Chapter 22 Must seize the opportunity!

While cleaning up, Anluo found a small box under the coffee table, which contained two ginseng roots.

As well as a jade pendant, a bracelet and a hairpin.

She tossed and turned in modern times until most of the night, and in Dayin, the women of the Cheng family also did not sleep a wink all night.

Madam Cheng and Mrs. Tian had been staying in the carriage, staring closely at the place where Yu'an had disappeared before.

"Grandma, the immortal will definitely cure Yu'an, right?"

Madam Cheng patted her hands and spoke in a steady tone.

"Don't worry, the immortals have great powers and will definitely find a way."

As soon as she finished speaking, a faint light flashed, and the little guy they were talking about appeared.

"Great-grandmother, mother, Yu'an is back!"

He no longer looked sickly, but now his big round eyes were bright and he was lively and full of energy.

As the two men felt relieved, their reverence for the immortals grew even more.

Tian Qin jumped off the carriage and went to find her mother-in-law, Mrs. Meng.

It's not that I don't believe in immortals, but I need to find a reasonable excuse to make Yu An get better.

Because there were outsiders outside the carriage, Old Madam Cheng, on behalf of the Cheng family, kowtowed respectfully to the small wooden sign again.

"Thank you, Immortal. When we settle down in the future, the Cheng family will visit you every morning and evening, burn incense and worship you every day."

Fortunately, Anlu was busy picking up the gold, silver and jewelry on the ground. She took the time to take a look and was so scared that she screamed.

"Come on, let your great-grandmother get up!"

I'm afraid of shortening my life!

Yu An hurried to help.

"Great-grandmother, wake up."

Old Madam Cheng sat down again, first tested the temperature of his forehead with the back of her hand, and asked softly.

"Have you made offerings to the immortal?"

Yu An nodded obediently.


As they were talking, Meng got on the carriage.

Yu An began to tell the elders in a low voice what he had just seen and heard.

The three elders were shocked when they heard this.

A flying iron bird, towering into the sky, a house covered with precious colored glaze, an iron box that can carry people very fast on the road, a magic instrument that can transmit sound over a thousand miles...

It's amazing!

Old Madam Cheng looked longing.

How great it would be if I could see it with my own eyes.

Just like that, in the carriage, Yu An was so excited that sweat broke out on his forehead, and he kept talking non-stop. When there were some things he couldn't describe, he used gestures with his hands and feet.

The other people in the car listened very carefully, and from time to time they let out a subdued exclamation.

Finally, the little guy enthusiastically told the elders the story of Nezha.

"Tell me a myth..."

Hearing the little tune hummed by the childish voice, Cheng Feng and the others who were guarding outside also smiled.

An Luo couldn't bear to disturb this warm scene by making a sound, so he quietly left the live broadcast room.

After all, he was just a child, and the little guy fell asleep after I talked for a while.

The little guy nestled in his mother's arms, holding a blue water bottle with a straw in his hand, and his little mouth moved, as if he had eaten something delicious in his dream.

Meng scratched the soft flesh on his cheek with the knuckle of her index finger and looked at him lovingly.

"Look at the way this little guy is smiling. It looks like he is having a sweet dream."

Old Madam Cheng also had a smile on her face.

Tian Qin was right, Yu An did have a beautiful dream.

He was so happy!

In his dream, he became a little hero like Nezha! He

had two pigtails, stepped on wind-fire wheels, held the Qiankun Ring in one hand and the Hun Tian Ling in the other, and flew high into the sky, flew over the mountains, returned to the capital, and flew above the palace.

He punched the tyrant and kicked the evil imperial master!


With a flick of her little hand, the Hun Tian Ling tightly trapped the emperor and the imperial teacher, hanging them in mid-air, scaring them to death.

In the dream, my grandfather and others also came back.

The incompetent emperor and the evil imperial teacher cried and begged for mercy. He pardoned the punishment of the Marquis of Pingnan's mansion and allowed them to return to the capital.

He became the little hero of the Cheng family!

He was lifted high by his grandfather, father and uncle. He leaped up to the sky, flew and flew, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, hid in the clouds at night, and played hide-and-seek with the stars and the moon...

Have a good night's sleep.

When the little guy woke up, everyone was already on the way.

Yu An reached out and rubbed his dazed eyes.

"great grandmother?"

Mrs. Cheng, who was resting with her eyes closed, opened her eyes when she heard the sound, supported the little guy's shoulders and let him lean on her.

"Yu An, are you awake? Have a drink of water first."

As she spoke, she picked up the water glass on the small square table.


After drinking a glass of water, Yu An felt much more energetic. Thinking of the situation in his dream, he jumped up and described in vivid detail how brave he was.

At first, when Mrs. Cheng heard the little guy say that he beat the emperor in his dream, she thought it was very interesting.

Later, when she heard him say that his children and grandchildren had all returned, her expression became lonely, with deep sadness in her eyes.

Looking out the window, he sighed softly.

"What a sweet dream."

The afternoon sun was very strong, so everyone decided to rest in the woods for a while.

Cheng Qiuyun took out the water bag and took a big sip of water, then raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her chin.

They started on their journey at dawn just to make up for the lunch break.

I was tired, hot and hungry at the moment, but I was too hot to have an appetite.

She walked over to the carriage.

"Grandma, I'm going to go to the mountain to see if I can pick some wild fruits."

Hearing her words, Yu An suddenly raised his little head and his big eyes became bright.


"Aunt, wait a minute!"

He quickly spoke out to stop it.

"I have fruit!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and the next moment three big watermelons appeared in the carriage.

Cheng Qiuyun couldn't help swallowing.


"What melon? Where is it?"

Cheng Qiuluo heard the noise and ran over. When he saw the three watermelons the size of washbasins in the carriage, his eyes widened.

"This... Grandmother?"

She looked at her grandmother with longing on her face.

Madam Cheng nodded and said, "Cut it open."

"Okay! I'll do it!"

Cheng Qiuluo raised his hands and shouted excitedly.

After cutting the watermelon, Old Madam Cheng looked at her eldest granddaughter.

"Qiu Yun, go and give two pieces to Captain Wu and the others."

Hearing this, Cheng Qiuyun was puzzled at first, then she looked at her deeply and nodded.

"Granddaughter understands."

Grandma was trying to test them.

Under a big tree more than ten meters away, Feng Shan took a bite of the dry and hard steamed bread and drank several sips of water before swallowing it.

He looked at the Cheng family's carriage and touched Wu Meng's arm with his elbow.

"Wu Tou'er, what do you think they are doing?"

Wu Meng was drinking water when he hit the wound, causing his arm to shake and the water to spill all over his body.

He glared at the culprit and said unhappily.

"What other people do is none of your business!!"

Feng Shan smiled awkwardly and helped him wipe it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let me wash your clothes for you."

"Captain Wu!"

Hearing the sound, the two stood up.

"What do you want, Madam Sun?"

Cheng Qiuyun handed over two pieces of watermelon.

"Eat some watermelon to cool down."

"Isn't this... bad?"

The two of them stared blankly at the watermelon that was full of moisture.

They had heard of and seen this kind of fruit, but had never eaten it. After all, it was only provided to the royal family and dignitaries.

"Take it now."

Cheng Qiuyun stuffed the money into their hands and went back.

As soon as they got their hands on it, they were both surprised.

It's still cold?!

A cool and sweet fruity fragrance wafted towards him, and Feng Shan's saliva began to flow wildly.

"Wu Tou'er? This melon...shall we eat it?"

Even if Madam Sun had the ability to buy this melon and carry it with her, it was still cold in such a hot day. There was obviously something wrong.

He was answered with the sound of slurping and grunting of watermelon.

Wu Meng suppressed his thoughts and took the time to reply to him.

"Eat, of course I have to eat!"

The Cheng family has given them a chance, they must seize it!