Humble beginning

As Ascend's debut approached, Byul-ho oversaw the release of their physical and digital EPs. The anticipation among the members was palpable as their music finally became available to the public.

A week after the release, Byul-ho sat in his office, reviewing the sales figures. The physical EP had moved about a thousand copies, while the digital sales hovered around 2,000 downloads. The radio play from the previous week had undoubtedly contributed to these numbers, modest as they were.

From an industry standpoint, these figures were far from impressive. Byul-ho knew that SM Entertainment would view these results as mediocre at best. The sales barely registered on the charts dominated by established acts and heavily promoted rookies from larger companies.

However, when Byul-ho shared the numbers with Ascend, their reaction caught him off guard. Instead of disappointment, their faces lit up with excitement.

"A thousand people bought our album?" Jae-sung exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief and joy.

"And two thousand downloaded our songs?" Sung-ho added, a huge grin spreading across his face.

The members exchanged high-fives and hugs, celebrating as if they'd topped the charts. Their genuine happiness at reaching even this small audience was infectious.

Byul-ho watched their celebration, a mix of relief and amusement washing over him. He was grateful for their naivety, their ability to find joy in what the industry would consider a lackluster debut.

Byul-ho cleared his throat, drawing the group's attention. "I'm glad you're excited, and you should be. But we need to keep pushing ourselves. These numbers... they're not considered impressive in the industry's eyes."

The members' smiles faded, their excitement deflating visibly. Jae-sung's shoulders slumped, while Sung-ho's grin disappeared entirely.

Noticing the sudden shift in mood, Byul-ho quickly added, "Hey, don't misunderstand. There's absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating. In fact, I love your enthusiasm. It's refreshing and motivating."

Min-jae spoke up, his voice tinged with worry. "But if our debut isn't impressive, what does that mean for us?"

Byul-ho took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "Look, the start is always the hardest part. Many successful groups had humble beginnings. What matters is how we grow from here."

He looked each member in the eye as he continued, "I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make your dreams a reality. Your success is my success. We're in this together."

Hyun-woo nodded slowly. "So... we just need to work harder?"

"Exactly," Byul-ho affirmed. "We'll keep improving, keep pushing boundaries. This is just the first step on a long journey."

Jae-sung straightened up, determination replacing his earlier disappointment. "You're right. We can't get complacent. We need to prove ourselves."

Byul-ho smiled, seeing the fire reignite in their eyes. "That's the spirit. Remember, making your dreams come true is my dream too. We're going to climb this mountain together, one step at a time."

The members exchanged glances, their earlier excitement transforming into resolute determination.


Byul-ho sank into the plush couch of his parents' Gangnam-gu mansion, the weight of the day settling on his shoulders. He flicked on the television, the familiar drone of the news providing a comforting background noise as he waited for his butler to bring his favorite comfort food and a glass of milk.

As he absently watched the screen, a news item caught his attention, causing him to sit up straighter.

"Breaking news in the entertainment industry," the anchor announced. "Starlight Entertainment, once a powerhouse in K-pop, has been acquired. The majority shares of the struggling company have been purchased by Luminary Group, one of Korea's leading entertainment conglomerates."

Images flashed across the screen - the Starlight Entertainment building, followed by the imposing headquarters of Luminary Group.

"Sources say the acquisition was made at a surprisingly low price, given Starlight's recent financial troubles. It's reported that Luminary's CEO has appointed his son, Kang Min-joon, to oversee Starlight as a subsidiary."

Byul-ho watched the report with a mix of surprise and detachment. The company his father had built was now in the hands of another family's heir.

As the news moved on to other topics, Byul-ho's mind wandered to his own shares in Starlight. He had been considering selling them for months now.

The offer he'd received wasn't particularly generous, but with his own company still operating at a loss, the influx of cash could be crucial.

His butler entered, setting down a tray with Byul-ho's favorite dishes and a tall glass of milk. "Is everything alright, young master?" he asked, noticing Byul-ho's pensive expression.

Byul-ho nodded, offering a small smile. "Just thinking about business, Seon-woo. Nothing to worry about."

As he began to eat, Byul-ho's mind raced with calculations. Selling his shares could provide the boost his company needed. But it would also mean severing his last tie to his father's legacy. It was a decision that required careful consideration.

For now, though, he pushed those thoughts aside. He had a group to nurture, a dream to fulfill. The ghosts of Starlight Entertainment would have to wait.


Two days after the news about Starlight Entertainment, Byul-ho was back on the streets with Ascend, focusing on their grassroots marketing efforts. The group, led by their young CEO, weaved through the busy pedestrian areas of Seoul, arms laden with Ascend merchandise and sample CDs.

"Free Ascend merch!" Jae-sung called out, his powerful voice drawing attention from passersby.

Sung-ho, ever the charmer, approached a group of high school girls. "Would you like to hear a sample of our new song?" he asked, offering them earbuds connected to a portable player.

As they moved through the crowd, they encountered various reactions. Some people hurried past, too busy or uninterested to engage. Others, however, showed flickers of recognition.

"Ascend? I think I heard you guys on the radio last week," a middle-aged man said, accepting a promotional poster from Min-jae.

A college student, leafing through the sample CD booklet, nodded appreciatively. "Your song was pretty cool. It's been stuck in my head since I heard it."

Byul-ho observed these interactions with keen interest. The radio appearance had clearly made an impact, albeit a small one. It wasn't much, but it was a start - a foundation they could build upon.

As the day wore on, the group's enthusiasm never wavered. They handed out merchandise, performed impromptu acapella versions of their songs, and engaged with anyone willing to give them a moment of their time.

This was the unglamorous side of the idol life, the part most fans never saw. But it was crucial, especially for a small company like theirs.

As the sun began to set, Byul-ho gathered the members. "Good work today, everyone," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Remember, every person we reach is a potential fan. We're building our fanbase one interaction at a time."

The members nodded, tired but determined. They understood that success wouldn't come overnight, but with each free poster handed out, each sample listened to, they were one step closer to their dreams.

As the group made their way back to the company building, the conversation shifted to recent industry news. Jae-sung, his voice tinged with disbelief, brought up the topic that had been dominating entertainment headlines.

"Have you guys heard about the Crystal Cascade scandal?" he asked, shaking his head. "I can't believe all seven members were involved. It seems so... extreme."

The other members quickly chimed in, their voices a mix of shock and curiosity.

"I know," Min-jae replied, his brow furrowed. "It's all over the news. Drug use, illegal gambling, even assault allegations. How did they keep it hidden for so long?"

Sung-ho nodded solemnly. "Their popularity is taking a huge hit. I heard their latest album sales have plummeted."

"Yeah," Hyun-woo added. "BIGBANG from Luminary Group is definitely benefiting from this. They're quickly becoming the nation's top boy group now."

As the members continued to discuss the scandal, Byul-ho listened silently, his mind racing. While the specifics of this scandal were new to him, the general concept wasn't surprising. In his previous life, he had seen countless K-pop scandals unfold, some even more shocking than this.