
Fusing Aether cores into the remaining three wasn't that eventful. Aside from complaints that the gem felt cold and itchy, it was successful. As I thought, they would be able to progress through the 1st rank in no time.

The idea of only being good enough for the 3rd rank was odd to them. But the first rank alone is a giant hurdle for most Dorians.

Gathering energy isn't something that most could understand, nor could they sit long enough to be able to accumulate. Such was the problem when survival was the priority. Only after they accumulate enough energy would they be able to refine it for cultivation.

These kids already have the advantage, the energy might not be the same, but it is energy nonetheless, if they could locate it and harness it then they'd already have a way to get to the 2nd rank. Dorians may have the core seed but even now only a handful even get to use their abilities much less raise their rank substantially.

I'd like to believe that Shen was being constructive about this.

Gods used different versions of power accumulations in their realms, and we've seen almost everything from witchcraft, spirits, blood magic, items, glyphs, and so on. Shen chose this because he realized that after exhausting all external sources of abilities, humans would be unable to cope with entities whose actual bodies were evolving. It also made it difficult to accumulate enough power or energy to make it to godhood. It's one of the reasons why there are only a handful of gods.

If a realm can temper one, that's already a miracle as it is.

Shen's idea of improving both the body and the mind in a manner that was close to Empyrean exercises made sense. Most would have attempted to reconstruct this if not for the lack of energy to expend on a realm of this magnitude. After all, it took such a large chunk of Empyrean reserves to make Eryndor, and we haven't even been able to recover it since Shen disappeared. I sigh at the situation.

Never mind, let's get them to 1st rank before they leave. Using abilities now would not be a problem, but the abilities they wanted were impossible without at least getting to 1st rank.

Just as I was preparing to teach them how to gather energy I felt a sudden burst of uncontrolled energy. Alarmed at the suddenness, I see that it's coming from Eliana. Did she manage to unlock her reserves? The rioting energy isn't Empyrean in nature.

"Don't touch her!" I warned the other kids who were about to rush to her. "She's experiencing a breakthrough and the energy that's around her may mistake your approach as an attack."

The three are visibly agitated and couldn't help but ask, "What can we do? She's starting to bleed!" Rina screeches.

"Her breakthrough was very sudden, ideally this was to be done gradually after a lot of tempering."

Next to her, Lucian was also stirring. I had to do a double-take because I thought I was seeing things. This kid's core was now a Radiant cut. He's now second rank?! It's only been a day. Was it that helpful that there is no need to eat, drink, and sleep here? Did they gather energy the whole day, or were they going straight to unlocking their reserves?

Shen wasn't exactly very specific when he said that there would always be a backlash when breaking through. All I know is that it's possible to assist. But how? If I add pure energy she'll explode, maybe I can try re-routing it?

Just as I was approaching her side, it happened again. Lucian was coating her this time, is this why he left his energy signature in that core that he gave her? Did he foresee such a thing?

This kid's potential is something else. Not only did he manage to get to 2nd rank in a day but he's also now at the middle stage, halfway to breaking through to the 3rd rank.

And this kid has decided that he was going to get her out of this.

I created an energy vacuum around them, to avoid more energy from congregating. Lucian would be ideal for guiding her because she identifies with his energy.

It wasn't that obvious until all five finished with the core fusion but only Lucian and Eliana had the same colored cores.

I can sense that the rioting energy is subsiding. I don't know where he managed to get the stamina to power through after his breakthrough.

It felt like forever and it didn't help that the three other kids were waiting anxiously. At some point, I felt the energy around the room normalize and I lifted the vacuum. Now they're going to have to replenish and may need to eat up a considerable amount of energy.

"The three of you should move away from them. They're stable now. They just need to pull energy and I am unsure as to how large their new pool can take. They might accidentally pull at yours." The three of them immediately moved to my location, visibly relaxing after hearing that both were stable now.

"Look at their cores, these two managed to pummel through the 1st rank onto the 2nd rank." Beautiful vermillion gems in Radiant cut, just with a difference in facets. "Eliana is now at the early stage of 2nd rank, while Lucian managed to hit mid-stage 2nd rank." Rai and Rina gasped at this.

Slumped side-by-side, these two continued to guzzle up energy as expected. They managed to utilize their original energy to pad their meridians this fast, such talented children. If they follow what Shen left, 3rd rank is very much within reach.

Raising his hand like a student, Rai asks, "Sir Tyr, that's a good thing right? Though didn't you say that reaching 3rd rank would be comfortable for them?" He seemed very hesitant so I opted to explain.

"I think the confusion here is because I didn't explain enough. Reaching the 3rd rank alone is something that the majority of the people won't get to. Just because Dorians are born with an Aether core does not mean that they know how to use it, nor can they gather enough energy to even reach 1st rank." The kids seemed very surprised to hear this.

"You'll realize once you get there that most people don't have abilities, and those who do are already considered strong enough despite being 1st or 2nd ranks. Imagine meditating while under the constant threat of beasts." Now they nod at the imagery of being chased while attempting to meditate.

"Shen prepared cultivation methods to help progress through the ranks, but he did not get to deploy them before his disappearance. But he kept stressing the need for tempering and regulation because of how bad the backlash could be." Lucian probably has an advantage because he is naturally receptive to this.

"So we'll integrate with his progression instead. We'll seal the methods and abilities behind milestones for your safety. I had an initial idea but thought of what you all said and reworked it into something more familiar." More nodding, at least they seem more excited now, and even I smile at this.

"If it's okay with you, kindly try gathering energy. I was hoping that you could at least enter mid-stage 1st rank while here. It's required to use psychic abilities for language."

"Sir, do you need suggestions?" Rai's eyes glittered as he said. "I'll take as much material as possible, don't worry." I smile at him and his lips scrunch to the side "Won't that take too long?" such an honest question. "Don't worry, I can read different materials simultaneously." His eyes widened and even the other two seemed amazed.

More than power and godhood, they found the ability to read simultaneously more interesting. I laugh at their expressions.

"How convenient." Idris shakes his head before attempting to take a meditation posture.

Before leaving, I reminded them not to overdo it and to pace the gathering, as the other two were just lucky.