new era

However, they would not give up easily. This clan of royal vampires had the power to transform into elemental dragons. Valentyn was the most powerful among them.

Even in the face of the proactive attack led by Raul, the royal vampires would not easily retreat. This clan, distinct among other vampires, possessed an ancient and terrifying power: the ability to transform into elemental dragons, each tied to a primordial force of nature. Valentyn, being the most powerful of them all, was the master of fire, capable of incinerating his enemies with a mere burst of his fiery breath.

As the royal triplets and Samirah advanced against the bestial creatures, a sudden change in the atmosphere signaled the next stage of the battle. Valentyn, realizing that his minions would not be enough to defeat the royal family, decided to unleash the true power of his clan. With a nearly casual gesture, he rose into the air, floating above the battlefield as his eyes glowed with a supernatural intensity.

"You think you can stop me?" Valentyn's voice echoed across the field, cold and laden with arrogance. "You've barely begun to understand what it means to face a true elemental dragon."

With a roar that shook the sky, Valentyn's body began to transform. His human form dissolved, giving way to gleaming scales and sharp claws. Flames enveloped his figure, growing until he became a colossal dragon, whose ruby scales glowed like molten lava. At his command, other members of the clan followed suit, transforming into dragons of different elements—some covered in ice, others surrounded by storms and lightning, and still others with the appearance of rock and molten earth.

Raul, Rodrigo, Mirella, and Samirah felt the impact of this transformation. The bestial creatures they were facing were already formidable, but now, with elemental dragons on the field, the situation became extremely dangerous. Raul, always the strategist, realized that continuing with the same plan would be a fatal mistake.

"Change of plan!" Raul shouted, his voice cutting through the air as he retreated to a more defensive position. "We need to separate the dragons; we can't face them together!"

Samirah, recognizing the gravity of the situation, began to chant a containment spell, invoking magical barriers to divide the battlefield. Each dragon would have to be faced individually, giving them a better chance to combat the elements.

Rodrigo, now in his werewolf form, charged toward Valentyn, knowing that he was the key to breaking the morale of the others. With his enhanced speed and strength, he delivered swift blows, trying to distract the fire dragon and create an opening for a decisive attack.

Mirella, using her illusions, began to confuse the other dragons, creating duplicates of herself and the others to divert their attacks and maintain the upper hand on the battlefield. She knew the fight would be intense, but she was determined to protect her brothers and the city she loved.

As the confrontation unfolded, the forces of NeoArchanah and the elemental dragon-vampires engaged in an epic battle, where magic, brute strength, and cunning mixed in a whirlwind of fire, ice, and lightning. Valentyn, in his flaming dragon form, was the most feared, his flames consuming everything in his path.

But the royal family, united and resolute, would not be deterred. Each of the triplets and Samirah knew that this battle would not be decided by strength alone but by courage and the ability to adapt to the most challenging circumstances.

The clash between the elemental dragons and the defenders of NeoArchanah was just beginning, and the fate of the entire kingdom hung in the balance.

Samirah carried a secret in her heart that made her unique among the witches of NeoArchanah. Descended from a powerful lineage on her mother's side, she was blessed with gifts granted by the Lost Moon goddess. This secret, known only to her and a few older witches, endowed her with a power that could be decisive in the battle ahead.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, as the elemental dragons roared and the forces of NeoArchanah struggled to hold their ground, Samirah felt something awaken within her. The ancient power of her lineage, which she had always kept hidden, now stirred with an irresistible force. She knew that this was the moment when she would need to use all her power, even if it meant revealing her true heritage.

While Rodrigo and the triplets fought against Valentyn and his allies, Samirah withdrew for a moment, seeking a safe space. Closing her eyes, she began to recite a chant in a forgotten language, invoking the blessing of the Lost Moon. The moon, hidden behind the dark clouds brought by the dragons, began to shine intensely, its light cutting through the darkness and bathing Samirah in a silver halo.

"By the light of the Lost Moon, I invoke the power of my lineage," she murmured, feeling the energy flow through her body, stronger than ever.

The runes on her arms, which had until then been dormant, began to glow with a celestial blue. With a fluid motion, Samirah raised her hands to the sky, and the moonlight intensified, forming a protective barrier around her allies. The dragons, sensing the power of the goddess, hesitated, and even Valentyn, in his flaming dragon form, retreated for a moment, feeling the presence of a force that rivaled his own.

The battle was taking an unexpected turn. Rodrigo and the others noticed the sudden change, but it was Raul who first understood what was happening. His eyes widened as he saw Samirah enveloped in the light of the Lost Moon, and he realized that the secret she carried was deeper than they had imagined.

"She… is a descendant of the Lost Moon," Raul whispered, the realization of her power now clear.

With the power of her lineage now fully awakened, Samirah was ready to face Valentyn and his allies. The moonlight not only protected her allies but also weakened the dragon-vampires, whose power was based on darkness and chaos. The battle was far from over, but now, with Samirah's secret revealed, there was new hope for NeoArchanah.

Samirah knew that by using this power, she was exposing herself in a way that could change the course of her life forever. But she also knew that this was the only way to protect those she loved and the kingdom she called home.