harsh elements for an hour yet still appeared lively and energetic.

This was likely due to Whitebeard being accustomed to life at sea.

"Larson, where should we go next?" Whitebeard asked.

Under normal circumstances, Larson would have readily replied, "You're the captain; you decide." But after what they had just experienced, Larson fell silent before answering, "Let's build a ship first…"

Whitebeard nodded. "Okay, then let's find a nearby island with a shipyard."

Larson considered this and suggested, "Let's go to the Capital of Seven Waters!"

When shipyards came to mind, the Capital of Seven Waters was the first location that struck Larson. He remembered that both Roger and Luffy's ships were built there. Although he wasn't sure if the Moby Dick was constructed there too, it couldn't hurt to go there to procure a ship.

"The Capital of Seven Waters?" Whitebeard's expression suddenly changed to one of concern.

"What's wrong?"

"Ahem." Whitebeard scratched his head, showing a bit of guilt. "Well, I don't know its location…"

"…" Larson's face fell.


We absolutely need to find a navigator!

Just when Larson was becoming anxious about their future, Whitebeard suddenly shouted excitedly, "Brother, we don't have to go to the Capital of Seven Waters!"


Larson was unsure of what Whitebeard meant.

Whitebeard pointed his naginata in one direction. "Someone is sending us a boat!"

Larson glanced around and saw a pirate ship heading toward them in the direction Whitebeard indicated.

The pirate ship was not large, and the skull and crossbones flag on it showed no significant repute. It seemed to belong to some lesser-known pirate group, but even so, they looked far more impressive to Larson and Whitebeard than their flimsy vessel.

Larson felt excited. Just when he needed a pillow after falling asleep, here was a potential ship heading straight toward them!

At that moment, a young pirate from the approaching ship shouted, "Boss, we found a small boat ahead. Should we steer around it?"


The one-eyed pirate lounging on the sun deck sneered, "Who do you think I am? Let's board that boat!"


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