Chapter 70 what he thought it meant?


Cheng Shengxuan's eyebrows jumped.

Then the people will suffer.

Cheng Shengxuan was conflicted, but he gritted his teeth and said it out loud.

"Miss, I have an unwelcome request."

Anlu was watching his son playing digital Huarong Dao.

Yu An put Huarong Road on the table, opened his two little hands to the left and right, and slid the wooden block back and forth with his chubby fingers.

He pursed his lips, his face was tense, and he looked serious and thoughtful.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and looking at his expression, Anlu seemed to see a light bulb lit up above Zizi's head.

I saw Zaizai's hands moving quickly, sliding the wooden blocks up, down, left and right, pulling away the other wooden blocks, and moving the '7' behind the '6'.

Another one completed!

Yu An was so happy that he rewarded himself with a cheese stick.

Take a light bite, the milky aroma and the sweet taste of strawberry explode in your mouth, and the texture is still a bit chewy. The baby eats very contentedly and squints his eyes in enjoyment.

This scene made Anlu, the feeder, feel very accomplished!

After eating a cheese stick, Yu'an continued to play Huarongdao, and soon, he sent the number '8' to the correct position again.

Anlu clapped his hands and offered encouragement at the right time.

"Wow! Yu An is awesome!"


Hearing the praise from the fairy sister, the little guy smiled shyly and his little face turned slightly red.

This little face with a hint of pink in it looks like a strawberry meringue at first glance, soft and sticky, making one want to take a sip.

Anluo screamed wildly in his heart.

Ahhh so cute, I really want to take a sip!

"Girl, girl?"

Anlu came back to his senses and pointed his finger at the small speaker.

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Shengxuan looked embarrassed.

"I want to tell the Chen family about the coal. After all, at present, only they can mine a large amount of coal in a short period of time to keep the people warm during the winter."

Cheng Shengxuan's voice became smaller and smaller. During the dozen or so breaths he waited for a reply, he felt extremely tormented and uncomfortable.

The coal was given to Yu'an by this girl and had nothing to do with their family members. It could be said that they also benefited from Yu'an.

But he wanted to give it to someone else to use.

Will she be angry?

An Luo was not angry at all. In fact, he was a little impressed.

They are short of money and food now, but they don't even think of making money from coal. Instead, the first thing they think of is to let the people have a good winter?

You know, coal, like salt and iron, are all highly profitable industries.

After not receiving a reply for a long time, Cheng Shengxuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Sure enough, was she really angry?

He seemed to have done something to make her angry twice in one day.

Just as his heart was sinking a little bit, a gentle voice reached his ears.

"You...actually think so?"

Hearing her voice, Cheng Shengxuan breathed a sigh of relief and looked up suddenly, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.


What did she say just now?

After blurting out these two words, he closed his eyes in annoyance.

Why do I keep making mistakes today?

Not like him at all.

An Luo thought he was asking what he meant by that sentence, so he explained softly.

"Coal, like salt and iron, is a very important commodity, and the profits are huge. Do you really want to hand it over to others?"

Cheng Shengxuan was about to nod when he asked again.

"You're not angry?"

An Luo was stunned.

"Why should I be angry? The coal mine was given to Yu'an, so it belongs to Yu'an. He can use it however he wants and give it to whomever he wants."

The Cheng family army is thousands of miles away in the southern border. Even if we want to use them, it is unrealistic.

Not to mention the difficulty of mining, just talking about transportation and quantity, it is simply a drop in the bucket and coal from far away cannot quench the nearby cold.

Anluo's voice suddenly increased and his tone became serious.

"But only a little."

Cheng Shengxuan stood upright with a serious look on his face.

"you say."

"No matter who you give the coal mine to, Yu'an's share must be given."

It doesn't make sense that the things were originally given to the baby, but in the end the baby has to save money and make compromises, right?

"Well, there are yours as well."

When the little guy heard the fairy sister calling his name, he stopped what he was doing.

The big, round, grape-like eyes became sparkling, as if filled with stars, and the little guy stared closely at the fairy sister in the air.

Although he is still young and doesn't understand many things, he understood what was said just now.

The uncle wanted to share the coal with others, but the fairy said that she must keep some for herself.

He knew that his uncle would never let him suffer any injustice, but he was still very happy to receive the care and protection of the fairy sister.

Apart from the elders in the family, Fairy Sister is the first and only person who cares for and loves me unconditionally.

Hehehe, this feels so good.

He likes this feeling!

Looking up in the air, Yu An smiled obediently and thanked him in a baby voice.

"Thank you, Fairy Sister. You are so kind."

Anluo was overjoyed by the cute and soft voice of the baby.

"Yeah, you're so good, cub."

As he spoke, he stretched out his index finger and gently wiped the baby fat on the screen.

Feeling the warm hands rubbing his face, the little guy smiled with his big eyes and obediently moved forward to rub against them.

Seeing him like this, Cheng Shengxuan reached out to rub him as if possessed by a ghost.

But the next moment, he felt a warm, delicate, and boneless hand.

Cheng Shengxuan's eyes widened instantly, and his face turned red all the way to the back of his ears, as if he had been scalded. He quickly withdrew his hands and put them behind his back.

My fingers gently stroked it, and the warm touch seemed to still linger on my fingertips.

Yu An looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"What's wrong, little uncle? Your face is so red."

"No, nothing."

Cheng Shengxuan took a step back, his eyes darting around to hide his panic.

"I just, it's too hot to be in this room."

As he spoke, he opened the window and the cool wind blew in, which dissipated a lot of the heat on his face, and it became less red.

Anlu retracted his finger and emphasized it again.

"It's not just Yu'an, you too. There's so much coal, use it when necessary."

Cheng Shengxuan smiled and nodded in response.


An Luo rubbed her ears. It was enough. It was fine if this person was good-looking, but how could his voice be so nice?

Speaking of the Chen family, she couldn't help but think of Chen Ying's expression that day.

"At present, the Chen family is indeed a more suitable choice, but money can attract people's attention. In the face of huge interests, we still have to be more cautious."

"After all, human hearts cannot withstand temptation, so it's best not to tempt them."

Hearing this, Cheng Shengxuan's expression also became serious.

Chen Family...

"Don't worry girl, I understand."

Anlu was about to say something when the time limit for the small loudspeaker expired.

She thought that the important things had already been discussed, so she did not renew the purchase.

Just at this moment, Officer Lu called, and An Luo simply gave some instructions and left the live broadcast room.

"Sister has something to do, so I'll leave first."

On the other side, Cheng Shengxuan hadn't received a reply yet, so he turned to look at Yu An.

The little fellow picked up the Huarong Dao again and kicked his two little feet in the air.

"Sister Fairy is busy now."

Suddenly, Yu An looked up at his uncle and asked.

"Uncle, what does 'hmm' mean?"


Cheng Shengxuan repeated it, pondering the pronunciation carefully.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, the cheeks that had just suppressed the heat turned red again in an instant.

Is this... what he thought it meant?