“You ran out of your direct system. “It said Dark-Dragon.
“I am my own direct system and my own brain. "He said.
“Do you think I'm not ready for you, Dark-Dragon? Brandurak questioned.
“And I think you don't have to think anymore, not of your own volition. "Tsuki said
“You know I don't think the same. “It said Dark-Dragon.
With one movement then, dodging and fully discharging the data without Brandurak noticing.
“Ally with us. “Said the voice of the other alien.
When he looked like a black humanoid creature with several dark tentacles that controlled everything around, in which Dark- Dragon pulled one of his bombs, trying to throw a claw, pulled it from his hands and he was subdued and overpowered, then seeing several screens and countless conductors he was feeling that everything was working according to plan, his mind being invaded.
He tried to break free, so he jumped and ran...