
After cramming as much information and looking at the long list that is still waiting for me, I'm suddenly thankful that I'm not alone in this.

Novel protagonists normally do this alone, raising civilizations from nothing, but here I am trying to memorize how to make wax. If the gods made me with one less brain cell, I'd have no space to remember how to make spark powder.

There's a huge difference when trying to survive with modern equipment versus using sticks and stones.

To top it all off, I'm nervous about my abilities. As a Plant-type elemental, it's very important to know what kinds of plants are there so that I can use them properly, but we don't have data on that. I can only make do with cramming crop-related plants now as my knowledge was focused on poisonous, attack-type, and defensive plants.

The crops I know are all from our realm, so I need to prepare to learn substitutes in case I need to look for them in the wild.

I suddenly remember something, "Ri, paper and ink. We need those too." I tell her just in case I forget.

"Eli, I'm learning how to make things like bacon and milk, but I think we should switch." I felt her pain and even my stomach was alarmed, so I readily agreed. "Thank you." She says as we switch topics. I almost forgot that she's a menace in the kitchen. I wouldn't even be surprised if we die from food poisoning instead of carnivorous attacks.

"I still can handle the spices, they have medical properties so they're sticking properly." She joyfully tells me and I agree with her.

I turned to Tyr, wanting to ask about seeds even though I could roughly predict his answer. "Sir Tyr, can we bring over seeds?" Tyr sighs and I think I'm right.

"We can't send you in with such objects. For one it's dangerous to introduce foreign plants since it might destroy the ecology of the realm." Even I thought so too. "And we can't send you off with items, those will be treated by the realm as meddling. Even our compensations to you are locked in domains and can only be used inside. But it's different for Shen, his mainframe seems to have tangible items as rewards. Save for the Aether cores that were left by Shen, we couldn't really send you off with anything else. "

I nod to show my understanding, and frankly this is already better than we expected. We've got about 8 hours remaining, luckily both Idris and Rai managed to break through to 2nd and 1st ranks respectively. They've finished refilling the energy they consumed while breaking through, and have now joined us in cramming.

With Idris here it'd be much faster, he doesn't need to digest the information. He's number one in the medical cadet rankings because of his memory.

Even Lucian is capable, but he uses his brain for things like remembering where each weapon is located or the number of enemies and their coordinates. If his things are touched, he'd know, he's keen like that.

We, on the other hand, we're diligent. Raised as successors, we've been showered with praises such as "Geniuses" or "One-in-a-million", but I know that a large part of our consistent performance is due to diligence. We got lucky with the genes, but luck can only get us so far. And I'm okay with that.

It's just that sometimes, I have to convince myself with words like these because someone's sleeping while I'm this close to palpitating.

I know he's probably done and has probably read extra so I'm resisting the compulsion to smack him on the head. After being his Vice-Captain for 3 years now, I should already be used to this but at such times, I feel like his very relaxed face exists to mock me.

Goddammit Eli! Just imagine that you've passed out the most number of times, and has probably slept the longest. There, that makes sense. Compensate for the number of times you passed out.

Idris interrupts my internal monologue with "You two should either rest or cultivate. Just because we don't feel the need to sleep here does not mean you're not mentally tired." I look at Ri to see what she wants to do when Idris adds, "I can handle the remaining data. And it's not like you're reading these for the first time. You've already reviewed this at least thrice." Bad habit, I know. I sigh and move towards a corner. He's right anyway, I'm obsessing over it again.

Either I go full instinct or turn into an obsessive over-thinker.

That would explain why one moment, I whimsically decide to break through, then suddenly I'm methodically deconstructing hydropower generators. Thrice.

Meditation has always been difficult for me for this reason, not because I can't sit still, but because I keep looking for things to do. Thankfully meditation now isn't only for relaxation but for training and ranking up. I'm confident about those things.

I silence my mind, trying to re-learn and commit to memorizing the new vessels that came to light earlier. I try to temper these new meridians by cycling as much pure energy to compensate for discovering those late.

I figured that if an area is incapable of handling the same energy flow, I may experience something like an energy stroke. So I cycle, over and over again. I don't know how long it has been, but at one point I heard someone calling me.

"Yeah?" I asked, snapping out of cultivation. "Vice-Captain, it seems like we're about to leave. We need to start storing the bags." Rai points at the remaining three bags and I nod at him for confirmation.

I feel refreshed, at least this time I don't feel like an elderly with rheumatism. I haul the bags into the space, just in time to see the others stretching after storing the other bags. Like me, Idris could fit in 3 bags while 6 made it to Lucian's space.

"Ready?" Asked Tyr. We nod simultaneously and then I remember to ask, "Sir, you asked us to look for Sir Shen, but how can we confirm that it's him?" Realizing the irony of the question, he laughed. "Hmmm, I think I know…Ask him who he thinks is the smartest Empyrean?" I look at him quizzically before asking, "What answer should we be waiting for?" Grinning, he said, "If it takes ages before he can give you a proper answer, that's probably him."

Gods can easily change forms, and we don't even know if something has happened to him, but if you manage to find Shen, you'll probably know. He's as eccentric as it can get after all.

Tyr joined his hands together, initiating a series of hand movements, and in front of him, a portal-like dimension crack opened up.

"Though we met due to unfortunate circumstances, I have enjoyed your company these past few days. On behalf of the council, I would like to thank you for helping us despite our transgressions." Tyr bows deeply and we return the gesture.

"Thank you for guiding us as well and we'll try our best to help locate Sir Shen," I respond, followed by farewells and thanks from the group.

"Kindly pass through here, so you'd be transported to the realm. I am unsure where you will land but it was Shen who prepared this so I'm hoping it's somewhere reasonable." He heaved a deep sigh. "Once you meet his required criteria, his progression system should start manifesting." We listen to his last reminders. "Until then, stay safe. And I hope you get to live your best lives in Eryndor." He waves to us sincerely, as we each pass through the portal.

We all agreed to have a tight hold of each other, if was similar to a wormhole experience, it would be very dangerous to get separated. Initially, we thought of connecting ourselves with a rope but that would be counterproductive if we appeared in a hazardous area.

I look back at Tyr, smiling before I enter the portal. After all, we've bonded with him already. Novel protagonists normally get thrown in right away but we had a boot camp, of sorts, instead. We'll miss this guy.

We all manage to walk in, well more like, float in, as the moment we crossed the portal, we suddenly felt the lack of gravity. Behind Idris, the portal was shrinking, until it was completely gone. Meanwhile, we're floating in a space that feels like a hallway, just with unclear ground. There's no trace of a shadow under us so we can't see where the ground really is.

"Where to now, Captain?" Wondering if he's got a plan for when this happens.

He looked back to answer but didn't get a chance to start, as all of a sudden, the gravity that disappeared earlier, returned with a vengeance. Holy fuck.

I was too shocked, my screams didn't even get to leave my lungs.

Someone's definitely screaming, it's just that I suddenly have a giant stone in my stomach that's suddenly lurched up to my chest. So similar to bungee jumping. But with no harness.

I gripped Lucian like my life depended on it, and I don't know what Shen was thinking when he made this, but instead of slowing down, we cannonballed down much faster.

If the crash doesn't kill me, the scare from this fall would. I could already feel my joints locking in fear. I've even unconsciously started praying to the gods now.

Just as my heart lurched forward, we hit a net. I'm pretty sure I whiplashed but I'm more concerned that I've killed Lucian and ended his right to reincarnate, right here and right now.

I forcefully open my eyes just to check if the cushion was still alive. We may hate each other, but I don't want the "murder of my best friend's cousin" to be added to my list of sins. The impact was just too strong. Thankfully his eyes are open, he seems alive.

But before I managed to verify the signs of life, the net under us broke. And with it went my dignity.


I just learned that when falling, there is a big difference when you think that your feet can touch the ground upon landing versus expecting a face plant.

I'll pass off as a monkey right now. But I don't care, I'm scared.

I don't know where all the blood in my body has drained but my hands really need help.

The fall wasn't as long as the first one but I quickly realized that if we do faceplant onto something, the first to-face impact would be Lucian's spine. And that made me panic. If it's not a net this time, he's either dead or decapitated.

I reach for his back, desperately trying to conjure up energy for padding. It's obvious that I've never done this. My heartbeat was so loud that it could probably be heard even in Solandis. Any type of padding would be fine. But because I was too flustered, I couldn't muster enough energy to cover his back. And just as I was trying to patch the energy holes, Rai kept on screaming, "Ground! Ground!". He was screaming it over and over and I knew he was scared because he WILL faceplant.

My heart seizes, and I know I'm about to cry. I'm trembling so hard, that Lucian probably thinks that I'm going through a personal earthquake.

It felt like forever but everything was happening fast and just before my tears fell, I felt Lucian wrapping his arm around me, whispering "I got it. Don't cry." Fuck you. Now I'm really going to cry.

We hit the ground, and I know we hit the ground because Rai stopped batshit screaming. But there was no impact. Like we just suddenly stopped? And my hands that were wrapped around Lucian's back weren't crushed by the impact.

I somewhat recover from the emotional roller coaster and I twiddle my fingers, just to check if I still have them. That's when I realized that Lucian managed to put an energy layer behind him. But under that layer was about a foot of space. Then are we floating? I ask myself, wondering just what the hell was happening.

All of a sudden I get hoisted up like a sack of potatoes and he grabs my limp legs to his sides. I'm basically straddling him now. The timing was impeccable, the invisible floater disappeared from under him, but Lucian managed to plant his legs for balance.

I hear a loud thud and an angry cry. Rai. At least he's alive.

I open an eye, then the other before I blink repeatedly.

Front and center was Lucian's face. "Are you making me carry you all the way?" His very close face asked. I was so surprised that I suddenly let go, nearly falling backward if not for him holding my legs. What kind of death trap is this?! I scream internally.

Realizing how bad this looks, I wiggle signaling a jump down.

I was about to open my mouth but I saw Rai to my left, face-planted, butt-up. And I swallow any and all negative comments. Managing to mutter "Thanks." while I was at it.