In a world where demons and humans coexist, Lila Hastings, an 18-year-old human, is forced into an arranged marriage with Aric Wraithborne, the demon prince, to restore her family's fortune. The union is a result of a deal made between Lila's father and the Wraithborne clan, trading Lila's hand in marriage for wealth and power.
As Lila navigates the dark and mysterious world of the demon estate, she struggles to come to terms with her new reality. She feels trapped and uncertain about her future, and the weight of her predicament settles in with each passing moment.
During the wedding feast, Aric reveals that their marriage is not just a formality but a bond with deeper implications, hinting at the complex expectations and power dynamics at play in the demon world. Lila is introduced to various members of the demon court, feeling like an outsider, and Aric remains an enigmatic figure, his true intentions unclear.
As the night draws to a close, Lila resolves to face the challenges ahead with determination and courage, vowing to uncover the secrets hidden in the shadows and forge her own path in the darkness. The fate of her new life hangs in the balance, and Lila must navigate the treacherous landscape of the demon world to find her place and assert her identity.