
Victims Of The Doors Of Guf

In the sewers Hiori carries Akame and walks along with Ninomiya.

"Hey Hiori, what did you do to Akame?"

To which Hiori responds, "I pressed the button behind her spine that makes her go to sleep mode."

"You said something about cyborgs. I want to know more about your world.", Ninomiya asked Hiori for the information.

Hiori stopped,

Ninomiya sensed someone approaching.


Hiori lets out a cry, "RUN."

Hiori runs to the side tunnel along with Akame but Ninomiya isn't so lucky.

A beam of light goes through hits Ninomiya and severs left arm, the device also goes with the arm. The roof above collapses, blocking the way to Hiori.

Ninomiya begins to heal, his tissue regenerates at an incredible pace. He doesn't feel pain at all,

He looks at the attacker, he begins to have illusions.

A little girl with 4 horns on her head and blond hair approaches him, "Don't forget your promise. You carry our will. End this war once in for-"

He snaps back to reality, in front of him is a woman with blond hair, black latex suit.

It had the name, 'Alice' on it, a rifle on her left hand she throws it on the ground.

She comes near him, "It's been a while, Ninomiya."

Suddenly, Ninomiya's body begins to ache.

Pain consumes him, holding his 2 hands on his head he screams.




His black blood vessels tighten, eyes turn to black and the pupil to white,

"What did you do to me?"

He screams, in agony.

Hiori had found a way to the side Ninomiya was on. Leaving behind Akame she comes, looking at Alice and Ninomiya.

Alice, "Vons Tres Juvum Akape."

Raising her hand, she points at Ninomiya.

"Forgot the truce we made that very cave."

Hiori watches what was happening.

"You forgot, everything. I was waiting for this moment. Where you and I go home."

Hiori thinks, "What does she mean by 'home'?"

"We fix our mistake, Ninomiya. We should've never used it.", Alice

Hiori see's an opportunity and strikes at Alice.

"Oh, who do we have here?", Alice

Alice blocked Hiori's first strike.

"That force, you're not human are you Hiori?"

Asks Alice.

"Show me that form of yours, the one who trips dimensions Hiori.", Alice says.

Alice raises her hand towards Ninomiya,

"Sorry Ninomiya, I'll be borrowing it for a while."

A light comes through Ninomiya's body.

Alice grabs it,

"Relic Of Creation, activate passive."

The sky suddenly turns red,

People in the distance notice and freak out.

"Max Output, Armor Ze é Armag."

The rubble turns to dust and then melts away. Ninomiya gets blown away by the wind and looks helplessly as what's going on, a stranger he knows the name of and his sister on a 1 on 1.

He collapses from the pressure.

"Show me your true form Hiori, I know you haven't started the engine yet.", Alice

Hiori opens her mouth but stops, she closes her mouth but still continues to speak.

"Series A-01 Activate.


, flesh burns, the ground melts beneath her feet.

Hiori burns to ashes to reveal her true self. A cyborg, that she was.

System check:

Efficiency: 85%

Fuel: 97.922

Burn time: 1 Hour

"How do you know about the efficiency project?", asks Hiori.

Alice strikes the first blow, "I read about it."

Hiori blocks it, and punches back at Alice.

Continuing the conversation, "I don't remember writing any about the efficiency project."

Alice, "That's cause you never did, we wrote it."

Alice then dashes in front of Hiori,

"Matter manipulation."

She made a metal whip from the soil.

Slashing Hiori, "You thought you were the only one who remembers what happened before.

I remember how you murdered billions, how you manipulated your own father."

Hiori tries to shrug it off but the emotions can't be shown through a metal head.

"And yet you still think that you are human.", states Alice.

Hiori grabs Alice by the leg, up at her face she questions.

"Are we the only victims of the Guf?"

Alice says, "Yeah."

Hiori calms herself down,

Alice as well.

"How much do you remember?", Asks Hiori

With a grin smile,

"Everything.", states Alice


An old businessman, hair as white as snow, looked at his phone. It was ringing. He was in a meeting, so he had to reject the call. But when he saw the caller's name, he had to pick it up. This call was far more important than the meeting.

From the other end, a gentle voice of a teenager spoke to him with subservience.

"Sir, it has begun. What's our next move?"

He stopped to think for a moment before answering him.

"Issue the military. Meet me at the island of Yakushima."

He called off the meeting after hanging up. The other businessmen who had come here just to talk to him were disappointed and began expressing their anger.

"Jake?" he talked to his main bodyguard, who was standing next to him.

As he walked outside, the staff brought the businessmen who attended the meeting face down on the table and slit their throats.

One of them spoke up, "Akito, one day you will pay for your sins. There will be a day you will be drowned into des-."

As he said that the door close and blood splattered across the frosted glass. He took a cigar out and lit it. A car waiting in front of the hotel.

The man the world feared the most, power and money. He has it all.

The leader of the future Akito Hotaru.