Chapter 114 Are you afraid that the pigeon will get tired?

Looking at the homework that had been burned to ashes, he had already finished half of it!

Whenever I think about it, I am about to start a time of frantic catching up on homework, which is so painful that it drives me crazy.

Yijiang beat his chest and stamped his feet, full of regret.

He hates it so much!

Seeing him stamping his feet in anger and beating his left hand with his right hand, the servant asked hesitantly.

"Young Master, what's wrong with you?"

Yijiang turned his head to look at him, his eyes red, and he strained his little neck to let out a deafening shout, his voice choked with sobs, and every word was filled with tears.

"You don't understand!"

Just as he was looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle with melancholy.

Suddenly, there was a flapping sound above his head, followed by a lump of something cold, which hit him on the forehead with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, a foul smell rushed into my nostrils.


"I'm so pissed off!"

Yijiang clenched his fist and shouted angrily at the pigeon that fell to the ground.

"You stinky bird, you actually shit on my head!"

While wiping his forehead with a handkerchief, he glared at the pigeons on the ground fiercely and ground his back teeth.

"What are you still standing there for?!"

"Catch it quickly!"

"I'm going to put it in a cage and starve it for a few meals!"

See how it can be pulled out!

Yijiang clenched his fists tightly, his nostrils were swollen with anger, and he was panting like a calf.

He vowed to avenge this shit!

"Oh, you can't hit me, you can't hit me!"

Butler Zhao ran out of breath and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Young Master, you can't hit it. This is a carrier pigeon that we keep in our house."

"Carrier pigeon?"

Butler Zhao nodded.

"Yes, you are ill and cannot leave the house, and the little guests cannot come to visit you. The master is afraid that you will be bored, so he specially picked a carrier pigeon so that you can communicate with your friends to relieve your boredom."

I also want to let this little ancestor practice calligraphy.

Of course, he would never say this.

Yijiang had already washed his face at this moment. Upon hearing what he said, he quickly wiped it a few times with a handkerchief and ran towards the pigeon excitedly.

Sure enough, a bamboo tube was found on the pigeon's leg.

When I opened it, the slightly childish words on it were obviously written by Yu An.

"I didn't expect Yu'an to be able to write so many words."

"Great, that's amazing!"

Hearing this, Butler Zhao looked at him speechlessly, feeling depressed.

Don't you have any other ideas?

He is younger than you and can write many more words than you.

My little master, please be more careful!

As he watched, Yijiang suddenly exclaimed.


Butler Zhao looked expectant.

Could it be that the young master discovered the gap between himself and his friends and made up his mind to work hard to improve himself?

However, the next second, Yijiang laughed so hard that he held his stomach and almost cried.


"I am so amused! The little tiger that Yu Anyang raised is so stupid!"

"You don't have the majesty of a tiger at all. You're even worse than my Fat Tiger!"

The butler's mouth corners straightened instantly.

Well, he shouldn't have any expectations.

"I'm going back to my room first. I'm going to reply to An's letter and make fun of Little Tiger!"

Butler Zhao hesitated for a while, but decided to follow.

He was not curious about what the young master wanted to say to his friends, he just simply wanted to help the master see the young master's learning results.

Yijiang returned to the room, leaning one hand on the desk, his brows furrowed, his face stern, looking very serious, waving the brush with great energy.

Seeing this, Butler Zhao nodded with satisfaction.

But as soon as he got closer, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Yijiang only wrote one crooked sentence with ten words, two of which were wrong.

Butler Zhao collapsed and covered his face.

He shouldn't have come in!


Yijiang picked up the letter, blew on it, and nodded, feeling good about himself.

Butler Zhao: "…"

Is that it?

Are you afraid that the carrier pigeons will get tired carrying too many words?

Yijiang raised his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat from his forehead. The ink on his hands all rubbed onto his face, and he immediately turned into a little cat.

Butler Zhao reached out his hand hesitantly.

"Here, there's a stroke missing, and there, there's a dot missing."


Yijiang took a closer look.

"It's true."

He added the strokes as he spoke.

"Minor problems, these are minor problems."

"Isn't there still eight words left?"

The expression on Butler Zhao's face is hard to describe.

However, six of the characters are the same!

Well, judging from the mentality, few people can match the young master.

Carrier pigeon: "…"

Just a few words, is it worth it for me to send it?

Thank you for thinking about me so much!

Yu An, who received the message, looked at the words on the paper and fell into deep thought.

:Hahahahahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!

Yu An: "…"

The little guy sighed and touched the pigeon's feathers.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Time passed as the two friends sent letters via carrier pigeons twice a day.

On the other side, at the residence of the fifth prince of Muyuan Kingdom.

"He actually attacked Yu An?!"

After hearing An Luo's words, Cheng Shengxuan was furious. He clenched his fists tightly and slammed them heavily on the table with a "bang".

An Luo said soothingly.

"Don't worry, Yu'an is fine. We will avenge this sooner or later!"

"You should keep calm and don't let them find out."


Cheng Shengxuan loosened his fist a little. He was obviously very angry just now and wanted to rush to Shang Xiaomin and cut him into pieces.

But as soon as I heard these two words, the anger in my heart instantly dissipated.

She said, 'We'.


Cheng Shengxuan's lips moved slightly, and he silently repeated these two words several times. His face became redder and redder, all the way to his neck.

An Luo, who was outside the screen, felt emotional when he saw him like this.

So angry?

It seems that he really cares about the baby.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hearing the voice, a hint of displeasure flashed across Cheng Shengxuan's eyes, but he still stood up, closed his eyes, rubbed his face, and suppressed the strange emotion.

"Mr. Cheng, His Highness is looking for you."

Cheng Shengxuan walked over, and the moment he opened the door, he returned to his usual calm and composed self.

He glanced at the man in front of him calmly.

This man is also one of Shang Xiaomin's personal guards.

His name seems to be Qingzhu? He is called a personal guard, but in fact he is just a soldier who can see the light.

"Let's go."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked down the stairs towards Shang Xiaomin's study.

On the way, thinking of what Anluo had said before, Cheng Shengxuan looked at Qingzhu seemingly casually, first with a strange look on his face, and then shook his head.

His expression confused Qingzhu.

"Mr. Cheng, what's wrong? But what's wrong with me?"

Cheng Shengxuan looked conflicted.

"How strange…"

Then he shook his head.


His appearance made Qingzhu even more curious, and she looked at him seriously.

"Please let me know, Master Shengxuan."

Cheng Shengxuan sighed, looked around, and when he didn't see anyone else, he spoke slowly.

"Okay, I can tell you, but don't tell anyone else."

"My aunt is an expert in medicine, and I have learned a little bit from her. After observing for a few days, I found that you and Qingmu seemed to have been poisoned by some kind of poison."

"But after such a long time, you are still fine, so I am also thinking that there must be some secrets that cannot be told to outsiders."

"I didn't want to say it out of fear of upsetting His Highness, but looking at your complexion today, it seems that the poison is about to take effect..."

Cheng Shengxuan stopped talking about the key point and kept silent.

He secretly observed Qingzhu's expression.

Sure enough, Qingzhu was surprised at first, but when he heard about the poisoning, he looked calm. Until he mentioned that the poison was about to take effect, his expression became serious and thoughtful.

But when he looked at him again, Qingzhu's expression had changed. It was originally polite and distant.

Now there is politeness and respect, even a bit of deferentialness.

"Master Cheng, His Highness is still waiting for you, let's go over there quickly."

Cheng Shengxuan nodded slightly.


Looking at Qingzhu leading the way in front, a smile appeared on his lips.

It seems that he guessed right!

A few days ago, he accidentally heard the guards in the palace mention that Qingzhu went out on business last month and had just returned a few days ago.

In addition to the information brought by Anluo, those assassins have to take the antidote once a month.

What he said just now was also a gamble.

He bet Qingzhu hadn't taken the antidote this month.

Sure enough, he won the bet and discovered something interesting.

Looking at the study door not far away, Cheng Shengxuan's eyes turned cold.

Shang Xiaomin, if you secretly attack Yu An, then I will prepare a sharp thorn for you from behind.

This can be considered as reciprocity!