
The next morning, we were all assembled in the meeting room. Even Shaq was there. Despite his cocky attitude, he didn't dare defy Safa. In fact, everybody greatly respects her. She was the reason of the rapid ascension of The Silver Knights. A much more important person than Shaq the Saint.

- Ok everyone, we have a new quest! Safa said as she enters the room.

Everyone gathers around the table.

- A dungeon had appeared in the wastelands, about 200 km from here. The guild already investigated and determined it to be an B rank.

Adventures, monsters, parties and even dungeon are ranked with letters going from the lowest E to the strongest A. There is also one special rank above A, rated S.

- They want us to clear it? It's going to be tough!

- Yeah, this dungeon is going to be filled with at least thousand of B rank monsters. We maybe be an A rank party, but with those numbers, we need to be careful. Safa confirmed Terek worries.

A dungeon is filled with monsters of the same rank. A party of a rank above is generally needed to clear dungeon. The problem is that there are only 5 of us. Parties are usually made of at least 8 members.

- Things would be easier if that guy was also A rank!

- Not everyone gets given special powers by God, Shaq!

- The fuck you said?

- Enough! The meeting is still on going!

- Sorry Safa!

It's always funny to see him getting put to his place by our leader.

Even if The Silver Knights is an A rank party, I'm still a B rank adventurer. The other members are all A rank. But it's not like I'm useless. It's just one rank. And in term of physical strength, I'm still stronger than Shaq and Jio.

My rank is just an excuse for them to hate me anyway. Shaq just got full of himself when he became a Saint, and Jio is just venting her anger on me.

- So, what are we going to do? Terek brought the conversation back.

- We will go slowly! Safa explained. Jama, I want you to pack a lot of food and water, for at least 5 days. Also bring 2 spare weapons and armours for everyone.

- What about potions and the usual stuff?

- You can keep the same amount. We will take breaks and wait for the mana to replenish itself.

- Got it!

Safa and I are both warriors, but she is way too strong. She has even been given the nickname of Sword Princess. There was no need for a second warrior, so I converted to porter. I can proudly say that I'm a good one as I can carry up to 600 kg of equipment by myself.

- We will depart tomorrow, at 7 AM. Any question?

Safa asked. But no one replied, so the meeting got adjourned.

When I left the room, I immediately went to the kitchen to prepare the food. It has to be rich but easy to eat. I also try to make them tasty. There is nothing more recomforting than eating some delicious food in a dungeon, especially after a near death encounter. I even planned to bring some ice cream for Safa.

By the afternoon, I was done cooking and started packing. I had to put 5 days worth of food for 5 peoples, enough water, armours and weapons, and mana potion in a single bag. There was no bag that big and strong. But fortunately, it was not the first time we went for such a long mission. I had made all kind of bags, some with monster's materials, to carry our stuff.

I found the perfect one for this mission and packed our stuff. When I was done, I weighted it: 535 kg.

- Just a little bit under my limit. I should be alright.

The next day, Safa brought a carriage she loaned for the quest. I charged the bag on the back, and we departed at 7 AM, just as expected.

We arrived at out destination the same night. We camped outside and only entered the dungeon the next day.

Strangely enough, after entering the dungeon, we had to walk for a least one km on a straight path.

- That's strange! Aren't dungeons big caves with several branches? Why is this one a straight line? Shaq asked.

- Don't know and this can't be good! Keep your eyes open!

- Yes Ma'am!

After walking for a while, we finally arrive at a chamber with 3 branches. Jio used her magic to locate where the monsters were, and we went that path when suddenly …

- Watch out! Safa in the front stopped us and drew her sword.

A wolf type monster appeared in the front. It charged at us, but Safa easily killed it.

- That was easy! Aren't B rank monster supposed to be strong? I asked.

- They are! Safa replied.

- So, what was that?

- A D rank monster!

- I thought you said this was a B rank dungeon!

Safa turned to us. She had a mortified face. During our time together, I could count on one hand the number of times she made such a face since our debut.

- What's going on Safa?

- I hope I'm wrong, but this may be a mix dungeon.

- Mix?

At the same time, we all heard ferocious roar followed by heavy step which made the whole cave tremble. In front of us appeared a large monster with 2 tusks.

- A behemoth!

- Behemoth? Can't be! That's a S rank monster!

- It can't be in a B rank dungeon!

- But this is a mix dungeon! There can be all type of monsters!

I was taken aback by her statement. But I had to regain my sense as the behemoth was already charging. We got into formation and prepared to battle.



A while later, the behemoth body was laying on the floor. Its head was missing, and it has several holes all over.

But we weren't any better. Shaq was desperately trying to save Terek whose half body was destroyed. Jio was unconscious for having used all of her mana. Safa was leaning against the wall with one missing arm. I handed her a small potion to ease the pain.

- Safa, what is mix dungeon?

She finished drinking the potion before replying.

- As you saw, it's a dungeon that contains monsters of different rank.

- But how can it get mistaken for a B rank?

- The appraisal spell only analyses the energy release by the dungeon. I guess the average amount of energy released is comparable to that of a B rank.

- Shit! So, what do we do now?

- We leave this place! We can't risk facing another S rank monster. We barely defeat this one!

I made Jio drink some potion while we were talking, and she woke up. Terek body has also been restored so we decided to run. We managed the reach the previous chamber only to see 2 behemoths occupying it.

- Oh no! There are more of them! What do we do?

Even if we managed to past them, we still have that long straight tunnel. We wouldn't be able to escape!

Shaq fell on his knees. Jio was already crying. Even Safa was about to crack. This mission is really not going according to the plan.

We can't fight so we need to run. But on that straight path, the behemoths will catch up. We needed to somehow slow them down.

- Safa, what if we use the armours as decoy and try to run away?

- Not an option, the behemoths would smell us.

- I have the potions and food on me. I can mix them to make some sort of smelly smoke bombs.

- Even so, once they find out that the armours are empty, they will chase and catch us.

- So hit them with magic or throw the weapons at them, anything to slow them down! We can't say here!

- …

Safa turned to look at each of the party member and the place we were. She glances back at the monsters and then at the only exit. Finally, she made a decision.

- Jama, start mixing a few potions with the food! Jio, drink as much mana potions as you can! I need you to build an ice wall! Terek and Shaq, assemble the armours!

- Yes Ma'am!

We quickly got to work. We weren't safe where we were. A monster could come out a any moment. I put some of the food in a few potions bottle and mixed them.

Safa went to help the other assembling the armours. The four of them were working a little far away from me.

A few minutes later, we were ready to go.

I threw some of the bottles into the chamber. When they broke, smoke came out. It was quite smelly, just as expected. Jio, Terek and Shaq ran to the tunnel. Safa and I were placing the armours all around the place.

I lay down the last one and run to the exit. I was about to go through the door when I hit my head against something. It was the ice wall. Safa was standing on the other side.

- Safa, tell Jio she raised the wall too soon. I'm still here.

She looked at me before turning to Jio.

- How long? She asked.

- Just a few seconds. Jio replied.

Safa turned back to me. Instead of getting slimmer, the wall was getting thicker.

- What is she doing? I'm still here, Jio!

- I know! That's why I told her to raise the wall.

- What?

- The smoke and the decoy won't delay the monsters long enough. They would eventually catch up and kill us all!

- You don't mean …

- I'm sorry Jama, but this is for the best!


I hit the wall.

- Don't fuck with me! They will kill me!

- Better be you than all of us! Jio said.

- You're so useless! At least your death would be meaningful! Shaq added. What?

I knew they hated me, but I didn't expect them to abandon me in a dungeon.

- Terek! Stop them! They're crazy!

Terek never hated me. Sure, he agrees that I was weaker, but he never openly trash-talk me. I turned to him, hoping that he would stop the others, but ...

- Sorry Jama!

- ...

- You're good at cooking and cleaning. You should have opened a restaurant.

Saying so, he picked Jio and run away with Shaq.

- Sorry Jama, but better be one man than the whole party!

- YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I yelled as I banged against the wall.

But Safa simply turned away and fled.

- Safa! Safa!! SAFFAAAA!!!!

I kept banging the wall, calling her name, but she didn't turn back. I watch her run away, leaving me here to die.

A huge roar brough me back to my senses. The smoke was dissipating. The behemoths would see me. With the only path blocked, I had no choice but to go deeper into the dungeon.

- I swear I'll survive! I won't die here! I'll have my revenge!