
About 7 am that Sunday, members of Ascend gathered in the company office with curious looks exchanged. Byul-ho was standing before them.

"I am sure you are all wondering why I called you here so urgently," began Byul-ho. "And also to explain about additional training when we spoke on phone yesterday."

Their curiosity piqued, the members nodded.

"Well," said Byul-ho, smiling broadly, "I have decided that we should compete for a place in Korea's Rising Stars."

The whole room gasped. Jae-sung with big eyes was the first to speak: "We're auditioning for 'Korea's Rising Stars' season two? Really?"

Byul-ho smiled and nodded.

After initial shock, excitement mixed with uncertainty filled everyone. Min-jae verbalized the thoughts of many others present: "But… Is it not more like an individual singing competition or for smaller groups? I have never heard of K-pop groups auditioning."

"That is right," Sung-ho interjected. "Yeah, and we're already under an agency. Is that even allowed?"

Byul-ho listened to their concerns, understanding their hesitation. It was true - this was an unconventional move in the K-pop world. Established groups, even rookies, typically didn't participate in such shows. But Byul-ho knew they needed to break the mold to stand out.

"I understand your doubts," Byul-ho said, his voice calm and reassuring. "You're right, this isn't something K-pop groups usually do. But that's exactly why we should do it. We have a chance to be trailblazers here."

A mix of excitement and nervousness on their faces as the members of Ascend looked at each other. Their eyes were filled with a spark of interest that Byul-ho could see, and he knew he had their attention.

"Listen," Byul-ho went on with conviction in his voice. "If we are going to do this, we have to give it our all, even the audition has to be perfect. We only have two weeks before the auditions start; therefore, we should begin rehearsing now."

The seriousness on the faces of the members deepened as they nodded because of what Byul-ho was suggesting.

"And you know what?" He added. "Our music video is set for release in about a week. The timing may work out perfectly—we can use 'Korea's Rising Stars' as a media outlet."

Jae-sung had spoken in a low voice with deep thoughts within him, saying that "Even if we don't win, being on that show would be huge for us wouldn't it?"

Byul-ho was glad that Jae-sung understood everything else very well; hence he smiled back saying: "This very show acts like a big platform regardless whether you become winners or not because millions will see you perform. This is the kind of publicity that we cannot afford right now."

"For example," Min-jae said whilst nodding affirmatively. "Even if we don't win, but since our performance will be great then our fan base might actually spike!"

Byul-ho smiled wider when Min-jae had said so. "That's exactly what I'm talking about," he replied after some seconds. "This is an opportunity for Ascend to prove themselves to Korea – Are you ready?"

As one another one by one nodded, their looks changed from earlier doubts into emotions such as excitement and determination.

"We're in," Sung-ho spoke for the group. "Let's show 'Korea's Rising Stars' what we can do!"

Byul-ho felt proud as he looked at his group; because of these lines, he said jubilantly, "Ok then" clapping his hands. "Let's get to work. Two weeks from now we will be on stage and we must rehearse a performance that will impress the judges."

Therefore, they all turned towards the practice room talking with one another while discussing how they might present themselves during their audition.


Days flew by in a whirlwind of intense practice sessions. The members of Ascend pushed themselves harder than ever, driven by the prospect of their upcoming audition for "Korea's Rising Stars." Byul-ho, determined to ensure their success, even took a day off from school on Tuesday to personally oversee their practice.

However, Byul-ho knew he couldn't neglect his education entirely. After that one day, he returned to his regular school schedule, balancing his responsibilities as both a student and a CEO.

At school, Byul-ho found himself the subject of unexpected attention. Lee Min-ji, the niece of Luminary Group's CEO, had begun approaching him during breaks. Their conversations were brief and mostly one-sided, with Min-ji doing most of the talking while Byul-ho remained largely unresponsive.

Despite Byul-ho's clear lack of interest, these interactions didn't go unnoticed by their classmates. Soon, whispers and rumors began to circulate that there was something going on between Byul-ho and Min-ji.

"Did you hear? Apparently, Jeon Byul-ho and Lee Min-ji are dating."

"No way! Why would she be interested in him?"

"Maybe it's a pity thing? Or she's after what's left of his family's money?"

Byul-ho, accustomed to being the subject of negative gossip, paid little heed to these new rumors. His mind was occupied with thoughts of Ascend and their upcoming audition.

What did catch his attention, however, was Min-ji's reaction - or rather, her lack of one. Despite her social standing and popularity, she seemed unfazed by the rumors linking her to the class "loser." She continued to approach Byul-ho, seemingly oblivious to the curious and judgmental stares of their classmates.

During one of their brief encounters, Byul-ho couldn't help but study Min-ji more closely. Her smile never wavered, her composure never cracked. It was as if the rumors didn't exist, or worse, as if they were part of some plan.


In the opulent dining room of the Lee residence, Min-ji sat across from her parents, the tension palpable despite the lavish surroundings. Her mother, born a Kang and now a key figure in the Luminary Group, fixed her daughter with a serious gaze.

"Min-ji-ah," she began, her voice measured, "have you made any progress with acquiring Jeon Byul-ho's shares? The son of Jeon Yong-ho?"

Min-ji's father interjected before she could answer, his tone conciliatory. "Now, dear, let's not put too much pressure on our daughter. Even with Min-ji's intelligence and beauty, it won't be easy to convince the Jeon boy. He's likely sentimental about those shares - they're one of the few tangible connections he has left of his parents and their legacy."

His wife nodded, her expression softening slightly. "I understand that, but we can't ignore the significance of those shares. A 23 percent stake is substantial, even if my brother controls 48 percent as CEO of Luminary."

Min-ji listened to her parents' exchange, her face a mask of calm composure. When they turned to her expectantly, she spoke with practiced grace.

"Mother, Father, I assure you I'm making progress," she said, her voice smooth and confident. "Jeon Byul-ho is... a complex individual. But I have a plan. It may take some time, but I will find a way to acquire those shares."

She paused, meeting each of her parents' gazes in turn. "I just ask that you trust me to handle this in my own way."

Her parents exchanged glances, a mixture of pride and concern evident in their expressions. Finally, her father nodded.

"Very well, Min-ji. We trust your judgment. Just remember the importance of this task to our family and the company."

Min-ji smiled, the perfect picture of a dutiful daughter. "Of course, Father. I won't let you down."

As the conversation shifted to other topics, Min-ji's mind was already racing, formulating her next move.

Jeon Byul-ho might be proving more challenging than expected, but she was determined to succeed. After all, in the world of business and power that she'd been raised in, failure was not an option.


Meanwhile, in the Jeon family mansion, Byul-ho let out a sudden sneeze and another followed, catching himself off guard. His butler, Kim Seon-woo, immediately appeared at his side with a concerned look.

"Young master, are you alright?" Seon-woo asked, already reaching for a small bottle of sanitizing spray.

Byul-ho waved his hand dismissively, a slight flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "I'm fine, Seon-woo. It's just a sneeze."

Despite Byul-ho's assurances, Seon-woo proceeded to spray a fine mist of sanitizer in the air around him. Byul-ho couldn't help but chuckle at his butler's protective instincts.

As he rubbed his nose, a fleeting thought crossed Byul-ho's mind. "Someone must be talking about me," he mused, recalling the old superstition.