Chapter 104: Being blamed?

The Snow Concubine who was dragged away looked at the Second Prince for help.

But the Second Prince was already busy with his own affairs, so how could he care about her?

He was in charge of preparing for the winter hunt.

But now, first a tiger broke into the camp and injured people, and then an assassin sneaked into the guards.

The wounds on my body still hurt badly...

Looking at the officials who were gathered together and whispering in the camp, he could imagine that tomorrow the impeachment memorials against him would flood the council hall!

When the emperor wakes up, I don't know how he will punish him...

The fifth prince was really good at scheming, and he actually used a series of tricks on him!

The second prince was in a state of confusion!

My temples hurt and swelled, and my head was buzzing.

His face turned pale due to excessive blood loss, his pale lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, and he stared gloomily at Shang Xiaomin who was surrounded by imperial doctors not far away.

A royal physician came over.

"Second Prince, your injury is too severe. Let me help you apply medicine."

The guard beside him also advised.

"Yes, Your Highness, healing is important."

"Get lost!"

Shang Xiaohui pushed them away and staggered towards the king's tent.

Since you are here to do this secretly, I might as well lay everything out in the open!

The guards had no choice but to chase him and support him so that he could walk with less effort and more ease.

Shang Xiaohui tightly grasped the guard's hand, his eyes fierce and he gritted his teeth.

"The tiger's presence in the camp is definitely not an accident. The man wearing a mask is also suspicious. Go check it out!"

The guard nodded heavily.


Outside the camp, Cheng Shengxuan was soon caught up by two tigers.


The tiger pounced forward, and the horse was frightened and went mad, throwing him off.

Fortunately, Cheng Shengxuan used his Qinggong skills in time and landed safely on a tree.

The two tigers were flapping and scratching frantically under the tree.

Seeing that the tree was about to break, Anlu became extremely anxious.

"what to do?"

"How about this, I'll hold them back first, you put the little tiger down quickly, and then run!"

Cheng Shengxuan shook his head.

"I'm afraid not."

The tiger cub was seriously injured, and the two tigers were determined to fight to the death. How could they let him get away so easily?

At this time, Chu Yuan also came.

"What's going on?"

Sensing the presence of a stranger, the two tigers turned around and attacked him.

"Don't come over here!"

Chu Yuan was startled by the tiger that pounced straight at him, and while fanning it away, he drew out the long sword in his hand.

"I fought my way out of a pack of hungry wolves!"

"Two tigers are more than enough to deal with this one of yours!"

"Cheng Shengxuan, let's deal with one each!"


The male tiger suddenly raised his head and let out an angry roar.

This time, huge tiger heads appeared on the surrounding hillsides and roared in response.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Yuan collapsed and covered his face.

"So many, is it that the damn Shang Xiaomin who kidnapped the Tiger Clan's prince?!"

"God wants to kill me!"

He and Cheng Shengxuan could barely deal with the two tigers.

But there were more than 20 of them!

The tigers rushed towards them together.

Just looking at this scene makes people tremble all over.

How could Chu Yuan show off his talent at this moment?

He had completely forgotten that he knew martial arts, and ran away, climbing up a big tree in a hurry.

Chu Yuan rode on a tree branch and hugged the trunk, looking at the huge tiger with sharp fangs bared and fierce eyes below. He patted his chest and felt a little scared.

"That was a close call. I was scared to death."

He turned and looked at Cheng Shengxuan on the tree opposite.

"What now?"

"How about this, you put the little tiger on the tree to divert their attention, and then the two of us will seize the opportunity and run away!"

The tree is so high, if the tiger cub falls down, it will most likely die.

But the situation is critical now, so this is the only thing we can do.

It is indeed pitiful that the young tigers were exploited, but their lives are also lives!

Looking at the dying tiger cub in his arms, Cheng Shengxuan did not hesitate and took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms.

An Luo was slightly stunned.

"This is not…"

Was it the healing pill that Zizi gave him before he left?

The kind that could save a person even if he only had one breath left?

One is worth 20,000 reputation points!

Although Zaizai's reputation is quite sufficient now, he doesn't need these 20,000.

But this incredible thing has purchase restrictions!

You can only buy one every three months!

She bought it for her son to protect himself, just in case.

Unexpectedly, after hearing about the efficacy of the medicine, Zizi insisted on giving it to his uncle.

Watching the tigers slowly approaching under the tree, Cheng Shengxuan pinched the pill into four portions, put one portion back into the bottle, and fed the remaining portion to the young tiger.

The pill was effective. Xiaohu's internal injuries healed quickly and he looked more energetic than before.

The palm-sized little fellow blinked his eyes, rubbed his fingers, and licked them affectionately several times.

She was still humming with a milky voice.

This cute little thing, if it wasn't so inappropriate, Anlu would have wanted to stroke it.

Just at this moment, the tree under his feet broke, and Cheng Shengxuan simply jumped to the ground holding the tiger cub.

Perhaps out of concern for the cubs in his arms, the two or so tigers simply surrounded him, roaring threateningly and slapping the snow beneath them.

Cheng Shengxuan slowly bent down and put the little tiger in his arms on the ground.

"Go ahead."

The little tiger first glanced at his tiger father and mother not far away, then turned to look at Cheng Shengxuan.

Finally, he took no hesitation and ran towards Cheng Shengxuan with his little paws, one step deep and one step shallow, stumbling.

She lay on the top of his boots, squinting her eyes slightly, making two childish "howls", and refused to get down no matter what.

An Luo: "…"

Is this being relied upon?

Cheng Shengxuan had no choice but to put the little guy on the ground again and push him forward.

"Go find your parents quickly, and be careful next time. Don't get caught by bad guys again."


The little tiger looked back every few steps and walked reluctantly towards his tiger father and mother.

When the cubs returned to their side, the dozen tigers had no scruples at all. They all lowered their heads slightly, stared at the humans in front of them, and made ambush postures.

He looked as if he would rush forward and tear Cheng Shengxuan to pieces the next moment.


With a roar from the tiger father, the tiger group slowly approached.

Then, a roar different from the previous one was heard.


When the little tiger saw his savior being besieged, he cried out in panic.

They surrounded the tiger father and mother, jumping around and calling out as they went.

The two tigers rubbed the little guy's body.


After the male tiger let out another strong and majestic roar, the rest of the tigers stopped and stood still.

Tiger mother and tiger father took a few steps forward and lowered their huge tiger heads as if to thank Cheng Shengxuan.

Cheng Shengxuan reached out his hand tentatively to touch them. The two tigers purred and did not make any other movements except rubbing his hand.

Cheng Shengxuan fed them the remaining two pills. Seeing that the bloody wounds on their bodies had stopped bleeding, he took out the golden wound medicine he carried with him and applied it on them.

"Okay, let's go back."

The tiger father turned around and roared, and the other tigers all ran away when they heard it.

But the family of three refused to leave.

In fact, this tiger cub is underdeveloped and weak from birth, otherwise it would not grow up like a skinny kitten.

But what this person took out actually cured the kid.

The tiger father and mother met and made a unanimous decision.

This person has something very powerful, which is good for the health of the cubs!

They want to follow this person!

Cheng Shengxuan was helpless, and he waved at the family of three.

"You guys go quickly."

"Go back to the mountains quickly. I am living under someone else's roof now and have no place to put you."

An Luo outside the screen clapped his hands suddenly.

"Let them go find Yu'an!"

There is a skill in the reputation mall, Beast Taming!

Think about that scene. From now on, when the cub goes out, there will be a group of tigers protecting him.

How majestic and domineering!