Halloween, Hogwarts.
Hermione sighed softly as she waited in the common room for the others to wake and join her. It's been odd, really, not having Neville and Harry with them. Their group of friends was missing two of its members and it felt…wrong to walk around, do their assignments or talk about classes and their schoolmates without Harry and Neville around. It also pointed out a few things to her that she'd heard other students talk about behind their backs. Harry truly was their unofficial 'leader'. Yes, all of them had a say in what they do and it wasn't like Harry made their decisions for them or anything, but Harry was one of the main ones who kept them together and kept the mood up. He was also one of the ones who you could go to for any reason at all. Neville, meanwhile, had become the quiet voice of reason in their group. Whenever Neville spoke, all of them tended to stop and listen to his advice and it was usually so insightful that it left them surprised and thoughtful after the quiet boy had finished speaking.
Dean was basically the second-in-command of their group and was Harry's right-hand man. There was no doubt that Dean was Harry's most trusted friend and the one Harry confided in the most. Eliana, Jillian and Hannah were great sources for different ideas and were often the sources of sound advice. Susan was the one of their group who was a fountain of information when it came to the laws and regulations of the world they're in and she was quickly becoming a voice of reason alongside Neville. She wasn't too sure where she fell in when it came to the group dynamics though she'd like to think of herself as the planner. So far, she's loved her school experience; even more so since she now had the friends she'd always longed to have. Honestly, on the train to Hogwarts she had seriously been thinking that she had made a mistake. Those older Slytherin girls had really put a dent in her mood. She had foolishly thought that everyone would be accepting of her because she was a Witch just like them. That thought had been knocked out of her mind as soon as those girls had looked at her.
When she had found the compartment with Dean, Neville and Harry, she had thought that perhaps she might have found a few new friends. However, that thought had nearly vanished when Malfoy had come into the compartment and Harry verbally destroyed the blonde ponce. She had been shocked to learn that all three boys were basically considered royalty and there she was: the daughter of two dentists. Imagine her surprise when the trio happily accepted her into their small group of friendship and gladly brought her into it. Now, she has four female friends; two of whom she considered best friends. Her letters she had gotten from her parents expressed their surprise and delight that she had finally found her place. Yes, there had been some concern when she told them about Jillian and Eliana not being human, but after explaining a few things her parents, especially her mother, were more than happy to accept her new friends.
"Hey, Mia." Dean said, smiling as he walked in from his morning run.
"You never quit, do you?" Hermione asked, a teasing smile on her face as Dean grinned.
"Naw. Why should I? It's still warm enough to enjoy running outside and besides, Tonks joins me." Dean said, heading towards the stairs to the boys' dorm.
Hermione shook her head fondly as Dean disappeared. She had to admit though, since she'd begun working out she's been noticing a change in herself. Since working out, she's had more energy, been more focused and her figure had begun developing. Yes, she and the other girls of their year have gotten the 'Talk' from Madame Pomfrey and she had been shocked and yet very happy for a little pink potion called Witch's Relief which got rid of the pain of cramps along with bloating. It had been Jillian and Susan who had told her and Eliana about that little potion, to which the girls had been surprised and relieved to discover that Madame Pomfrey had a small stock of them for First Years who weren't able to purchase it themselves.
"Hey, Mione." Eliana said, yawning as she walked down the stairs.
"Morning, Elli." Hermione said, smiling at her friend.
"So, what's on the agenda today?" Eliana asked, running her fingers through her hair to spike it slightly.
"Well, today is the only day that First and Second Years are allowed in Hogsmeade. I'm surprised that Hogwarts is doing trick-or-treating." Hermione said, Eliana nodding her head in agreement.
"So, we head to the village, buy any last minute touches for costumes or costumes in general and then around five we head back to the village for an hour or two of trick-or-treating and to visit the 'haunted' attractions." Eliana explained, excitement in her voice as Hermione giggled.
"There's also the feast at eight." Jillian added, joining her friends as she pulled her hair back into a bun.
"The higher years are lucky…" Hermione sighed, glancing towards Fred and George as the two pranksters talked with Alicia and Katie near the fireplace.
"A costume ball for Fourth through Seventh Years starting around four and ending at eight when it's time for the feast." Dean said, pulling on his belt as he walked down the stairs.
"Though it is kind of nice that the younger students can attend if an older student asks them to the ball." Jillian said, smiling as they all headed toward the entrance of the common room.
Before they could manage to leave the common room, however, someone called out to Eliana. All of them stopped and turned, watching as Daniel Harper; a Fourth Year, hurried over. Eliana raised an eyebrow as the older student flushed and cleared his throat before stammering through his attempt to ask her to the costume ball. Hermione and Jillian stifled their giggles while the others who were in the common room watched the poor attempt with great humor. Eliana gently turned Daniel down; explaining that she'd much rather go trick-or-treating with her friends than going to a costume ball with someone she hardly knew. Daniel's face turned red and he hurriedly made his exit; hardly able to believe that a First Year had the nerve to turn him down. Eliana shook her head and giggled with the other girls as Dean rolled his eyes and muttered about girls being insane and guys not knowing their limits.
Heading down to the Great Hall, all of them had a great time discussing what they wanted to be for trick-or-treating. There was also a noticeable air of excitement that the First Years would finally be able to see Hogsmeade and buy some of the wares. Hermione was very happy that her parents had been thoughtful enough to give her money for spending. Of course some of that money had already been spent on getting more parchment and quills. The older students in their House were more than happy to pick up supplies for First and Second Years so long as they gave them the funds to do so. Of course, the Prefects were in charge of a special fund that was run by the Head of their House. That fund as to help supply those students who weren't…flush, with supplies and perhaps a Christmas or birthday present. Those funds brought a lot of relief to those students and the students were more than grateful for the help.
After breakfast, the group hurried back to the common room and collected their bags so they'd be able to carry anything they might get from the village. They also bundled up for the cooler weather before heading down to the entrance hall where they met up with Susan, Hannah and, surprisingly, Millicent. The group was more than happy to welcome the Slytherin and they all headed outside and followed the various groups of students towards the line of carriages which looked as if they were pulled by some kind of invisible creature. However, Dean and Jillian were able to see what creatures actually pulled the carriages.
Huge winged horses with skeletal bodies covered in black hair pulled the carriages. Their eyes were pure white and their manes and tails looked rather limp compared to normal horses. Their heads look more Dragonish than anything else and they seemed to radiate an air of dread. Dean was surprised to see that the school used Thestrals to pull the carriages but it also made sense in a way. It also explained why there were no drivers for the carriages. Thestrals had an amazing sense of direction so know instantly where to pick up and drop off the students. Dean led the way over to one of the carriages and helped the girls get inside before climbing in himself. As soon as they were all seated, the carriage began moving and they happily chatted about what they hoped to get in the village. The group of friends were surprised when Millicent didn't ask where Harry and Neville were, though they were surprised when she voiced the answer to their unasked question.
"While many see this as a day of celebration, some of us do remember that Harry lost his birth parents today. I certainly don't blame him for spending the weekend with his family. I don't blame Neville either. Daphne, Tracy and Blaise know as well and Blaise has already punched Malfoy for his remarks about Neville and Harry's parents. According to him the detention tomorrow evening is well worth standing up for two Year mates and for seeing Malfoy supporting a black eye." She explained, smiling as the others looked at her with shock.
Reaching Hogsmeade, the First and Second Years looked around with wonder and excitement. The entire village was festooned with jack 'o lanterns, moving and talking skeletons, bats which actually soared around and scared students and other decorations. Streamers of black and orange hung from the lamp posts and lined signs, doorways and windowsills. They instantly headed to Gladrags, though made a note to visit Madame Malkin's before finalizing their choices for their costumes. All of their older Housemates had explained that the village had expanded greatly over the years; especially since Gringotts opened their second branch here. Madame Malkin's was one of three shops whose origins were in Diagon Alley but decided to open a second or even a third branch there in the village. Wandering through the village, they were surprised to see an empty building with a large sign in both of the front windows proclaiming:
Coming soon! P&M Jokes and Games!
"I had no idea Sirius and Remus had bought a place here!" Dean said, surprise in his voice as he looked at the shop.
"They'll really give Zonko's a run for their money. Zonko's only specializes in prank and joke items while P&M have a huge verity." Millicent said, Dean nodding his head as he grinned.
Stopping in Gladrags, they found a small section purely devoted to Halloween costumes. Many students were already browsing the racks and taking their selections to the dressing rooms to try them on. Hermione, Eliana and Hannah were rather surprised to see some Muggle costumes such as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, the Phantom and Christine from Phantom of the Opera and even the Muggle 'versions' of Vampires, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards. Wandering through the section, Hermione found a rather nice cat costume that wasn't so…showy. Yes the body suit would still show off her curves, but it had fake fur around her wrists, ankles, waist and neck. She was greatly interested in the fact that the ears and tail were enchanted to move and twitch as if she were a real cat.
Selecting a costume in a dark brown which would match her hair closely, she carried the costume to the changing room to try it on. Susan was right behind Hermione with a bunny costume in hand. Jillian decided to go as a female version of the Phantom, in which she was very glad that they had such a costume on hand. Hannah chose Belle from Beauty and the Beast while the others decided to look through the selection at Madame Malkin's first. After trying on their costumes, Hermione, Susan, Jillian and Hannah decided to purchase their choices; all of them more than happy that they had found something so quickly. Across the street at Madame Malkin's, the store boasted a wider selection and it was there that Dean decided to go as a Knight complete with armor and a helmet. He was thankful that the armor was lightweight and didn't hinder his movements. Millicent surprised them all by going with a gypsy costume. Once more, everyone was under the same impression that Hogwarts robes weren't flattering at all. Eliana decided to go as a fairy, complete with beautiful wings which actually fluttered and shimmered in the low light.
"Alright Dean, go run off. Us girls are going to Roxana's Spa." Jillian said, making the other girls look at her before smiling brightly.
"Okay, okay! I'll wander around. Want me to pick you girls up anything?" Dean asked, blinking when Hermione hurriedly wrote down a small list and handed it to him.
The girls quickly supplied Dean with the funds needed to get what they asked for before pushing him off down the street. Hermione and Eliana hooked their arms through Millicent's and led the way towards the spa. With a little waxing, some styling and some light makeup, Millicent had the real potential to become a true beauty. Entering the large reception room of the massive building saw them helped by one of the assistants. Meanwhile, Dean wandered throughout the village; just exploring and looking around. He did go through the list and got what the girls asked for and even picked up a few things that he thought they'd might like. He happily stopped at Quality Quidditch Supplies where he looked at the pamphlet for the new, upcoming Nimbus two-thousand and one. After looking through the store, he headed back out and stopped at Honeydukes in order to stock up on some sweets for himself, Harry and Neville.
He ended his little trip about an hour after the girls headed to the spa. Moving to The Three Broomsticks, he secured a table in the busy pub/inn and ordered himself a Butterbeer. It was after Madame Rosmerta handed him a bottle did he finally spot the girls. Calling them over, he grinned as they wound their way through the crowds and slid into the booth. It was very noticeable that employees at the spa had worked wonders. All the girls had a rather healthy sheen to their skin and any signs of acne they had begun developing was gone. Hermione and Susan had their hair trimmed and styled while Jillian and Eliana had some different colored streaks added to their hair. Millicent, though, had the most work done from the looks of it. Her eyebrows had been neatly trimmed and waxed while her hair had been trimmed and styled like the others. The light makeup she wore highlighted her dark blue eyes. Her black hair had also gained golden brown highlights which suited her.
"You look great, Millie." Dean said, smiling as the tall Slytherin blushed but beamed at him.
The girls ordered their own drinks and Dean happily handed them their packages he had picked up. All of them were very touched by the extra things he had picked up for them and thanked him profusely. Once they finished their drinks, they headed to the Dragon's Nest which was a new popular restaurant which offered food from both the Magical and the Muggle world. There, they had lunch before wandering around for an hour longer. After that, they headed back to the carriages and chatted on the ride back to the castle. Splitting up, they promised to meet up in the library to finish the last of their assignments together once they finished putting their things away. Inside their dorm rooms, the First, Second and Third Years smiled when they saw empty pillow cases with their names on them. Many instantly made the connection that the pillow cases will be used to hold any candy they get though some had to have the reasoning explained to them by others.
In the library, Millicent smiled softly when she was warmly called over to the group's study table. Sitting down, she pulled out her Charms homework and began writing her essay, though she eagerly participated in the conversations going around the table. She told the others about Pansy and how the 'princess' had complained that she was expected to be involved in a 'stupid' Muggle tradition such as trick-or-treating. She further explained that, while Daphne and Tracy would be trick-or-treating and attending the feast, they had already created small alters on their bedside tables to celebrate and honor their deceased ancestors. Hermione and Eliana were greatly interested in learning more and Millicent, Susan and Jillian explained that many Purebloods and even some Halfbloods were Pagan or Wiccan.
"Sadly many Purebloods blame Muggleborns for the 'losses' of our old traditions. Others have simply adapted and changed their traditions or have taken on both such as Halloween and Samhain." Jillian said, her voice soft as Hermione shook her head.
"Harry's family celebrates both, though uses the practices for Samhain more than Halloween. They also celebrate Yule and Christmas. There are a lot of similarities between the two which made it easier for me and my family to understand." Dean explained, the others listening with rapt attention.
"There are a few books you can read, Hermione." Hannah offered, giggling as both Hermione and Eliana eagerly confirmed that they wanted to read about the different celebrations.
Hogwarts was buzzing with excitement as students hurried to get ready for trick-or-treating or the costume ball. The doors to the Great Hall were closed as the professors got the room ready for the ball while the students changed and applied the perfect touches or alterations to their costumes. The older students all had unique masks that they wore along with their costumes which added an air of mystery to the impending ball. The younger students were excited to be outside at dark and the chance to see what the Magical world did in way of scary houses and attractions. Hermione and Eliana helped each other with their new appendages, to which Hermione found it very strange since she was able to control her new cat ears and tail with her muscles and a simple thought. Eliana was in a similar situation with her wings though she lamented that she wouldn't actually be able to fly with them. Parvati and Lavender were going as princesses, which didn't really surprise Hermione and Eliana. All of them were stunned when Jillian came out wearing her costume; she could easily pass as a boy thanks to the charms that were built into the costume.
Heading down to the common room, they laughed when they saw Dean waiting for them with his helmet tucked underneath one of his arms while his free hand rested on a fake sword. The common room was a riot of different colors and characters as their Housemates came down from their dorm rooms and began heading down to the entrance hall. The group decided to head down as well and soon met up with Susan and Hannah. Susan was nervously stroking her new ears, to which Hermione and Eliana giggled and managed to reassure the blonde that they looked fine and made her rather cute. However, the biggest surprise was when Millicent finally joined them. Her corset and the white top she wore certainly highlighted the fact that she was all female. It was also rather interesting seeing her wearing something other than Slytherin colors.
After gathering their thoughts they headed out and got into a carriage once more. Once inside Hogsmeade, they were in awe over the changes that had occurred just because night had fallen. Everything was certainly spookier and there were tightly packed groups of students and young children who lived in the village wandering the streets. Shop owners and adults sat outside their shops or houses with bowls of candy, pastries and other goodies which were happily given out to the children and young teens. The air was filled with laughter, shrieks and conversations as everyone had a great time just wandering around and enjoying a break from their normal school routine. It was Dean who spotted the first 'haunted' house and eagerly led the group to the attraction. It was certainly scary as all the girls shrieked and flinched from the various 'monsters' that sprang at them. Dean found himself having a girl on each arm as the others clung to each other or grabbed onto his back and shoulders in fright. However, when they finally exited the attraction, they were all laughing and smiling even though they had been terrified.
Millicent got them to go into a haunted corn maze, which was even more terrifying since all they had was a map and lanterns in order to get through the maze while 'monsters' jumped out and scared them or even chased them for a while. It was finally Hannah and Eliana who managed to get them through the maze after they had run into plenty of dead-ends or had gone in complete circles. They never even noticed how quickly time passed until they began noticing that all of the adults were closing up their stations and turning off their lights. A few professors who had been supervising all of them called everyone back to the carriages which prompted plenty of groans of disappointment. Back at the castle, everyone headed back to their dorms to change out of their costumes. The younger students were listening with rapt attention as their older Housemates talked about the ball and the fun they had. Of course the younger years also gloated about the haunted attractions and all of the candy they managed to acquire.
Dean, Hermione, Jillian, Hannah, Susan, Eliana and Millicent all decided to pool their candy together and make two more piles: one for Harry and one for Neville. They didn't want their friends to feel left out because they had chosen to go home instead of hanging around the school; not that they blamed their friends for wanting to go home. Fred and George even stepped forward and gave up some of their candy for the two First Years. After changing into their semi-formal wear, all of them headed down to the Great Hall which was decorated in orange and black banners, floating jack-o-lanterns and skeletons along with live bats which flew around near the ceiling. After everyone was seated, Headmaster Dumbledore stood and said a few words about never forgetting those they've lost and carrying on their memories in their hearts. The food only appeared once he retook his seat.
Like all of Hogwarts' feasts, this had five courses and the food was, as always, delicious. Surprisingly the conversation was muted as many people reflected on family member's they had lost. Hermione talked softly with her friends; listening as they shared stories about some of their family members and telling her own stories about an aunt she lost to cancer. While it was painful to talk about their lost loved ones, it also brought a sense of happiness at the fond memories they shared and helped eased the pain of said loss. However, all of that was interrupted during the main course when Professor Quirrell suddenly sprinted into the Great Hall; his face white in fright and his eyes wide in terror.
"Troll! Troll in the dungeons!" He cried, everyone falling silent in shock and rising horror as the other professors stood.
"Thought you'd want to know." He gasped, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he slumped to the ground in a faint.
It seemed to take a full minute as everyone registered what the Defense professor had just uttered; all of them too terrified and shocked to fully comprehend it right away. However, when it did hit, the students began screaming in terror; some of them crying in fear as they began to panic and rise to their feet. All of them fell dead silent when what sounded like a cannon blast rocked through the air; their heads whipping around to look at the head tables.
"Prefects, please lead your Houses to your Dormitories. The school will be in lockdown until the issue has been dealt with. No student is allowed in the hallways until your Head of House comes and gives you the all clear." Professor Dumbledore said, the staff and students looking at him with wide eyes.
As the various Prefects rose to do as the headmaster told them to Hermione instantly spotted the error that the headmaster had made. Both the Hufflepuff and Slytherin Houses were located in the dungeons and could they honestly believe that the troll was still in the dungeons? Not only that, but how would Prefects, who were still students themselves, be able to protect them should they come across the troll while heading to their Houses?
"Headmaster, we should all stay here." Hermione called, causing the rising noise of conversations to die off instantly.
"Miss Granger?" Professor Dumbledore asked, frowning as he looked down at the First Year.
"She's right, Albus. My Slytherin's are located in the dungeons and so are the Hufflepuffs." Severus said, having quickly caught on to what Hermione was trying to say.
"The Prefects are still children, Albus. We would struggle against a Troll ourselves which means a student, no matter their age, wouldn't stand a chance." Martha Winters said, her lilac colored eyes gleaming as she looked at the headmaster.
Albus frowned as the students instantly retook their seats, though he could certainly see reason. It would be a gamble sending the students out into the halls and he certainly didn't want to have to explain to parents as to why their children had gotten hurt. Poppy soon had Professor Quirrell awake and practically force fed him a Calming Draught, though the man protested and struggled against it. Albus had Professors Winters, Harper, Jackson, Stone, Gallagher, Babbling and Vector stand guard outside the doors of the Great Hall. The others were divided up into teams to search through the school for the troll and subdue it. As the professors raced out of the Great Hall and closed the doors behind them, the Prefects and Head Boy and Girl soon had order restored inside the Great Hall. None of the students had the appetite to finish the feast and many were quietly sobbing in fear.
Hermione blinked when Millicent, Daphne, Tracy and Blaise made their way over to her and thanked her for stopping the Headmaster from ordering them out of the Great Hall. Susan and Hannah were quick to join their friends at the Gryffindor table where they too thanked Hermione for her quick actions. A few of the other Hufflepuffs and Slytherins walked over and thanked Hermione as well, making the girl blush and smiled shyly as she simply said it had made sense to keep them all here where they could be protected by the professors and wouldn't run the risk of accidently running into the Troll. The entire hall fell silent as a loud booming sound shook the castle, causing many to scream in fright and the crying to begin anew. Madame Pomfrey, who had remained inside the Great Hall, struggled to get everyone to calm down and the sounds of what seemed like a titanic battle taking place somewhere in the castle certainly didn't help matters any. Only when the sounds ended did the students slowly quiet down and turn their attention back to the doors.
A few minutes passed before the doors opened and Professor McGonagall walked into the Great Hall. All of the students stared at her in shock. Her hair, which was normally pulled back in a tight bun, had come loose and her robes showed signs of a battle from the smudges of dirt and even had a few rips. However, she looked relieved in seeing them all waiting for her and uninjured.
"Aurors are on their way to remove the Troll. It has been subdued and no longer poses any threat. Your Head of House shall lead you back to your Houses for the night. Prefect and Head Boy and Girl patrols have been canceled for the night. Everyone is to remain in their dorms for the remainder of the night. The House Elves shall provide snacks and drinks for any who might still be hungry." She explained, the other professors slowly filing back into the Great Hall.
Table by table the students were gathered by the Prefects and their Head of House led them back to their Houses. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were shocked to see the downed body of a massive Mountain Troll near the bathrooms on the third floor. It only compounded the fact that any one of them could've been severely hurt or even killed by the creature if Hermione hadn't spoken up. Reaching Gryffindor Tower, the students headed through the portrait hole and discovered a buffet table which had light snacks and bottles of pumpkin juice, milk, water and fruit punch. While the fact that there had been a Mountain Troll in the school had terrified them, many of the students wandered over to the table and grabbed a few more things to eat. However, all of them were wondering how the heck a Mountain Troll of all things had gotten into the school. Surely one just didn't wander in!
"Do you think someone let it in?" Fred asked, concern in his voice as he stood with Hermione, Jillian, Eliana, Dean and George.
"It's the only way one could've gotten in." Jillian said, frowning lightly as the others shifted.
"That's one dangerous prank…" George muttered, though deep down he knew that someone had intended one or more of them to get hurt.
"If it was a prank then I hope whoever 'pulled' it gets punished. That Troll could've killed someone if Professor Quirrell hadn't alerted us!" Hermione said, worry and anger in her voice as she huddled closer to Eliana and Jillian.
"I don't know about you lot but I'm gonna head up to bed to relax and unwind. We have classes tomorrow and 'Ry and Nev will be back." Dean said, the others nodding and wishing him a goodnight.
Heading upstairs, Dean hurried through a quick shower and changed into a pair of boxers and sleeping pants. Moving to his bed, he pulled the curtains around his bed and casted a privacy charm on the curtains along with a sticking charm. He had taught the charm to Neville as well since Ron and Seamus snored like chainsaws and made it rather hard to sleep at night. He pulled out his communications mirror from underneath his pillow once he was settled in bed. Flipping it open, he held it close and whispered his friend's name into the mirror's surface. It took a few minutes before his reflection seemed to ripple and changed so he was looking at a small version of his Harry's face.
"Dean? What's up? You look shaken." Harry said, frowning as Dean sighed.
"A Mountain Troll got into the school."
"What?!" Harry cried, sitting up and looking at his friend in shock and disbelief.
"Yeah. Professor Quirrell ran into the Great Hall towards the end of the feast. He told us that a Troll was in the dungeons before fainting. Headmaster Dumbledore wanted all of us to go back to our dorms-"
"Is the man insane?! The Slytherin's and Hufflepuff's dorms are in the dungeons!" Harry ranted, struggling to reign in his temper as Dean raised an eyebrow at him.
"Mia pointed that out to our esteemed headmaster and Professors Winters and Snape agreed with her; as did the other professors. They soon had a guard standing outside of the Great Hall while the Headmaster and the others went through the school. The Troll was subdued and the Aurors were called in to remove the body and ensure that it wouldn't be able to find its way back. No one knows who brought it inside yet, though." Dean said, watching as his friend huffed and ran a hand through his hair.
Harry and Dean were silent for a while, both of them trying to figure out what the bloody hell was going on in the school. Both of them took a wild guess that there was something incredibly valuable hidden beneath the trapdoor. However, that meant that someone, likely a professor, wanted to get at whatever was hidden. But there were so many professors employed at the school that it was impossible to tell which one of them was attempting to get beneath the trapdoor.
"Did Professor Snape or Professor McGonagall say anything?" Harry asked, Dean sighing as he shook his head.
"No. They never got the chance. I'm hoping that they might during training this coming weekend." Dean explained, Harry nodding lightly.
"I'll pass the message to my parents. I doubt they'll know anything but they might have more ideas." Harry mused, his friend voicing his agreement.
"How was the cemetery?"
"It was alright. Some of the headstones had been vandalized so we repaired them and cleaned it up. Apparently the caretaker passed a few months ago and the city hasn't found anyone to take over. It's rather…sad actually. In other news, Potter Cottage has been completely restored and my dad said that the Ministry has…reluctantly handed it back over to me. Minister Matthews was disgusted to find out that the Ministry never asked me or my parents if they could turn it into a museum. The money they were supposed to be paying me never actually made it to my vaults but they've finally manned up and gave me the money I should've been getting from them." Harry explained, causing his friend to snort softly and shake his head.
"At least our Minister is a good man. Things are so much better now." Dean said, Harry nodding in agreement.
Dean looked up when he heard something fall onto the ground. Undoing the charms on his curtains, he stuck his head out and sighed when he saw Ricki staring at him innocently from Neville's bedside table where he had knocked over a small vase holding a few flowers. Groaning, he said goodbye to Harry and ended the connection before getting up and scooping up his familiar.
"Ricki, what have I told you about knocking things over?! You're like a cat." He scolded, the kit letting out a small bark.
"I swear you go looking for trouble. First you terrorized Ron's rat Nibbles and then you went chasing after Susan's rabbit. I don't even want to know how you managed to get into that suit of armor last week." He muttered, setting Ricki on his bed before fixing the vase and taking it to the bathroom to refill it with water.
As he filled it up, he heard another dull thump from the room. Walking back out, he groaned and hung his head when he saw a stack of Ron's comic books scattered on the floor whereas they had been stacked on the shelf built into the redhead's headboard.
Earlier that same day: Longbottom Manor
Neville sighed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead; leaning back on his knees, he took a look around the old greenhouse. Since his arrival, his gran had talked about some of the outer buildings on their property. She had done her best to keep up the manor though she'd closed off a lot of the bedrooms and such since they didn't often have guests. Of the outer buildings, they mostly used the stables which had two horses; one of which belongs to him while the other belongs to his gran. He always had a real knack for herbology but his gran hadn't liked him spending so much time in the old greenhouses even with a House Elf watching him. However, he hoped that he could get the greenhouses up and running during the holidays; they could become a great asset to the family.
"Young Master, Mistress is looking for you."
Neville blinked and looked towards the female Elf. Unlike many House Elves who were dressed in rags and pillow cases, the Longbottom Elves were dressed in uniforms. A white shirt with the Longbottom crest and dark blue pants or a skirt adorned their Elves. Thanking the small creature, he stood and walked to a sink to rinse his hands and wash his face. After drying off, he walked out of the greenhouse and headed down the worn path back to the manor. The manor was rather large with wide windows and elegant gardens surrounding either side. His gran had often boasted about it being a Tudor style home, which to him didn't mean much but it often impressed some of the female guests.
Heading through the back door, he removed his robe and handed it to a waiting House Elf before making his way through the large entrance hall and down another hallway. Walking into the main parlor, he found his gran and…his great-uncle Algie. Algernon Longbottom was a rather stern looking, pudgy man with beady dark blue eyes and thinning grey hair. He had been the bane of Neville's existence since he was a toddler and loved picking on the boy. However, if it hadn't been for his great-uncle hanging him out a window and losing focus; thus dropping him and causing him to bounce instead of get injured, he was sure his gran wouldn't have sent him to Hogwarts and he would've been deemed a Squib.
"Ah, Neville, there you are." Augusta said, watching as her grandson walked over and kissed her cheek.
"Sorry, Grandmother, I was in one of the greenhouses." Neville explained, bowing his head to Algernon in greeting.
"What were you doing out there, boy?" Algernon asked, raising an eyebrow as he took in the young boy.
He was shocked to see that most of the baby fat that had clung to his great-nephew had vanished instead was replaced by the beginnings of muscle. Neville also held himself with a confidence that he had never seen in the boy before. Neville had always been a shy and very timid boy; more prone to hiding out in the gardens or in his room whenever guests were around. The changes in Neville were there, though not so extreme as to cause concern.
"I was looking over everything and seeing what needed to be changed or bought in order to get things growing in there. I'm thinking of having one greenhouse dedicated to growing fruits and vegetables for our use and then the other greenhouses could be used to grow potion ingredients that we could sell after they were harvested." Neville explained, his grandmother looking at him in surprise and thoughtfulness.
"It would certainly be a good idea…I'll think on it." Augusta said, watching as her grandson seemed to sit straighter in pride.
"So, Neville, how are your classes? Haven't needed to be in a remedial class yet, have you?" Algernon asked, his eyes glittering as a faint smirk graced his lips.
Normally, Neville would've remained quiet or he would've started crying. However, that Neville had existed before he had good friends like Harry, Dean and the others. Glancing at his grandmother, Neville was pleased to see the anger in her eyes as she glared at her brother. He knew that she had never liked her brother and the way Algernon treated him. However, now he had the confidence and backing to finally stand up to his great uncle.
"No, actually, I'm currently one of the top students in my House. My friends and I have been helping each other. My friend, Hermione Granger, is already the top student in our year." Neville said, pride in his voice as Augusta smiled while Algernon looked at him in surprise.
"Neville's magic has been getting more and more powerful thanks to his new wand." Augusta said, pride in her voice as her brother nearly rolled his eyes.
"So your father's wand wasn't good enough for you?"
"It wasn't the right wand for him, no. I made that mistake in trying to make Neville fit in his parent's footsteps. I took him to Ollivander's and he was fitted with a wand that suits him. Professor McGonagall is very pleased with his improvement in his classes." Augusta said, offering her grandson a warm smile.
Algernon made a soft sound and glanced towards the fireplace. Alice's wand was on a special display and it was obviously well cared for and cleaned. He was surprised to see Frank's wand beside his wife's, the dark wood gleaming under the lights thanks to being lovingly polished and cared for. He was honestly surprised that his great-nephew was apparently doing so well in school and that Augusta had gotten the boy a new wand. Honestly, he thought that Augusta should've let the boy go to someone else. Neither of them had been ready to raise a child, especially Frank and Alice's son. Augusta had been hurting deeply because of the fate of her son and daughter-in-law and he knew that, in a way, she resented Neville for remaining unharmed and perfectly safe. Of course she had finally moved past that and did dot on her grandson. He knew that she had coddled him and honestly, he thought that the boy could use someone in his life to make things hard which was where he came in.
He was glad that Neville appeared to have made some good friends and, listening as Neville talked about his time in Hogwarts, he was surprised that the boy had made friends with the Harry Potter. Not only that, but he had some rather smart friends it seemed and had made friends with some rather influential heirs and heiresses of Most Ancient and Noble families. It seems like his great-nephew has made some connections that'll do him well in life. He made a mental note to talk to Augusta about taking Neville to the Magical Menagerie to find his true familiar instead of having just Trevor.
-It had been cruel to give him a toad of all things.- He thought, listening as Neville talked about his friends and classes.
Algernon visited for lunch before departing; though he did tell Neville that he was proud of him and how things were going so far. Neville was shocked that his great-uncle complimented him, though he beamed and happily accepted the praise. Heading up to his room, Neville changed into nicer clothes and pulled on a semi-formal robe before joining his grandmother in the parlor once more. She had changed as well and there was a noticeable change in her demeanor. Tossing in a handful of floo powder, they both flooed to St. Mungo's and checked in with the Welcome Witch. Heading through the hallways and using the lifts, both Augusta and Neville become more and more somber. Upon reaching the correct ward, they headed down the hallway and came to the room they were looking for.
Neville swallowed heavily before following his grandmother into the room. There were two beds in the room though instead of being on opposite sides of the room they had been pushed together. Each bed had a single bedside table that had a vase of flowers on them. A wide window allowed plenty of natural light inside the room and Augusta was pleased that curtains were open and the window was slightly cracked to allow in a gentle breeze. A man sat down on the side of one of the beds. His hair was thin and his face slightly drawn in, highlighting his bone structure. Dark blue eyes stared unseeingly at the window; vacant and devoid of any kind of inner spark. He was dressed in a loose shirt and comfortable sweat pants along with a sleeping robe over that. A woman was seated at the small table in the room. She had wispy, greying blonde hair and dazed hazel eyes. Like the man, her skin was drawn in and pale. She was dressed similarly like the man, though instead of being barefoot she is wearing a pair of worn, blue slippers.
"Alice, Frank, we've come to visit you." Augusta said, walking over to the man and bending slightly to kiss his forehead.
"Hi Mum, hi Dad." Neville said, his voice soft as he walked over to his mum and hugged her gently.
Like always, Frank and Alice didn't respond to either of their family members. Augusta sighed softly as Neville sat down across from his mother and started talking about his time in Hogwarts, his new friends and the professors. It pained her seeing her grandson like this, though it pained her even more knowing that her son and daughter-in-law weren't really comprehending what their son was saying to them. The Healers had tried everything in their knowledge to find a cure for Frank and Alice; especially given who they were and what they had done in the war. However, no one had been able to find a way to bring Frank and Alice out of their dazed like state. A few Muggleborn Healers had suggested taking them to a Muggle hospital for scans of their brains. She had been hesitant about it, but after their assurances that no harm would come to her son and daughter-in-law she had agreed. Sadly, those scans didn't reveal anything new to them.
Her hopes of getting her children back weren't very high, though she still kept up the pretense of hope for Neville. She knew it was hard on him to come here every month and see his parents while knowing that they most likely don't even know who he was. However, there was no doubt in her mind that her grandson was a very brave boy. He knew what to expect and yet he had constantly come here with the mindset that his parents might have improved and might have begun to remember them. Over the years, some Healers had explained that it might be…merciful if she would allow Frank and Alice to be…released from their torment but she didn't have the strength or heart to allow her son and his wife to be killed. Her grandson would never forgive her if she did something like that and she would hate herself for having given up on her children. While it was still very faint, she still had a small spark of hope that their condition may improve one day and a cure would be found.
Neville finished talking with his mother and moved over to his father; sitting down beside Frank on the bed. He struck up the same conversation he had with his mum, though he did apologize for using his wand and that his wand hadn't been a proper match. Neville watched as his grandmother stepped out of the room when the Healer came by, though he continued with the conversation until he finished it. After he finished the conversation he noticed his grandmother standing near the door. She nodded her head which made him sigh and stand. Saying his goodbyes, he hugged his parents once more before stepping out and into the hallway while Augusta said her goodbyes as well. Once that was done, they headed back down to the reception room and flooed back to the manor once more. However, instead of heading back to their rooms, Augusta took Neville's hand and side-apparated him out of the manor. They appeared in the middle of a deserted cemetery, in front of a well-kept but rather worn and weathered stone mausoleum.
Above the double doors was the Longbottom family crest with their last name underneath it. On either side of the door were rearing horses, their hooves seeming to gleam in the light of the sun. Neville followed his grandmother up the few steps and watched as she pulled out her wand and unlocked the doors. They walked inside and torches lit up the marble room. Plagues lined the walls; each one naming a deceased member of the Longbottom family and their lifespan. Some had faded pictures attached beside their names while others had personal engravings. Augusta flicked her wand a few times while muttering cleaning charms; getting rid of the dust and cobwebs which had gathered since last Halloween. Making their way through the room, Neville looked at the various names of his ancestors; silently wishing them peace and happiness in the afterlife. He stopped walking once Augusta came to the plague which belonged to her husband: Leon.
Leon had died while Frank had been in his Seventh Year at Hogwarts. He had been killed during an attack on Diagon Alley when he had thrown himself in front of a young mother and her baby; protecting them from a blood boiling hex. Sadly, the Aurors hadn't gotten there in time to save him and Augusta never really got to say her goodbyes. She hadn't learned of his death until two hours after the attack because there had been so many causalities. It had devastated her and Frank; especially since they knew that Leon had been in absolute agony during his last moments of life. However, that woman and her family had been so grateful that they had gladly allied their House with the Longbottoms and had paid for Leon's cremation. Augusta hadn't had the heart to be angry at the young woman; rather she had been proud that her husband had so selflessly defended another.
Neville had tears in his eyes as Augusta spoke with her husband; telling him about anything and everything that had happened over the year since they last visited. When she became too overwhelmed; her normal stoic façade cracking, Neville stepped forward and began speaking as well. He talked about everything that had happened; including some of his ideas to help restore the Longbottom wealth to what it had once been. While they weren't as bad off as the Bones family, their wealth had seriously dropped due to bad stock selections and having lost money to the war. The treatment of his parents and their continual stay at St. Mungo's wasn't exactly cheap either which meant that their fortune took even more of a hit every year. Thankfully Augusta had been speaking with their Account Manager and he was advising them in what stocks they should invest in and she's managed to call in some of the debts owed to their family.
They visited the mausoleum for a few more minutes before finally leaving and apparating back home. Neville headed up to his room to change back into more comfortable clothing while his grandmother went to the kitchen to ensure the House Elves were preparing for their customary Halloween dinner. In his room, Neville sighed as he sat down at his desk and began working on finishing up his last assignment. While he liked getting to visit his parents and knew that it was only right to visit the family mausoleum; he really wished that he had one of his new friends with him. His grandmother never really showed too much emotion, though when she did he wasn't sure how to handle it and comfort her. She wasn't the type of woman to give or receive hugs and right now he could really use one of Hermione's hugs. Looking out his window, he sighed once more as his thoughts returned to his friends.
"At least I'll see them again soon." He muttered, turning his attention back to his assignment.