Music Video Production

Byul-ho met with the SM representative again, this time with Uncle Ji-won present as a mediator. The atmosphere was tense but professional.

"We've made significant concessions," the representative said, his tone clipped. "This is our final offer."

Byul-ho nodded slowly. "I appreciate the improvements. This contract is much more equitable."

Ji-won looked between them, a hint of surprise in his eyes as he watched his nephew navigate these treacherous waters.

After a moment of contemplative silence, Byul-ho reached for the pen. "I believe we have a deal," he said, his voice steady as he signed his name.

The representative visibly relaxed, adding his own signature to the document. "Welcome to SM Entertainment, Golden-Star. We look forward to working with Ascend."

As they shook hands, Byul-ho felt a mix of emotions - relief, excitement, and a touch of apprehension.


Byul-ho's face beamed with pride as he led Uncle Ji-won and the members of Ascend into a private karaoke room. The excitement was palpable, a current of energy running through the group as they settled in.

Ji-won pulled Byul-ho aside, his expression a mix of admiration and concern. "I have to say, Byul-ho, I was worried at first. But the way you handled those contract negotiations... it was impressive. Where did you learn all that?"

Byul-ho's smile softened, a hint of sadness creeping into his eyes. "I guess... losing my parents forced me to grow up fast. I had to learn to stand up for myself and for what I believe in."

Ji-won's face fell, regret flashing across his features. "Byul-ho, I'm so sorry. I should have been there for you more..."

Byul-ho shook his head, placing a reassuring hand on his uncle's shoulder. "It's okay, Uncle. I'm doing alright. And now, I have Ascend to look after."

As if on cue, Jae-sung called out, "Byul-ho-ssi! Should we show your uncle what we can do?"

Byul-ho's face lit up. "Absolutely! Uncle, you're in for a treat. Ascend, show us what you've got!"

The seven members of Ascend took their positions, a transformation coming over them as they shifted into performance mode. As the opening notes of a popular K-pop hit filled the room, their voices blended in perfect harmony.

Ji-won's eyes widened as he watched the performance. The raw talent and polished skill were undeniable. Jae-sung's powerful vocals, Min-jae's fluid dance moves, Sung-ho's sharp rap - each member shone individually while contributing to a cohesive whole.

As the song ended, Ji-won burst into applause. "Incredible," he said, genuine awe in his voice. "Byul-ho, you've really found gems here."

Byul-ho nodded, his chest swelling with pride. "They're going to change the industry, Uncle. Just watch."

As the celebration continued, with more songs and laughter filling the room, Byul-ho felt a sense of contentment wash over him. This was just the beginning, but what a beginning it was. The future stretched out before them, full of promise and possibility.


Two days after signing the contract, the bustling energy of a music video set filled the air. Lights, cameras, and crew members swarmed around the carefully constructed set where Ascend would film their debut music video.

Byul-ho stood at the edge of the action, his eyes taking in every detail. He spotted the director, a man in his forties with a no-nonsense demeanor, barking orders to his team.

Approaching the director, Byul-ho cleared his throat. "Excuse me, I'd like to discuss the video concept."

The director turned, his eyebrows raising as he took in Byul-ho's youthful appearance. "Look, kid, we're busy here. If you're lost—"

"I'm not lost," Byul-ho interrupted firmly. "I'm Jeon Byul-ho, CEO of Golden-Star Entertainment. Ascend is my group."

The director's expression shifted from annoyance to surprise, then settled into a mask of professional indifference. "Oh. What can I do for you... CEO Jeon?"

Byul-ho, unfazed by the subtle condescension, pressed on. "I have some suggestions for the video. I believe they could elevate the concept and make it more impactful."

The director sighed, clearly not enthused about taking input from someone he perceived as inexperienced. "Look, we have a tried and true formula for debut videos. It works."

"I understand," Byul-ho nodded, "but Ascend isn't a typical rookie group. Their concept is more innovative, and I believe the video should reflect that."

Drawing on his knowledge from his past life, Byul-ho began to outline his ideas. He spoke of camera techniques that weren't yet common in K-pop videos, suggested a narrative structure that would set Ascend apart, and proposed visual motifs that would resonate with the song's themes.

As he spoke, the director's expression gradually changed. The dismissive look gave way to one of grudging interest. 

"Those are... surprisingly good ideas," the director admitted, his tone a mix of confusion and respect. "Where did you learn about all this?"

Byul-ho smiled mysteriously. "I've done my research. This video is crucial for Ascend's debut. I want to ensure it's the best it can be."

The director nodded slowly, his professional interest clearly piqued. "Alright, let's hear more about this concept of yours. We might be able to incorporate some of these ideas."

As they began to discuss the details, Byul-ho felt a surge of satisfaction.


Three days of intense filming flew by in a whirlwind of costume changes, multiple takes, and long hours. As the last scene wrapped, there was a palpable sense of accomplishment among the Ascend members and the production crew.

However, Byul-ho knew the work was far from over. While the others celebrated the end of filming, he made his way to the editing suite where the post-production team was already at work.

"Excuse me," Byul-ho said, knocking on the open door of the dimly lit room. The editors looked up, surprised to see the young CEO.

"I'd like to discuss some ideas for the editing process," Byul-ho continued, his tone polite but firm.

The lead editor, a woman in her thirties, raised an eyebrow. "We have a standard process for rookie group videos, you know."

Byul-ho nodded. "I understand, but I believe Ascend's video could benefit from some unique touches." He pulled out a phone, flicking through some reference images and videos he had prepared.

"I was thinking we could incorporate some dynamic transitions here," he said, pointing to a particular sequence. "And perhaps we could experiment with color grading to enhance the mood of each scene."

The editors exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by the specificity and creativity of Byul-ho's suggestions. These were techniques that weren't commonly used in K-pop videos currently.

"That's... quite advanced," the lead editor said slowly. "Where did you come up with these ideas?"

Byul-ho smiled, careful not to reveal too much. "I've been studying international music video trends. I believe incorporating some of these elements could help Ascend stand out."

As he continued to explain his vision, the editors' initial skepticism gave way to intrigue. They began to ask questions, clearly excited by the prospect of trying something new.

"It'll be challenging," the lead editor admitted. "But if we can pull it off, this video could be amazing."

Byul-ho nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "That's exactly what I'm aiming for."

After a while, he left the editing suite. He knew that this video, with its ahead-of-its-time editing techniques, would turn heads in the industry.


Meanwhile, as the sun set over Seoul, Sung-ho, Ascend's main rapper, made his way home. The excitement of the music video shoot still buzzed in his veins as he entered the modest apartment.

His little sister, Min-seo, ran to greet him, her pigtails bouncing. "Oppa! You're home!"

Sung-ho grinned, ruffling her hair. "Hey, squirt. Missed me?"

His mother emerged from the kitchen, a warm smile on her face. "Welcome home, Sung-ho. How was your day?"

"It was great, Mom," Sung-ho replied, his eyes shining. "We finished filming the music video. It's going to be amazing."

As he sat down at the dining table, he sniffed the air appreciatively. "What's for dinner? It smells good."

Before his mother could answer, a gruff voice cut through the air. "You should be focusing on your studies instead of wasting time with this idol nonsense."

Sung-ho's father had entered the room, his face set in a disapproving frown.