Chapter 17. Melinda's POV

Hearing Morano's report that Michael's Secret Realm project was nearing completion, Melinda smiled.

Ever since that day, a month or something ago, her inspiration block has become nonexistent. Ideas keep popping up in her mind, to the point where there aren't enough hours in a day for her to explore all of them.

There was already a fifty-page document on her smartwatch, chock-full of annotations. About 20% were ways to improve the Secret Realms already released on the market, while the remaining 80% focused on her newest project.

It wasn't as if she didn't understand why the older generations focused their vision on demonic invasions.

Throughout the years, all technological and cultivation innovations were based on how to survive, fight against, and prevent demons from entering the Green Sanctuary.

She knew best the pain of losing loved ones to these unforgiving creatures, as her father fell on the frontlines 83 years ago.

Ever since then, her mother became obsessed with training the new generation of cultivators to a higher standard through her Secret Realm projects.

Watching her try to make it more realistic, more dangerous, more engaging, more... it pained her deeply.

She initially hated this profession.

Because of it, not only did she lose her father, but her mother became estranged throughout the years. So, she focused all her energy on cultivating and became the youngest cultivator in Riverside City to reach the Foundation realm.

Then, with the help of the Bright Moon sect, she forged her path toward the Golden Core, dead set on shattering the shackles of mortality. Her goal was to see the world and make it a better place.

Unfortunately, the resources needed to move from Foundation to Golden Core were more than the sect could give her due to her title as 'genius.'

Unable to help it, she had to choose a profession. Having plenty of experience watching her mother craft Secret Realms, she gritted her teeth and became a Programmer.

Unsurprisingly, she was good at it. It took her only a year to reach the Tier 1 Programmer standard, three more for Tier 2, and another five for Tier 3.

With the resources gained from the sales, she rapidly climbed the cultivation levels and broke into the Golden Core realm less than a year ago.

She further consolidated her position as a Tier 3 Secret Realm Crafter with her cultivation base finally reaching the industry standard, and was assigned to judge the new batch of Programmer trainees the sect was planning to nurture.

That's where she met Michael Lewis, an 18-year-old child with Inferior-grade spiritual roots who aspires to become a Secret Realm Crafter.

With a shallow cultivation base, poor cultivation potential, and a regular family background, she remembers throwing away his file into the pile of failed candidates before she even got a chance to meet him or see his product.

However, who would've expected such a ridiculous turn of events?

This young man, who was learning this profession for the first time during these six months, outperformed all the other participants.

During the examination, she wasn't able to enter the Secret Realm and inspect the Intent-infused world, but she was awed by his ingenuity.

With nothing to lose, he decisively discarded the industry standards and created a brand new world showcasing a never-before-seen story.

The Concept immediately attracted Melinda.

It wasn't like she hadn't tried creating a Secret Realm based on the fantasy books or movies found online.

But it wasn't that easy. Even if you manage to copy the Concept of those stories, can you infuse the author's initial Intent so that the two don't clash?

The answer was no; she couldn't. Better Programmers also tried and failed miserably. Even those who created a story from scratch found it impossible, as their imaginary world lacked substance and, therefore, did not receive the recognition of Heavenly Laws.

Even those who managed to receive it soon realized they couldn't proceed to the fourth stage and add the Restrictions to the Secret Realm, or the amount of Restrictions was so pitifully small that the project couldn't be placed on the market due to its many flaws.

But now, right before her eyes, a project not even half-completed received an impossibly high assessment from the Heavenly Laws, signifying its immense potential.

So she dove into the Concept of this project, curious about everything.

The ten minutes were nowhere near enough to inspect everything, and neither were the following couple of hours, during which Michael explained his vision for the future. 

If she had to use just one word to explain how she saw this young man, it would be 'revolutionary.'

Later that day, she brought the demo to her apartment and spent the following week thoroughly inspecting it.

After curiously inspecting the small portion of the island, the rich vegetation, the soldiers zealously charging to face their enemies, the shallow river, and the two heroes, she continuously fought against the A.I. for five continuous days.

From one hero level to the next, she found the process of improvement exciting and intoxicating. She could barely win one out of ten instances against her opponent, but it didn't detract from the overall experience.

On the contrary! It enhanced it tremendously. 

Gaining inspiration from this less-than-half-completed project, she began slowly modifying her next Secret Realm.

What her mother wanted to accomplish... suddenly didn't feel impossible anymore.

And today, the same revolutionary brought back an almost completed version of the same Secret Realm.

Donning the headset, her mind entered the space of the miniature world. The video started playing again, and she thought the impact would severely lessen after seeing it once.

However, she was proven wrong.

The portly merchant now exuded an unfathomable aura, his previously silly grin now looking terrifyingly ferocious.

The items he unveiled one by one appeared to be comparable to the high-grade artifacts she had seen the sect master use.

Even the heroes fighting viciously against each other filled her heart with a terrifying lust for battle, each one of their moves filled with Martial Intent.

[*Gasp* His Concept and Intent evolved this much in only a month!?](Melinda)

Shocked, Melinda took a deep breath to calm her mind. If the video was this shocking, how much has everything else changed?

[ Welcome, player, to The Battlefield of Heroes! As this is your first time here, it is recommended that you start the Tutorial. Through it, your understanding of this world will deepen. ]

Nodding in appreciation at Michael's thoughtfulness, she temporarily postponed starting the Tutorial as her body moved across the island devoid of people.

She first arrived above the Radiant base in the southwestern part. Tall walls, majestic buildings, gorgeous nature, and yet... something didn't feel right.

While everything looked beautiful, it emanated a sense of arrogance. No! Arrogance was not the right word. It felt that someone or something infected this place with its aura, making it seem like a God was looking down upon some pitiful ants.

Abruptly turning her head around, she eyed the conspicuous tree sitting in the middle of the base. 

Taking in her surroundings for the first time, she was slightly shocked at the scale of this small city Michael created. 

Passing by one of the bigger buildings, a familiar feeling assaulted her senses.

[Battle intent!?](Melinda)

Reading the words 'Soldiers' Quarters' inscribed upon a large plaque, she saw two mini-skyscrapers connected by a skywalk.

There were no soldiers training, and the buildings were empty. However, walking through the rooms filled with weightlifting equipment, the training grounds, and the armory, she could feel the Battle Intent starting to affect her psyche.

[It feels nostalgic... The last time I sensed this was on my dad when he returned from the frontlines for the last time.](Melinda)

The picture of the tall man in her memories was now slightly hunched. He was missing his right arm and had a hole in his left chest.

Yet the Battle Intent his mere presence was creating was enough to imprint this image in Melinda's mind for the rest of her life.

Somewhat mentally shaken, she continued further, reaching the location of the previous aura she felt.

The tree stood taller than the skyscrapers. 

The closer she moved to it, the harsher the mental pressure she felt. In the end, she had to give up inspecting the Ancient, as the sense of oppression was too much to handle. 

[Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! How the hell did he even come up with this!? And this ridiculous mental pressure... it makes no sense for a 4th-level Qi Gathering cultivator to be able to infuse in their project. Even the sect master, who is in the Nascent Soul realm, isn't able to project this type of oppression purely by releasing his aura.](Melinda)

Unknown to the pretty lady, this mental oppression wasn't purely due to the Ancient but also due to the two massive towers protecting it.

Michael succeeded in inducing this effect after trying to replicate the Concept of wardens and tomb guards, successfully infusing his Intent in all towers.

By linking the buildings, the closer the Tower to the Ancient, the more prominent the mental oppression became. However, leaving it like this would make it impossible for the players to approach them, so he added a game mechanic where only the first Tower facing the river showcased an aura tolerable to a Qi Gathering cultivator, allowing them to attack it.

Once the first Tower fell, the next one would also become vulnerable, though its attack, defense, Hit Points, and mental oppression would be at a level higher than the previous one.

As for the players bypassing the first Tower and heading straight for the base or any other buildings... Michael could only say, 'Hehe! Good luck with that!'

How could lower-level scrubs manage if a Golden Core Melinda couldn't?

Next, Melinda continued her exploration: the vast jungle seemingly hiding dreadful threats, the shallow yet unfathomably deep river, the vast savannah, and finally, the Dire base.

Unlike the Radiant city, this one had darker colors, and a feeling of madness and anger painted everything within the city walls.

A horrifying skyscraper-like building was split in half, and a fire seemed to be burning between them. It was the source of the Divine Intent infecting this base.

Unsettled, she decided to leave and start the Tutorial, but an odd location drew her attention.

Two, in fact. 

[Strange... why are there traces of a third Divine Intent? Did Michael change his project's overall idea?](Melinda)

Flying to the island's northwestern corner, she stumbled upon a strange gate and descended next to it.

After studying the array patterns for a bit, she was shocked.

[A teleportation formation!? What!? How!? This is a Tier 5 Formation! It makes no sense for a Qi Gathering cultivator to be able to create it!](Melinda)

Actually, the reason for this Teleportation Formation - or Gate, as Michael named it - was simple. 

After Mildred scoured the internet for information about this type of Formation, she stumbled upon it in an open forum visited by Array Grandmasters.

By no means would having the A.I. copy-paste the symbols make the Formation functional. Michael only set it up to see if he could do something about it in the future.

However, that changed after this Secret Realm received 10th-level recognition from the Heavenly Laws.

With the recognition, a small number of Restrictions were automatically added to the small world, as if the Heavenly Laws were worried about something going wrong if they weren't. 

As a result, the Gates were now fully functional—yes, plural, since they need a minimum of two for the Formation to work properly.

She temporarily forwent the investigation of the Formation and continued flying for another five or so kilometers, reaching a very out-of-place cave.

It was around thirty meters tall and about two hundred meters in circumference. This cave's surroundings were empty for at least three kilometers in every direction, with only grass growing on the otherwise fertile ground.

Taking a deep breath, she approached the cave. The mental oppression was strong but manageable, unlike the one she felt from the two Ancients.

When she stepped foot into the cave, a loud roar echoed throughout the world, seemingly wanting to shatter this reality.

It took her a full minute to recover, and then she collapsed weakly on the ground. 

[Damn it! Just what the hell has this kid been playing with!? Fortunately, this cave is empty. Otherwise, I don't even want to imagine what sort of creature used it as its nest.](Melinda)

With her legs wobbling, she walked back to the Formation. Her mind was still shaken by the roar, and she couldn't use her Qi to fly, allowing Melinda to fully take in the savannah's beauty.

Smiling wryly, she hoped Michael focused on watching the other two and didn't witness her embarrassing act.

[Let's meditate for a couple of minutes to recover. *Sigh* Once the sect master finds out I've been this shaken by traces infused with Intent, he will laugh at me for at least the next two decades.](Melinda)

After fifteen minutes had passed, she recovered sufficiently and approached the Formation. Infusing some of her Qi into it, she found herself teleported to the southeastern corner of the island, the second location from which she felt the strange Divine Intent.

Finding a second cave - also five kilometers away from the Gate - she curiously approached it after mentally preparing herself. 

Once bitten, twice shy!

Inside the cave, the darkness covering its entrance vanished, revealing its interior. A large creature slept while coiling its body on the similarly built nest of odd materials.

As if sensing an intruder, its eyes opened and glanced toward the entrance. Opening its enormous maw, a roar ten times louder and more vicious followed, effectively disconnecting Elder Melinda from the deep-dive space.