- Yes, you killed me, thank you. - He said. “But you're not free, you never will be. - He said, then advanced on top of him, opening the earth, under them.

- Let's put on a show in hell together. - He said.

- That's how their music and life ended. - Irene said, she was one of the gatekeepers, when hearing the melody of the dead, sung by Josh, in the midst of the whips of his beloved friend.

About that.

Amidst the world of the dead, the companions of the dead were several of them, sitting around a table among their guests.

- Was I a victim of a crime? – A bodiless head that floated through the mists of the great flower garden.

- Like you there are other dead, they weren't just women's bodies, there were men, at least part of them.

From his greetings to the new serial killer in town, who in addition to being a doctor, was a mad scientist, and his assistant, it all started with a process gone wrong, to open the doors of curiosity.