Chapter eleven part two

Lunch was filled with laughter and light hearted conversation. It was rather shocking seeing how much stress seemed to have dropped off of Emma. All of them had been worried that she would be rather stressed or worried about her impending divorce but instead she seems relieved and happy without any looming arguments she might get into with her 'husband'. Hermione also seemed rather happy, though all of her friends could see the worry in her eyes whenever she looked at her mum. She was worried that her mum might have a breakdown, though they both technically had one last night after they retired to the guest bedroom her grandpa had readied for them. They had fallen asleep holding onto each other and crying over the loss of someone who they had loved but had never really loved or accepted them for who they truly are. Now, they're on the mend and both of them are better off without Richard bringing them down.

After lunch, they headed out to the Muggle world and gathered in their cars after saying goodbye to Remus. Andromeda joined them and they all split up into various cars and vans and headed off to Harrods. Hermione was overjoyed in having Susan, Hannah, Millicent and William carpool with her and her mum thanks to her mum having a van. Reaching Harrods, they hurried inside and Hermione, Harry, Dean, Eliana and Hannah were laughing at the shocked looks on the rest of their friend's faces. The Purebloods were in awe over such a huge place, especially when they were informed that this is just the first floor. Emma and Andromeda explained that they were to meet in the food court in three hours. Delilah and Lucas distributed communication mirrors and urged the teens to use them inside the restrooms or a changing room so they won't become inconspicuous should they be seen talking into a compact mirror.

"Han, you'll…come with me, right?" Susan asked, looking rather intimidated at such a massive building.

"Of course, Sue. I've been here before so I know all the places we should go to." Hannah said, linking arms with her best friend.

The adults ensured the children had their bank cards and actual money in some case before setting them loose on the building. Tonks managed to get Fred and George to calm down before their magic accidently reacted to their high emotions. The kids hurried through the various stores; eagerly looking around and debating on what to get their parents and friends for their second gifts. Millicent and her little brother were grateful for the extra money the matron had given them for this occasion. Missus Mayweather claimed that they had earned it because of their hard work and their willingness to do extra work around the orphanage but they both figured that she wanted them to have a chance to get some good, quality gifts for everyone. It was one of the main reasons they wanted to get her something nice to show their appreciation for her kindness.

Eliza happily went with Harry for the first bit of their shopping since he wanted her opinion on any possible presents for their parents. Dean found himself leading his siblings around for the same reason, though there was a noticeable strain between him and Megan. Megan has been improving in school grade wise, though she has gotten into trouble for arguing with her teachers and for getting into a fight with another student. Dean had tried talking to her about her behavior and how that wouldn't be acceptable in Hogwarts but she had snapped at him and walked away. Cassie had spoken with the other adults, including Amelia earlier in Diagon Alley. Amelia could understand the woman's concern and told her that Megan had to learn these kinds of lessons on her own and had to face the consequences. Delilah and Andromeda, along with a few other women on the estate she's friends with, agreed that Megan shouldn't go to Hogwarts. She would expect Dean to protect her from everything and anything without having to face the consequences.

Megan will be turning eleven come March and Cassie has already made up her mind that she'll send back her daughter's Hogwarts letter. She plans on visiting St. Brigid's Academy on one of her weekends off and speak with the Headmistress. Her daughter would be flooing or portkeying home every afternoon/evening from the academy and she'll be able to make sure that her eldest daughter does her homework and studies instead of having her rely on Dean trying to make sure she does her work and pays attention in class. Yes, Megan might resent her for separating her from her older brother and perhaps even her younger siblings when the time comes but in the long run it is for the best. Sasha has already brought up all of her grades and has actually become a tutor in school to a few younger classmates. She's proud of how much her other daughter has come from being a bully like her older sister and Sasha has been eagerly waiting for her eleventh birthday like Dean had been. She just hopes that Megan's rebellious stage will end soon and her daughter will focus and find her balance in school.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, Cassie smiled as she followed Emma and Andromeda into one of the book stores. She and Andromeda laughed when they saw the sparkle in Emma's eyes, knowing that Hermione had gotten her love of books from her mother.

"How are your parents handling the news besides being angry with Richard?" Andromeda asked, walking alongside Emma as the woman sighed.

"They're glad that I'm attempting to part from him peacefully. They're also very happy to have Hermione around. Sadly Richard had his family over all the time during the holidays so it was rare when they got to see me and Hermione." Emma explained, her friends nodding gently.

"Hermione's happy though. She loves her cousins Brittany and Bethany. They at least treat her right." Emma said, scoffing as she thought of Richard's family.

"Well it's good that you both are doing well after all this. It'll only get better as time goes on." Cassie said, smiling as Emma beamed at her.



Later that day

Lucas sighed as he walked up the stairs that led down into the library trunk they are using to safely store Hermione's and Emma's books. They had decided to forgo using a normal trunk since Emma had told them that some of the books she has are rare first editions that she's collected over the years. Emma and Hermione had been in awe over the trunk, especially when the saw the many rows of shelves that they could fill with their books. So far they've been clearing out the Granger girls' things for an hour and it's been going pretty smoothly. All of the fine china dinnerware was safely stored in one compartment of a trunk while all of the fragile figurines and statues were stored in another compartment. They were hoping to get everything done and packed away before Richard gets back to avoid a confrontation. The last thing Emma or Hermione want is to be here when Richard fully realizes that his wife and daughter want nothing more to do with him. Hermione is upstairs in her room with Eliza and Delilah while Harry went through the rest of the house with pictures of things that Hermione and Emma want him to grab for them.

"Thank you for doing this, Lucas. If there's anything-"

"Think nothing of it, Emma. Your Hermione has been a great friend to Harry. He spoke highly of her when he was home during Halloween and in his letters home." Lucas said, watching as Emma smiled softly.

"Hermione was so happy in her letters. I was always worried about her going to Hogwarts. It's her first time away from home for an extended period of time. I was worried that she would want to come home because of bullies or not making any friends. She's so much more confident now and she's so much happier than I've ever seen her." Emma said, her voice wrought with emotion as Lucas hugged her gently.

"Hermione has certainly had a positive effect on Harry and Dean. They didn't really slouch around in school but they were never this focused or dedicated to their school work. Now they're all at the top of their year and in their House thanks to her encouraging them to study and do well in class." Lucas explained, smiling when he thought of when he and Delilah had received their son's first report card.

Emma smiled at that. She knows that her daughter can be a little…bossy when it comes to school work. However, she's seen for herself that her daughter's friends still think the world of her even though they already know about her quirks. She and Lucas continued putting books away into the library trunk, though they soon employed the help of one of Lucas' House Elves after the little being popped in. As they continued to work, Emma asked plenty of questions about the Brotherhood and what would be expected of Hermione and how long her training will take. Lucas explained that, like Fred and George, Hermione's training will take longer to complete because she's beginning later than Harry, Dean and Tonks. However, he was confident that Hermione will do well in her new lessons and training. The idea of Hermione becoming an Assassin is rather worrying but she could tell that her daughter wants to go through with the training. She plans on talking with Cassie and Andromeda about it for a little longer before making coming to a decision.

Meanwhile, in Hermione's room, the brunette watched in amazement as Delilah shrunk her desk, bed frame and mattress and the other pieces of furniture in the room. Her clothing had all been neatly packed away in one of the trunks along with her books and stuffed animals. It was weird, honestly, seeing her room so bare and empty. Delilah also had instructions from her mum to change the soft lavender colored walls back to white. It would be strange not living here anymore, but at the same time she was rather eager to leave. Her room had been her sanctuary while she lived here. She used to hide in here whenever her dad wanted to 'talk' about her lack of friends or her anti-social behavior whenever her aunt, uncle and cousin were visiting. She knows that things will be much better after this, though she also wondered where she and her mum will live. They certainly won't be living with her grandparents for too long; her mum had already told her such. However, where will they go? Her mum is planning on quitting dentistry but that would leave her without a job. Of course that's not saying that they'll be poor. Her mum had been a cosmetic dentist for some time now and had gotten a lot of money from working with celebrities and the wealthy.

"Do you have any idea where you'll be living?" Eliza asked, helping Hermione to fold her comforter.

"Not yet. I think we might wait until my mum knows what she wants to do for a job." Hermione answered, Eliza nodding her head in understanding.

"Well, you're more than welcome to live with us for awhile! I know Harry and Dean would love that." Eliza said, making Hermione smile and giggle lightly.

"I know, though we don't want to intrude." Hermione said, blinking when Delilah gently hugged her.

"You'll never intrude, dear. Lucas and I are all too happy to have you both around. Besides, we could always help your mother find another job. I know it would be a good idea to have you both checked over by our healer." Delilah said, stepping back and watching as a House Elf walked into the room with Hermione's toiletries.

"But I have normal checkups at Hogwarts." Hermione said, frowning lightly in confusion.

"I know, dear, but Madame Pomfrey and Healer Briggs might miss something. Our healer is trained to spot things that might be missed by others. Besides, we want to get a read on your mother's magical core." Delilah said, making Hermione's eyes widen.

"W-What?! You think my mum might have a magical core?" Hermione asked, shock in her voice as Delilah smiled and nodded.

"Lucas and I suspect that your parents are actually Squibs. We won't be able to get a 'read' on Richard but we will on Emma if she's agreeable to it. Squibs are gaining more and more rights in our society. They can own businesses now and are becoming respected due to their ability to help connect the Magical and Non-Magical world. I know the Ministry has begun hiring Squibs in certain departments. They're also able to gain masteries in Potions, Herbology, Arithmancy and Ward design. Cassie works with a clinic we run and has become rather skilled in brewing potions. I believe she might take a few courses in one of the universities and try to gain a mastery in potions." Delilah said, tilting her head thoughtfully.

"I'm glad the Magical world has been improving so much." Hermione said, standing up on a step-stool and taking down her curtains.

"You're not the only one. Minister Matthews has done so much good ever since he was elected. He's really helping our world to heal and grow; especially since the end of the war. Aurors are more highly trained and their snap response teams have become the elite groups that are highly thought of. Our world is slowly but steadily surpassing the Non-Magical world in way of technology. Manors and other homes are getting electricity, televisions, dishwashers, and now even phones and computers. From Lucas' contacts in the Ministry there has been a steady decline in accidents happening in the Non-Magical world because Wizards and Witches are better able to blend in and no longer stick out like sore thumbs because they aren't familiar with technology." Delilah explained, her daughter and Hermione nodding.

"Wasn't the I.C.W. about ready to step in at one point?" Eliza asked, frowning lightly as Hermione blinked in confusion.

"Yes, they were. The I.C.W. watches over all the happenings of the many magical societies around the world. Sadly, our society was one of the last ones that modernized. They were considering stepping in if Fudge was replaced. Of course with Albus Dumbledore as the head of that body it most likely wouldn't have happened." Delilah said, sighing as she thought of the aged Wizard.

"What happened?" Hermione asked, her voice soft as Eliza packed away some of the toys Hermione had kept.

"Well, Albus has recently been removed as the head of the I.C.W. there's even talk of him stepping down as the head of the Wizengamot. Lucas and Sirius are trying to pass a law to prevent any other Witch or Wizard from holding more than one position of power. Albus used to have three: Headmaster of Hogwarts, Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock. I know he pushes a lot of his headmaster duties onto Professor McGonagall. She handles the finical handlings of the school and the disciplinary aspects as well. According to Augusta the advisory board is considering stepping in if Albus doesn't begin to focus more on the school." Delilah explained, her daughter and Hermione listening with interest.


All of them looked up at the sound of Emma's voice. Hermione smiled at the sight of her mum standing in the doorway. Emma smiled back and looked around the room. Almost everything has been packed away except for a few small things. Her things have already been removed from the master bedroom and from the attic space which had been used for storage. She wanted them to be gone by the time Richard gets off of work in hopes to avoid a rather…explosive argument. No doubt he'll blow his top when he comes home to find all of their things gone. She's already prepared to get an angry phone call from him later tonight. From what she gathered from his earlier calls he believes all this to be a kind of argument that they can get past. It hasn't really sunk in that her love for him has completely disappeared. Any love that had been between them is gone. Yes, she had cried over him. She had cried for the love lost and that things had gotten so bad between them. However, now she can see that things had been bad between them. She had fallen into a routine with her life and had allowed him to walk all over her; up until Hermione's eleventh birthday when things changed.

-I need to thank Professor McGonagall.-She thought, thinking of the woman who helped set her on her way to freedom.

"All of the albums are packed away and Grumble copied all the single photos around the house so you have your own copy." Harry announced, walking into the room and smiling at Emma and Hermione.

"Thank you, Harry." Emma said, making the boy shrug lightly.

"No problem. The Elves love the extra work." He said, smiling as Hermione closed the last trunk.

A House Elf appeared and took the two trunks away with a faint popping sound. All of them brushed themselves off and Delilah changed the paint color back to white as per Emma's instructions. Heading downstairs, Emma and Hermione collected the few suitcases that they had filled with books, clothes and other effects to take with them to Emma's parents' house. Lucas and Delilah told Emma that she and Hermione are more than welcome to stay at the estate after Christmas until they're able to get back on their feet. Emma thanked them profusely and, much to Hermione's glee, accepted their hospitality. Emma knew to drive to their 'house' where the car will be put in the garage and she and Hermione will floo to the estate. Harry hugged Hermione tightly and reminded her to call before they said their goodbyes. Emma and Hermione waited until the family had apparated out of the house before they turned everything off and headed out the door. Emma locked the door behind her and put her things into the trunk next to Hermione's.

"Ready?" She asked, looking down at her daughter as Hermione looked at her childhood home.

"Yeah. You change our mailing address?" Hermione asked, looking up at her mum.

"Of course. I'm renting out a P.O. box for the time being. I've already called our employees at the practice and told them I won't be working there anymore. No doubt Richard is getting the third degree from Michelle and Tom." Emma said, smiling fondly as she thought of the pair.

"Good. I'll talk with Professor McGonagall when I get back from break." Hermione said, opening the passenger side door and climbing into the van.

"You're really okay with all this?" Emma asked, concern in her voice as she climbed into the van as well.

"Mum, I told you this already. Dad and I were never close and he was constantly putting me down and agreeing with Lucille. He rarely defended me and we were constantly arguing." Hermione said, her voice gentle as her mum sighed and nodded.

"I know…I'm just worried about all of this. Richard knows he'll have to pay child support and Andromeda has already written everything up with the various estimates. When I go forth with the Summons and he gets it and I doubt he'll be very happy." Emma said, making her daughter roll her eyes.

"Dad always pretended that things were perfect around here until I started Hogwarts. Then he wanted to pin the blame on me." Hermione said, Emma nodding her head as she pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street.

Hermione turned on the radio and they were soon singing along to the various songs. Emma also talked about them staying on the estate, to which Hermione became rather eager and happily talked about the various mentors she's spoken with during their visit. She was truly excited to learn about becoming an Assassin. It was the information that Hermione could 'drop out' of her training that relieved Emma. She had been worried that Hermione would be trapped into Assassin training even if all she wanted to do was leave at a later date. However, Harry had apparently explained that that trainees and even full Assassins could leave the Brotherhood without repercussions. Emma was shocked when Hermione further explained that Harry's biological mother had left the Brotherhood when she was in her Seventh Year.

"They were sad to see her leave but they didn't force her to stay. Harry's read some of his mum's journals and apparently she regretted leaving but felt she needed to in order to protect her son and husband." Hermione said, sadness in her voice as Emma glanced at her.

Emma opened her mouth to say something before she caught sight of Richard's car heading towards them on the other side of the road. She watched as Richard saw her; his eyes widening before a look of frustration and anger crossed his face. She tore her attention away from her former husband and focused on the road; knowing that it would only be a matter of minutes when he would arrive home and see that their things are gone. He'll be calling her parents demanding to speak with her or Hermione about why they've moved out and when they'll come back home. Shaking her head, she pulled onto the highway and turned into the direction that'll being her and Hermione to her parent's home. They have some wrapping to do and then they'll be extra things they need to do. Her second oldest brother is coming over with his wife and daughters once more and they'll be staying until the day after Christmas.

-Things certainly are changing around here.-She thought, though she couldn't say that she wasn't happy with said changes.


Christmas came and bought with it a sense of happiness and wonder like normal. Harry and his friends had all agreed to exchange presents at Susan's house. Eliza had her brother and their parents along with Remus up early in order to open gifts. There was much laughter and joking as they made their way through the small mountain of gifts underneath the Christmas tree. Like always, there were gifts from various members of the Brotherhood to all of them. While none of them asked for gifts from the others, they were always giving them different, small trinkets or rare books or even a weapon or two. Lucas and Delilah returned the kind gestures by giving them gifts or in helping their families and giving them vacations from missions and orders. They were more than happy with the work their members did and were more than willing to show their appreciation. Harry loved getting his new books, clothes, a few action figures, games and, shockingly a new magical laptop and CD player. Remus had also given him a new photo album of his parents along with his parents' graduating thesis along with his own and Sirius'. Harry was touched by such a precious gift and had hugged the man tightly as they both fought back tears.

Eliza loved her new clothes, toys, books and her own CD player. She wasn't too upset that she didn't get a magical laptop as she knew that her parents were waiting until she's eleven as well. After the presents were open and the wrapping cleared away, they enjoyed a hearty breakfast made by the Elves before the two children ran outside to play. They were soon joined by the many children who call the estate home and a massive snowball war soon broke out on the grounds. Some of the adults found themselves sucked into the war and alliances were soon made as various forts were erected using hard work and magic. Sadly, the war was ended after a few hours when warming charms had already worn off and the soldiers were called in before they caught colds from being outside too long. Harry and Eliza played with Dean and his siblings for a while and it was then that Dean reminded Harry about the fact that they still need to find some kind of information on Nickolas Flamel. Harry nearly smacked himself at forgetting and he promised Dean to check the library as soon as he got back home.

When he and Eliza headed back to the main manor, Harry instantly headed to the library. Looking around the vast, two story room, he moved over to a small lectern and placed a hand on it.

"Any books containing information on Nickolas Flamel." He called, watching as the lectern flashed.

Several books flew down from a few different 'sections' of the library and landed on the lectern. Collecting the books in his arms, Harry headed for the large fireplace and settled down on the couch with a throw blanket. He called on a House Elf and asked for a cup of hot chocolate before settling down to read. Harry soon called on another House Elf for a journal and a pen. It didn't take much longer before he was writing notes on what he was reading. Thirty minutes after he began reading, his mother walked into the library in search for him. She was surprised to see her son surrounded by several books, three of which were off to the side which was a sign he had finished reading them. Walking over to the young teen, she peered over his shoulder and was shocked when she found out that her son is reading up on Nickolas Flamel. It made her wonder where he had heard that name and why he's suddenly so interested in reading up on the aged Alchemist.

"Harry?" She called, her voice soft as her son blinked and lifted his head to look at her.

"Hey, mum." He said, smiling lightly at her.

"Why are you looking up information on Nickolas Flamel?" She asked, frowning lightly as Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"There's a room on the third floor that's off limits to anyone who doesn't 'wish to die a most painful death' according to Headmaster Dumbledore. Fred and George have already gone inside it and there's a Cerberus inside the room. However, they managed to get past in and down a trapdoor and past a room filled with Devil's Snare. After that is a enchanted chess set that you have to play in order to get through. They haven't figured out the solution to the room of flying keys. They think it's a kind of obstacle course. However, from what they overheard Ronald saying is that Hagrid had said that whatever is at the end of the course is between the headmaster and Nickolas Flamel." Harry explained, Delilah frowning lightly as she thought over her son's answer.

She knows Nickolas Flamel personally. He and his wife were allies of the Brotherhood and there were even a few Assassins who had apprenticed under the man. However, hearing that there's something at Hogwarts that might belong to Nickolas was…concerning to say the least. Not only that, but she was alarmed in learning that there are creatures and plants that are highly dangerous inside a school for Merlin's sake! Looking down at her son, Delilah mentally winced when she saw the look in Harry's eyes. It's a look of determination that she had seen in Lily when the redhead had been alive. Lily never gave up when her mind was set on something and she knows that her son is the exact same way. Yes, James had been determined, but he often gave up after failing a few times. Not Lily. No, she never gave up no matter how often she failed. She would've been a great Assassin if she hadn't left the Brotherhood.

"Nickolas Flamel is a very famous Alchemist. Albus apprenticed under him and it's one of the reasons why he's so famous. Nickolas has discovered many things throughout his long life and is also the creator of the Sorcerer's Stone." She said, her voice soft as Harry frowned deeply.

"Isn't the Sorcerer's Stone a legend though?" He asked, his mother shaking her head.

"No. Using it in a potion will create a potion that will lengthen a person's life by a hundred years. Making another potion with it will allow a person to turn anything into gold. However, the last I had hear Nickolas was keeping the stone safe." She said, frowning as her son shifted.

"Mum, what if the stone is in Hogwarts?" He asked, his voice soft as Delilah looked at him with shock.


"Think about it, Mum. Why would there be a freaking Cerberus in the school? Not only that, but why would Hagrid say that whatever is underneath the trapdoor is between Flamel and Dumbledore? I don't like where the clues are pointing things at. But…it makes the most sense. But why would it be kept in a school? Why not…have it…"

Delilah blinked as her son's eyes widened while his thoughts finally came together.

"Mum, what if Flamel had been hiding the stone in Gringotts and Albus found out. He 'convinced' his friend and former mentor to trust him with the safety of the stone. Days later there's a break-in at Gringotts but the thief never took anything because the vault was emptied out earlier that day. Now, the headmaster is just confident enough to believe that the students will listen to him and hides the stone behind a series of traps that seem too simple enough if you know how to do some research. However, because 'he' said not to he doesn't think the students will go looking around the corridor. Unless…"

"Unless what?" Delilah asked, watching as her son swallowed heavily.

"You and dad were always upfront with me about the fact that Riddle isn't dead. You also told me that the headmaster knows this as well…what if the headmaster is attempting to set a trap for Riddle?" Harry asked, Delilah's eyes widening in shock.

However, the longer she thought about it the more that made sense. Albus was dead set on Riddle being defeated. However, he wanted it done on his terms. Sadly the man was so blinded by his delusions of grandeur that he wouldn't even think of people not listening to him. It's one of the many reasons why he had approached her and Lucas multiple times in an attempt to get them to hand Harry over to him so their son could be raised by the 'right' kind of people. He had backed off only when Lucas threatened him to a duel. The man may be blind to many things but he wasn't a complete idiot. Sadly, this meant that Albus was willing to put hundreds of innocent children in danger in an attempt to draw the former Dark Lord out of hiding.

"I need to speak with your father about this. Speak nothing about this to anyone." Delilah said, her voice firm as Harry looked at her and nodded.

Delilah hurried out of the library and followed the familiar path to her husband's private study. Knocking on the door, she waited until he called her inside and closed the door behind her once she stepped inside. Throwing up a privacy ward, she turned and looked at Lucas as he rose from behind his desk. Not giving her husband a chance to inquire what was wrong, she told him about what Harry had put together and how he came to that conclusion. Lucas went from concerned to worry and finally to anger over the course of Delilah's tale. No, he wasn't just angry, he was pissed! How could that foolish, prideful old man dare to put so many children in danger?! For all of the intelligence Albus claims to have he has proven himself to be a very foolish and egotistical man who is blinded by his own ego.

"We need to see if Harry is right." Delilah said, drawing her husband out of his anger.

"I'll call Nickolas. Let's just hope the old coot didn't put him under an oath. If not then we'll have to be careful. Thankfully the alliance with the Brotherhood began before he was the coot's mentor." Lucas said, walking to his fireplace and pulling out a pinch of floo powder from an ornate container.

Tossing it into the low flames, Lucas knelt down and stuck his head into the emerald flames before calling out his destination: Flamel Castle. It took a few minutes before he was looking into a rather beautiful though empty parlor. Before he could call out to anyone, a well-dressed young man in a butler's uniform walked into the room and headed towards him.

"How may I be of service, Master Othello?" The man asked, bowing at the waist and peering at Lucas.

"I need to speak with Nickolas immediately. It's of the upmost importance." He said, the butler nodding in understanding.

"Lord and Lady Flamel are entertaining some guests but I shall tell Lord Flamel that you need to speak with him." He said, turning and hurrying away.

Lucas shifted on his knees, his mind flying through different possibilities of how this conversation could go and what he needs to get confirmed by his friend. He has no doubt of his son's worries and theories and he has every intention of speaking with the twins about what they had discovered inside the hidden chamber. He just couldn't believe that Albus would willingly and knowingly place so many students in danger; especially since so many of said students belong to wealthy and influential families.

"Lucas? I do hope that this is as important as Magus said it was."

Lucas looked up and watched as an elderly Wizard with pure white long hair, a white goatee and bright amber colored eyes walked towards him. While Albus has his hair hanging down and often free, Nickolas kept his hair tied back at the nape of his neck and often held back in a braid. His very presence screamed wealth and intelligence and he gave off an aura of power and endless knowledge.

"Nickolas, I wouldn't have dreamed of interrupting you and your wife if this wasn't important." Lucas said, his tone slightly chiding as Nickolas nodded lightly.

"What do you need my friend?"

"Nicolas…where is the stone?" Lucas asked, watching as Nickolas blinked before instantly becoming guarded.

"What do you mean, Lucas?" He asked, his voice gruff as the younger Wizard sighed.

"Has the stone been removed from your castle, Nickolas? I need to know. It's a matter of safety for hundreds of innocent children." Lucas said, watching as Nickolas looked at him sharply before clearing his throat.

"Are you in your office?" He asked, glancing behind him towards the door leading out of the parlor.


"I'll send a message to Perenelle and come through. I don't wish to speak about…such matters with the company we have." He said, Lucas nodding his head and pulling back.

It didn't take long before the fireplace flared and Nickolas stepped out, banishing the soot from his clothes with a wave of his hand. Lucas had called in Delilah, to which Nickolas greeted her with a kiss to the back of her hand before taking a seat in one of the nearby chairs. A House Elf popped in with a tea service before disappearing, making Nickolas blink for a minute before fixing himself a cup of tea while Lucas and Delilah appeared to gather their thoughts on what they had to tell him.

"Nickolas, I need to know if Albus Dumbledore approached you about the safety of the Sorcerer's Stone." Lucas said, watching as the elderly Wizard paused and looked at him.

"Why do you ask?" He asked, his voice slightly guarded as Delilah sighed.

"Because we believe, and rightly so, that Albus currently has the Sorcerer's Stone hidden on the third floor corridor at the school guarded by a Cerberus, Devils Snare and a few other 'traps'. However, these traps had been discovered by some of the students and some of them believe it is some kind of test the Headmaster and Professors have put up for them. After all, why would there be such a powerful and dangerous item at the end of these…traps?" Delilah explained, watching as Nickolas' eyes widened.


"Two recently discovered trainees have been through some of the 'traps' and described them in great detail. Music sooths the Cerberus while a simple sunlight charm makes the Devils Snare recoil. So long as you're able to defeat the giant chess set you're in the clear. They hadn't gotten past the next trap but they guessed that some other older students might have. My son and his friends managed to convince them to stop and to try and convince others not to go any further in case they're injured." Lucas said, watching as anger and disbelief warred for dominance in the elderly man's eyes.

"T-That fool! He told me the stone would be perfectly safe!" Nickolas raged, making Delilah and Lucas look at each other.

"Why did you move it from your castle? I know you have plenty of places you could hide it." Lucas said, watching as Nickolas drew in a deep breath before exhaling.

"I've recently been getting…threats from an unsavory lot. It's why my wife and I have strengthened the wards around our homes. I told Albus that we were thinking of moving to Spain when he convinced me to move the stone. I moved it into a vault in Gringotts but Albus explained that it might not be safe from any Dark Witch or Wizard who might hear about the stone being relocated there. I…I gave him permission to move it to the school so long as it was placed under heavy protections. I never thought he would be so…so blinded as to have it at the end of a couple simple traps." Nickolas said, anger in his voice as Delilah sighed.

"It's worse than that, my friend." She said, watching as Nickolas wisely set down his cup of tea.

"How so?"

"We believe he's using the stone in an attempt to draw out Tomas Riddle. You'd know him better as Voldemort."


Two days after Christmas Hermione, Emma and Neville arrived at the estate. Emma and Hermione were shown to their set of rooms which was more like a small flat for them. They had a living room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms for them which made the pair rather happy. Hermione was ecstatic to be around her friends and asked them if they had begun their assignments. She was rather pleased to hear that they had already completed their assignments. When Neville arrived, they were all shocked to see a pure black pup trotting next to Neville. The pup has bright blue eyes and there's a small bright blond ring of fur around the pup's left paw. Neville smiled brightly when he saw the surprise and awe on the other's faces and the pup barked and eagerly trotted over to Hermione who crouched down and rubbed his head and scratched underneath the pup's collar.

"This is my new familiar. Her name is Shade." Neville said, pride in his voice as the pup looked at him with interest.

"She's adorable!" Hermione gushed, smiling as she continued to pet Shade.

"Uncle Algie took me to a pet store in Phoenix Town and we wandered around. I was drawn to Shade here and I learned that she's part German Shepard and part Dire Wolf. She'll be pretty big when she's fully grown." Neville said, smiling as Shade walked over to Harry and Dean to get attention.

"What about Trevor?" Dean asked, watching as Neville called Shade to him.

"He's going to be in our greenhouses helping to keep down the bug population. Gran was proud of my report card. She admitted that she had been worried but she's glad that you guys have been helping me so much." Neville said, gratefulness in his voice as the others smiled warmly.

"Hey, you're our friend, Nev. Of course we're gonna help you out." Dean said, clapping the boy on the shoulder.

"Exactly. Now, have you done your assignments?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow as the blonde groaned and hung his head.

"I'm stuck on Transfiguration and Defense." Neville sighed, the others smiling as Hermione nearly bounced in place.

"We can use the library and I'll help you with the essays." She said, making Neville look at her with a small smile.

"Thanks, 'Mione."

Neville and Hermione headed off to the library after they collected their things from their rooms. Neville had been surprised that his grandmother had let him come and stay here until New Years day. She figured that it would be easier on him to stay there for his training and they'll be heading back home the day after. Harry and Dean decided to head to the manor's training room to work on their fencing. As they fenced, they talked about what had happened on Christmas day. The twins had gotten their normal gift basket from their mum and had surprisingly gotten small gifts from Ginny. Their dad had sent them a few books on inventing potions, which they were happy about while Charlie had shocked them by sending them miniatures of a few of the Dragons on the reserve. Fred had gotten a Common Welsh Green Dragon while George had gotten a Hebridean Black Dragon. Percy also surprised them by getting a few business books since he knows they want to either open their own joke shop or become full partners with Remus and Sirius. Ron, unsurprisingly, hadn't gotten them anything even though they had sent him a few comic books he had been asking for.

However, what had been confusing was when Harry had received a gift basket filled with sweets and mince pies from Missus Weasley. Not only that, but she had apparently made him an emerald green sweater with a large gold colored 'H' in the center of it. Fred and George had been confused at the sight of it since they've been friends with Lee since their First Year and their mum had never made him a sweater. Now, they're friends with Harry and she's suddenly making him, not only a sweater, but a gift basket as well. Harry and his parents, however, Lucas and Delilah instantly understood what Molly was trying to do. She's trying to endear Harry to the Weasley family in hopes of prompting him to get closer to all of them and begin thinking of them as another part of his family. Of course all of the food items had been scanned and there had been a mild compulsion charm on the sweater. Harry had placed his hand on it and felt the sudden urge to sit next to Ron and hang out with him. However, the most worrying piece was the mincemeat pies which had a loyalty potion mixed into them. His parents had been enraged at the audacity of Molly for doing something like that.

His dad had sent a letter to Arthur, telling him what his wife had done and warned him that, if she attempted something similar or worse, they'd press charges of attempted line theft. Needless to say the twins were horrified at what their mother had tried to do and assured Harry that they would've done everything they could to keep him away from such potions and charms. Harry reassured the twins that his Head of House ring would've alerted him before he ingested anything laced with potions or charmed. Just that morning Lucas had gotten a letter from Mister Weasley apologizing for what his wife had done and swore that he would do everything he could to prevent it from happening again. Fred and George didn't have to be there to know that their dad had blown his top at their mum. Their dad was completely against compulsion charms and loyalty potions so to hear that his own wife was using them on someone would send him into a rage no matter what pitiful excuse their mum might come up with.

"Harrison, Dean, can you come to the meeting room?"

The two boys stopped in their tracks at the sound of Lucas' voice and they turned, spotting the man's Eagle patronus hovering in the air nearby. Putting away their gear, they hurried out of the training room; all boyish glee gone from their faces and posture. They moved with purpose and speed; making anyone who they passed move out of the way. They knew the look of someone who had been given an order and knew that it was best if they moved out of the way. Harry and Dean hurried through the halls until they reached the meeting room. Opening the door, the boys were surprised to see Lucas, Delilah, Severus, Minerva and an elderly Wizard they didn't know. However, they didn't say anything. Instead they walked inside and sat down as Lucas put up privacy wards after the door was closed and locked.

"Harrison, Dean, this is Nickolas Flamel." Delilah said, watching as the two boys looked at the aged Wizard with shock and respect.

"On Christmas evening I contacted him after you told your mother what you and the others were looking for. Nickolas has confirmed that the Sorcerer's Stone is, indeed, at Hogwarts." Lucas explained, the boys looking at him sharply.

"The stone is being guarded by various magical and intellectual puzzles. Albus thought that they would be enough to deter anyone who wanted to ignore his words of warning. We've caught many students bragging about how far they've gotten past some of the challenges and each time we've warned them from continuing. After detentions and point deductions they've begun listening. Sadly Albus refuses to remove the stone from the castle." Minerva explained, the pair nodding slowly.

"Harrison, we believe that you're right about Albus using the stone to try and draw Riddle out of hiding. You and the others did the right thing in telling the twins not to go any further. Minerva and Severus, however, have more insight as to what the traps are." Lucas explained, the two students looking to their professors.

"Beyond the trapdoor guarded by the Cerberus is a nest of Devils Snare. After that is a trap designed by myself: a giant Wizard's chess set in which the players have to place themselves into the game and direct their side to win. Next is a trap which features flying keys and a broom. To get past it one must study the keyhole on the next door before taking into the air and searching for the correct key. Once the key is grabbed they must hurry to the door and unlock it while the other keys are attempting to attack. Next is a room which is guarded by a Troll; getting past it is the only way through." Minerva explained, the boys listening intently.

"The last trap is a room which has a simple table in the center of it with various potion bottles. A riddle is written down on a piece of parchment. The riddle must be solved in order to figure out which potion will allow the person to pass through the enchanted flames guarding the door forward. Another hidden potion will allow the person to go back. While the riddle warns of poison, those flasks are simply filled with a potion that will render the drinker unconscious. Two other flasks are filled with wine." Severus added, the boys nodding in understanding.

"What do you want us to do?" Dean asked, watching as the adults looked at each other.

"After exams are finished, we want you both to go through the traps and find a way to remove the stone from the end. Albus is putting countless children in danger. We would have you remove it sooner, but it would raise too many suspicions if the stone were to disappear sooner than that." Lucas answered, Harry and Dean looking at him in surprise.

"Albus made the 'traps' so simple because no one would dream of putting such a powerful and dangerous artifact at the end of such a simple test. He's hoping to fool Riddle into a false sense of security and draw him out of hiding. Only the headmaster can get out of the final chamber once someone enters it. It is his intention to trap Riddle in the chamber until someone arrives." Severus added, Harry and Dean shaking their heads in disbelief.

"I would also like one of you to retrieve the stone and make it look like it had been destroyed. If Albus believes it had been destroyed then he cannot continue to use to lure out Riddle. My wife and I plan on going to a different country. We both have enough elixir to allow us to live long enough to get our affairs in order. We have already agreed to destroy the stone ourselves. After being around for six-hundred years, it's time to move on to the next great adventure." Nickolas said, smiling gently as the group looked at him in surprise and great sadness.

"How long will you live for once the stone is destroyed?" Delilah asked, her voice soft as Nickolas sighed softly.

"At least another thirty years. I plan on taking on another apprentice and pass on my notes. My descendants have continued to carry on the Flamel name and will continue to do so. Currently Cassandra is the most promising Alchemist of my line and I shall be passing on all my old notes and journals to her." He explained, the others nodding in understanding.

"Minerva and I will keep a lookout for anything or anyone suspicious. We may ask you two to go after the stone sooner. If you should see or hear anything suspicious, don't be afraid to bring it up with us." Severus said, his tone gentle as the two trainees nodded.

"On the evening that you two go after the stone, we have a plan in mind to get Albus out of the castle. We'll send you a message telling you to go ahead." Minerva explained, watching the pair carefully as they looked at each other.

"Can we tell anyone else?" Dean asked, watching as the adults looked at each other.

"Miss Granger, Mister Longbottom and the twins may be told. If any of your other friends find out then encourage them to keep quiet about it. We don't need any other adults such as Madame Bones knowing what's going on before the stone is removed." Lucas answered, the boys nodding in understanding.

They talked a few more things over before Harry and Dean were dismissed. Both of them were shocked that they had just gotten their first mission as trainee Assassins. It was rare, but trainees did get missions sometimes. They were normally research or low level spying missions but it was still rare when they came since the trainees were considered unprepared for such missions. Harry and Dean couldn't help but feel proud that they had been chosen for such a mission. Yes, Tonks could've been given the mission but she's been busy preparing for her N.E.W.T. exams and applying for the Auror cadet training. She rarely has time for her friends as it is, let alone handling a mission like this.

"Can you imagine what Elliot's face would look like if he knew we have a mission?" Dean asked, snickering at the thought of the ponce's face.

"You know we never give out information about missions to others." Harry said, making his friend nod.

"I know, Ry. It's just…that stupid git has been causing trouble for Hannah and Susan. It's kind of amazing that he's in Hufflepuff and not Slytherin." Dean said, following his friend through the manor to the library.

"Not really. Elliot has none of the cunning or wit that is prized by Slytherin. Neither does darling Draco, but it was a process of elimination for the hat and Slytherin was the only place to put the sod. For all of his faults, Elliot is loyal to his family and the Brotherhood." Harry said, Dean nodding lightly.

Walking into the library, they smiled at the sight of Hermione showing something to Neville at one of the work tables. They joined their friends and helped Neville figure a few things out; using simpler terms than Hermione had been. She flushed at that, but Neville smiled at her anyway and still thanked her for helping him out so much. While Neville worked, they talked about how their Christmas' had been and what they did at home. Hermione told them that her dad had gotten the Summons and had actually driven up to her grandparent's house. He was screaming at her mum about over-reacting and wanting to drive him to living on the street. Of course Emma had been prepared and explained exactly what she wanted to get out of the divorce, which wasn't much. When Richard heard about Emma wanting to get custody of Hermione he had blustered and tried to claim that he had his rights. That was when Hermione jumped into the argument and stated, loud and clear, that she wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

Needless to say that had been a blow to Richard's ego and he had quieted down. He had, shockingly, accepted the services of the lawyer Andromeda recommended for him. Thankfully he has enough sense in him to understand that because he knows of the Magical world things are going to be different for this divorce. Emma and Richard plan on meeting with each other, with their lawyers present of course, and a finical advisor to go over the finer points of the divorce agreement.

"He's finally realized that Mum is serious about splitting. I think he might move out of the house and into a smaller place." Hermione said, the others listening with interest.

"What about his side of the family?" Neville asked, watching as Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Grandpa and Grandma Granger claim that Mum was just interested in his fortune and what he might inherit when they pass. Aunt Lucille has been badmouthing Mum ever since they started dating. From what I've heard she claims that Mum plans on 'bleeding Dad dry' of all his money and stocks. She's hoping that Richard will get all of Mum's money and make us paupers." Hermione said, scowling as she thought of her aunt.

"Aunt Andie will make sure that won't happen." Harry said, his voice firm as Hermione smiled.

"I know, Ry."


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