Chapter 76 Plan Failed

Soon, Chen Ying also received news from his confidant that there was indeed a large amount of coal under the hill.

After quickly arranging people to mine, Chen Ying paced back and forth excitedly in the study.

Chen Delin, who was sitting in a chair and drinking tea leisurely, glanced at him.

"How are you going to deal with the snowstorm and the coal issue?"

Chen Ying paused.

"Haven't we discussed this with the Madam just now? We should of course hurry up and mine. If a snowstorm really happens, we can use some of the proceeds to help the people through the winter."

Chen Delin nodded slightly.

"Let's hurry up and get the heated bed that the eldest lady mentioned."

"Also inform the magistrates of the surrounding counties."

"Also, send a memorial to the capital to mention the snow disaster."

Hearing the last sentence, Chen Ying sneered.

"The tyrant king won't believe it!"

When mentioning Emperor Shunhe, Chen Delin's expression turned cold.

"The tyrant is the tyrant, Dayin is Dayin, and the people are the people. The tyrant should be executed, but the millions of people in Dayin are innocent."

He wiped his face and sighed heavily.

"We just ask for a clear conscience."

Chen Ying nodded in agreement.

"Yes, my child understands."

He thought for a moment, observed his father's expression, and asked in a low voice.

"Father, don't you think the Cheng family is weird?"

Chen Delin frowned and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Ying recounted in detail what happened after the Cheng family came to Beihuang.

"Let's not talk about the heated beds and horseshoes, just talk about the new food they found in the mountains and the unprecedented coal."

"We have been in the Northern Wilds for five years and haven't even seen the shadow of these things. How come they all appear one after another after they arrive?"

Chen Ying lowered his eyelids.

This luck is really good.

Chen Delin looked at him deeply and spoke earnestly.

"So what? Everything depends on luck, and luck is something you can't envy."

What's more, even if ordinary people discovered coal, how many of them would think of burning it?

This time, Chen Ying didn't say anything.


Even if they are lucky and can discover these magical things, what does it matter?

Aren't these things on his territory?

"Father, I'll go back and prepare the memorial first."

Chen Delin nodded.

"Go get busy."

Chen Ying had just left for half a cup of tea when the guards from the mansion came running over.

"Master, sir!"

"Oh no!"

Chen Delin got up and opened the door.

"What happened?"

"Why are you so panicked?"

The guard took a look and didn't see Chen Ying, so he bowed.

"I'd better go to the study to report to Master Chen, so as not to disturb your rest."

Chen Delin snorted and said in a deep voice.

"You've interrupted!"

"But Yijiang is causing trouble again?"

Chen Delin has never had much patience when it comes to his troublesome grandson, but this guard couldn't even fart after three beatings.

He glared at the guard.

"Hurry up and tell me!"

The guard came closer and whispered something in his ear.

"Master, the young master packed a big bag. I heard him say he was going to run away from home."

"Running away from home?"

Chen Delin stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes slightly.

After a while, he gave a mysterious smile and waved to the guards.

"Come here, you guys will do this later..."

In the City Lord's Mansion late at night, Yijiang was carrying a large bag and sneaking around in the corners of the courtyards.

"Why is everything blocked?"

The three dog holes he knew about were all blocked, and Yi Jiang stomped his feet in anger.

Suddenly, his ears moved and he heard footsteps, so he quickly hid in the corner.

Two guards were patrolling here, chatting as they walked.

"I just saw a dog hole in the southeast corner of the next yard that was not blocked. Let's seal it up quickly. Don't let the young master find out."

The other guard nodded.

"Yes, yes, yes. Most of the brothers have gone to the mountains outside the city these days. There are few people in the mansion. We can't let the young master find a chance to slip away."

"I was just wondering. I saw several carts covered with cloth on the street behind the door. I don't know what they are."

The man next to him patted his shoulder.

"Okay, no matter what it is, it's none of our business. Doing our job well is better than anything else."

After the two men left with lanterns, Yijiang came out from the corner.

"Southeast corner? Are there cars going into the mountains?"

Yu An's family lives at the foot of the mountain!

Why doesn't he just hide secretly in the cart?

I can even get a ride!

Having made up his mind, he first looked around vigilantly, but when he didn't notice anything, he quickly ran to the next yard.

"Southeast corner, southeast corner..."

Haha, Yu'an, I'm here to see you!

After he left, the two guards came back, looked at his cheerful back, and one of them asked.

"That dog hole was just dug out, the young master won't find it, right?"

"Don't worry, it's dark here, you can't see it."

"The location we are looking for is the closest to the convoy. By the way, has everything been arranged for the convoy? Will they be discovered?"

"The master has already given instructions to the brothers over there."

The person next to him was still worried.

"But Lord Chen will be there too, so he won't be seen, right?"

"I just saw Master Chen still busy in the study. He won't be able to finish his work in less than a cup of tea. By that time, the young master will have already hidden himself."

The other nodded.

"That's good. It's really strange. If the young master wants to stay at a friend's house for a few days, why doesn't he just send someone to take him there? Why does the master have to go through all this trouble?"

"Isn't it because our Master Chen is keeping a close eye on things? He will definitely not agree to it."

The two returned to report with peace of mind, but things did not go as they had planned.


Yijiang entered the yard, looked around, and scratched the back of his head.

"Southeast corner?"

"Which way should we go?"

"Forget it, never mind!"

He put his bag on his back with all his strength and chose a direction at random.

Just look for them one by one!

However, he didn't expect that his luck was really not that good.

After three wrong attempts, Yijiang finally arrived at the correct location.

He grunted and struggled, and finally poked his head out of the hole, and a pair of boots appeared in front of him.

Yijiang looked up, with some dry grass on his head. His sight went up and he met his father's serious face and those eyes that seemed to be spitting fire.

"Why are you here?"

Yijiang tilted his head and gave him a flattering smile.

"I, I came out to get some fresh air."

As he said this, he stepped back a little, wanting to go back.

However, Chen Ying stretched out his hand, grabbed his collar, pulled him out and made him stand up, then looked at the hole in the wall.

"As I recall, all the dog holes in the mansion were sealed. What's going on with this?"

Then he glanced at the bundles scattered on the ground and glanced at Yijiang with cold eyes.

"Running away from home? You've really grown up!"

Letting the convoy set off first, Chen Ying took Yijiang back to the study.

Chen Delin, who got the news, rushed over in a hurry, without even putting on his shoes, and just ran over in slippers.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing his son's gloomy and serious expression, he rolled his eyes and pointed at Yijiang.

"Can't you, kid, give me some peace of mind?"

Chen Ying glanced at him and then closed the study door heavily.

Hearing the crying and shouting inside, Chen Delin at the door shuddered a few times, shook his head and sighed repeatedly.


My dear grandson, your luck is really bad.

I have arranged everything well, you can't escape.

Don't blame grandpa for not helping you, your dad is just too nagging.

If I hit you, you won't nag me anymore, right?

(End of this chapter)