Chapter 01 – Moonlit Beginning

Decades ago, a nuclear war ravaged the continent of Astarticah due to rivalries and greed among various nations, nearly obliterating dimensional borders and plunging the people into misery and ruin. Reconstruction was arduous, but soon the nation of NeoArchanah rose from the ashes. Various elementals now lived in harmony, vowing never to wield atomic weapons again to settle their differences. They pledged their signatures and oaths to sacred agreements, encoded in magical runes under an eternal spell that would incinerate anyone who dared to wage another mystical crusade. Thus, the Ethereal Accords were born, enduring for many ages.

Wolves thrived after nearly facing extinction in this war. They formed their own prosperous and united kingdom, responsible for the nation's security and serving as an example to other countries on the continent, represented by the royal family. The kingdom was the most prosperous on the continent and was considered a model for all, with its spells crafted to maintain "peace." Children learned much about history and idolized the heroes of that war. Everyone eagerly awaited the annual commemorations on Forgiveness Day, when the victims were remembered.

Society was divided into layers and professions, with each set of ancient clans responsible for a layer. Wolves were the elite of society, divided into two lines with varying degrees of influence. Other classes inhabited the kingdom as well, including elementals like fairies, mermaids, gnomes, forest spirits, humans, and of course, witches. Only one class was banned: the vampires. Due to mysterious circumstances, they were not allowed.

The North of the kingdom was more liberal and open to cultural exchanges, while the South was conservative and would enslave other kingdoms if given the chance. Meanwhile, interdimensional borders protected the realms from others and from alternate realities.

Wolves had been enemies of vampires for centuries, and the royal family considered them enemies of the state. What a perfect world! That's what most inhabitants thought. Everything could be enjoyed in a cordial and protective manner. But not everyone was content in this paradise.

The beloved regent read through a lengthy document reporting an attack in the South of the country. Defenses were alerted at the speed of light. Alpha Rodrigo met with his father, Régis, who informed him that it was the work of the vaeruntbnians, an elemental separatist group that periodically haunted the continent with their ideas of equality and separation of power. They were revolutionary barbarians without a sense of organization. And Régis, a Lycan, knew they had infiltrated the court. There were still things they didn't know.

Meanwhile, in the Northstar tower, Samyrah meditated on the progress of her studies while sipping her nearly lukewarm coffee. She wasn't sure if she could concentrate with her parents being so insistent about her academic life. She was supposed to master all the divinatory arts and dedicate herself to one upon reaching two hundred years old. There were many things Samyrah secretly questioned about society but dared not say aloud. Especially since she was the girlfriend and secret companion of Prince Rodrigo, and according to the phases of the moon, it was almost time to see her boyfriend. She smiled internally. Her order of witches was a monastic and priestly order, still aiding in national security and some serving in the royal guard, complicating matters since their romance was strictly forbidden. Some matrons were strict; others not so much. A holographic glow appeared near the tree marking their meeting spot.

Samyrah noticed someone's arrival. They were hooded, which would help them go unnoticed. A silver figure with blue eyes passed by. Samyrah put on her hood and followed the trail of the great wolf she had seen, smiling. She knew who it was.

Normally, she wouldn't risk this, but for her beloved, it was worth it. Rodrigo, the young prince of the kingdom, was beyond the levels of security and could be an easy prey if his Lycan mentors hadn't taught him martial arts and hidden magic techniques. Nothing could be more important. Samyrah bravely approached and caressed the great wolf. In whispers, she said, "Your Majesty, you shouldn't risk so much to come here."

Telepathically, Rodrigo replied, "Today is the day I came to see you, my lovely sorceress. The day is coming when I will announce my chosen mate. And you are her. Nothing can separate us."

"I will be expelled from the order."

"I will be the king, and I will think of a solution. I promise."

Samyrah continued to caress him until he turned into his human form. She tapped her staff on the ground and opened a portal to the other side of the island. In a place illuminated by the moon, they sat and exchanged many kisses, sealing promises of love. Suddenly, Samyrah had a terrible vision. In it, she saw dragons flying over the city, burning everything to ashes. She became worried and looked at her man, pale.

The few moments between them seemed stolen, especially due to legal restrictions. Prince Rodrigo was a kind and gentle man. Understanding the situation, he asked them to return to the castle, as dawn was approaching, and they needed to bid farewell. Rodrigo's wolf was majestic, unusual for the tribe, very different from the standard colors and sizes. He bid farewell to Samyrah and disappeared along the same path he had entered. He would return next crescent moon.

As the day's events had passed, everything was in its place. Samyrah would have more lessons on the species of the kingdom. The matrons monitored the content taught through strict pedagogical guidelines. The high magic school was not for any girl. What was taught went far beyond common knowledge. Power archetypes were activated, elemental magics were studied, weaknesses, strengths, and secrets of each tribe were examined, as well as the magical traditions of each people. There were pure witches, others selected from the elemental species living in the kingdom, and, of course, their polar enemies. For example, the enemies of Prince Rodrigo's species were vampires, especially the vaeruntbnian race, which were cruel and power-hungry. The deans would not disobey the Ethereal Accords.

There were many situations where they needed to restrain themselves by the laws. Often, things happened that left little room for doubt that there were shadowy plans made by vampires. Nothing could be as mysterious as that. It was foreseen that a great fight could happen.

For Samyrah, this meeting with the prince was essential. It was necessary to find out if their love would survive the social conditions. The matrons were starting to look at her with a certain suspicion. She loved him, but the wolves had laws and customs, and she was from a protective caste of the kingdom, defending the nation's ideas. Her life would certainly be in danger soon.