Chapter 49 Sprouting in less than a day?!

2024-08-04  Chapter 49 Sprouting in less than a day?!

  Although the Chen family had already sent people to roughly clean the yard, some details still needed to be cleaned again.

The Cheng family was busy cleaning up until dark.

"Finally cleaned it up."

Cheng Qiuluo slumped in the chair, his legs resting on the low table, his right leg pressing on his left leg, and looking up at the roof and beams.

Well, spotless, very clean!

This was the empire she had conquered through her hard work and efforts.

"I'm so tired."

Seeing her legs hanging loosely on the table, Wang glared at her unhappily.

She didn't even sit properly, how could she act like a girl?

He walked over and slapped her legs to the ground.

"Just take a short break, and go chop some wood. We'll need to light a fire and cook later."

Cheng Qiuluo sighed and responded listlessly.


Then she stood up resignedly, took the axe and prepared to go to the yard.

On the other side, Anluo had already ordered a large table of dishes in the restaurant.

Looking at the suspicious eyes of those delivery guys.

Anlu's easily embarrassed problem came back again.

"Well, there are guests at home."

The takeout was all there, but she was afraid that there wouldn't be enough staple food, so she steamed a whole rice cooker full of rice and more than a dozen large steamed buns.

When the rice and steamed buns were ready, Wang heard her say she wanted to cook, so she quickly asked Yu'an to go to the table and prepare.

When he heard the voice, Yu An was looking up obediently, letting his mother help him wipe the sweat off his face and neck.

He is too small to help clean the room, but the little guy doesn't just watch his elders busy themselves and waits by the side.

Sometimes he helps one person with the broom, sometimes he helps another person with the rag.

Busy running back and forth, in and out, swinging his short legs, running in and out dozens of times, the little guy was very tired.

Hearing the fairy sister say that she would bring food, Yu An immediately perked up, happily showing a row of tiny teeth, and immediately jumped off the stool.

"Wait a minute, great aunt. You don't have to cook tonight."

After saying that, the little guy ran to the dining table, climbed onto the stool with a grunt, and then put his hands on the table.

[Sister Fairy, Yu An is ready. ]

Following this sound, a halo flashed, and the next moment, the table was filled with various dishes and bowls, chopsticks, plates and bowls.


"We have my favorite roast duck and pork knuckle!"

Cheng Qiuluo ran to the table. She looked at this dish and sniffed that dish. She felt that her nose and eyes were not enough!


She looked at Old Madam Cheng with sparkling eyes, her face full of anticipation.

Old Madam Cheng first led the others to bow in front of the table, thanked the immortal, and then nodded.

"Let everyone come in and eat."

Cheng Qiuluo said as he ran outside.

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

Soon her excited voice was heard in the yard.

"Sister, aunt, Jiuling, brother Chengfeng, stop being busy and wash your hands and eat!"

Outside the yard, Cheng Feng and the other two were repairing a fence, preparing to enclose the two plots of land.

Cheng Jiuling and her daughter were squatting on the ground, hoeing and loosening the soil, and watering the newly planted watermelon seeds.

Hearing the sound, several people got up and returned to the yard.

As soon as they entered the main room and saw the table full of food, they were slightly surprised for a few seconds, and then Cheng Feng and the other two sat down on the stools with normal expressions.

Cheng Jiuling turned her head to look at Xu and said timidly.


The stove in the study had never been lit, and no one had even entered the kitchen.

They had been outside the yard and hadn't seen anyone coming.

It is impossible that it was sent by the Chen family.

So, where do these meals come from?

Xu smiled and helped her tuck her naughty hair behind her ears, then pulled her to the dining table and sat down.

Some things don't need to be too clear, right?

Just like the two plots of land outside the yard, the seeds have just been planted, and it hasn't been long since they started to sprout and break through the soil.

Although the mother and daughter had doubts, they did not ask questions at an inappropriate time.

The two sisters-in-law, Meng and Wang, exchanged glances, and when they looked at Xu's mother and daughter again, there was a hint of recognition in their eyes.

Madam Cheng showed no reaction, but she lowered her eyes in thought.

It's not that they are too defensive, it's just that Yu An's secret is too huge, and they can't afford to have even the slightest bit of information leaked out.

Then Old Lady Cheng gave An a piece of meat.

"Let's eat."

Everyone then started to eat.

After eating and drinking, everyone had a good night's sleep.

Early in the morning, a scream suddenly came from outside the yard.

"Oh my God!"

Hearing the sound, several people ran out quickly.

"What happened?"

Old Madam Cheng hurried out of the yard with her two daughters-in-law.

Cheng Jiuling was seen pointing at the ground in a daze, speaking haltingly.

"It's sprouted."

Mrs. Cheng looked over and saw a row of lush green seedlings on the ground, swaying slightly in the morning breeze and stretching out their tender green leaves.

"This... could it be because the watermelon is of extraordinary quality?"

Are the foods of immortals so magical?

They sprouted in less than a day?!

Mrs. Meng on the side slowly shook her head and pointed to the green sprouts in the other corner that were completely different from the watermelon seedlings.

"No, I planted a few ginseng seeds yesterday, and they sprouted overnight!"

She looked at Madam Cheng with a serious expression.

"Mother-in-law, it seems that the truly magical thing is these two pieces of land."

At this time, Yu An rubbed his eyes and walked out in a daze.

The voice of the little baby who just woke up is a little cute and naive.

It makes people feel soft-hearted when they hear it.

"Great-grandmother, what happened?"

Old Madam Cheng led the little guy to the fence and whispered in his ear.

"Yu An, think carefully, has the immortal ever mentioned the wonders of these two pieces of land?"

Yu An was about to shake his head, but suddenly his eyes widened slightly and his mouth opened wide unconsciously.

He actually saw a few words on the land!

He whispered this secret to his great-grandmother.

Old Madam Cheng narrowed her eyes and looked at the two pieces of land carefully, but after looking for a long time she still saw nothing.

She asked again in a low voice.

"What's the word on it?"

Yuan's delicate little eyebrows were tangled together.

He read each word carefully, trying hard to make out the words.

"Thirty times the growth rate."

After saying that, the little guy grinned and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he knows all these words.

"Thirty times?!"

Even though Old Madam Cheng had seen a lot of storms, she couldn't help but exclaim at this moment.

After the shock, she began to think in her mind.

At present, these two pieces of land are not restricted by temperature and season.

It takes more than 140 days for corn to mature, and more than 200 days for wheat.

What does a thirty-fold growth rate mean?

This means that with these two plots of land, they can harvest a batch of food in seven or eight days at most! ! !