Chapter 24 - Registration (III)

"Lots of unfamiliar faces here. What is the Order thinking? Really, I don't understand. They can't just allow foreigners to snatch our spots, right? Those bitches couldn't even hold their own in the zones they were born in. Now, they come here to snatch."

Kai shook his head at the thought as his eyes locked onto the people from other provinces. Perhaps there was really a solid reason why this was allowed to happen. But knowing the Order, would he ever get an answer? 

Among his group, a dark-haired boy donning an audacious mohawk nonchalantly shrugged, "Don't stress it. It's the fucking Order. Whatever benefits this may bring will be at the expense of us commoners."

"Hmmm…" Kai and the others nodded, fully agreeing with Malyk's words.

It was starting to be a recurring theme. In the last regional examination, 15% of the examinees were foreigners. To make matters worse, they weren't just normal foreigners. They were aristocrats from higher zones, buying their way into this forgotten zone.

Just how insane and shameless was that? The native aristocrats alone create enough terrifying competition for the commoners, now imagine adding foreigners to the mix. Was this the so-called balance that the government promised?

"Be that as it may, it is our responsibility to thrash those nobles," arrogantly said Malyk with eyes fully betraying his hostile intention.

The only thing the nobles had over him and his friends was their status. Those silk pants couldn't measure up to him at all!

Suddenly, a group of nobles turned their heads towards Malyk, menacing glints flashing in their eyes. Malyk's voice wasn't loud, but it also wasn't low. As long as anyone was nearby, hearing his voice wouldn't be difficult at all. And it just so happens, that this group of nobles were passing by when Malyk spoke those haughty words.

One of the nobles walked up to Malyk, his pose was straight and firm. 

"What did you say?" confronted the noble with a domineering voice. Beside him, his noble friends glared at Malyk's group. 

The confrontation attracted the eyes of almost everyone. They quickly understood the scene that played out before them. The relationship between nobles and commoners had always been fragile yet complex. At this moment, the atmosphere intensified and it seemed like a fight was about to break out. was like an over-inflated balloon, ready to burst at any moment.

"Oh, did you not hear me?" As though undeterred by the hostile gazes, Malyk walked up to the noble youth and said, "I said I am going to thrash you noblemen so effortlessly. Your chicken bones won't help you here. A word of advice, the outcome of this examination will not be to your liking. I trust your superior education, background, training and whatnot should make you understand my words."

Malyk then locked eyes with the fuming youth. "Now, did you get that?"

The entire hall went into silence. They could not believe a commoner had just spat in the face of a noble arrogantly. No, he had challenged every noble in the examination! The lack of fear shown in the commoner's eyes was charismatic, but… wasn't he just courting death? As a noble, there were countless ways to kill a commoner! 

"How dare you?!" The youth raged as he raised his hand to strike Malyk. Trails of ether coiled around him and his aura spilled out, demonstrating his thunderous rage. Clearly, this youth was no ordinary kid. From the fluctuation of ether and its quality, it was easy to discern that the youth belonged to Class II. He was easily in the top 20% of the examinees.

However, surprisingly enough, Malyk smiled as he faced the youth's aura. He looked at the youth's fist but didn't say anything and at the same time, he made no movement.

"Look out!!"

Amongst the crowd, cries echoed as the commoners screamed for him to dodge. Some of them couldn't understand Malyk's strange action, but they felt a spirit of comradery with him. While the others closed their eyes as they anticipated the raging attack. 

"Foolish peasants! I will teach you how to watch your mouth!" The youth cruelly smiled as his fist got within inches of Malyk's face.

Out of nowhere, the youth's friend grabbed the youth's arm before it could hit Malyk. "Wait, Cormac, there is something you should know."

Annoyed by his friend's intervention, Cormac glared at him. "What? It better be worth it, Lorf."

Cormac's friend, Lorf, whispered into his ear, "There is something wrong with the commoner. I suspect–"

"I already know that. His brain is faulty. That is why I aim to—"

"No. His jacket—look at it." Lorf pointed at Malyk's attire. He was always cool-headed and liked to think before acting. So, when Malyk provoked them, his first thought was "why?".

The group of nobles looked at Malyk. His mohawk was really… audacious, and coupled with his jean jacket, Malyk exuded a dangerous vibe. After a few seconds of scrutinizing, Cormac's eyes widened as he discovered something. There was a special insignia on the arm of Malyk's jacket, leading all the way to the back.

'Not just him. His friends have it too. How is this possible? Those guys… they shouldn't have any children, right?'  

Cormac felt a wave of fear wash over him. Even as a noble, there were some things that he had to watch out for. Things his parents had warned him about numerous times.

Cormac quickly realized how foolish his actions were. If not for Lorf, he would have been in deep trouble.

'Lorf, I will introduce you to my sister when we get back!' Cormac swore in his mind.

"What's the hold-up? I am waiting to get slapped. After all, my brain is dysfunctional and needs to be corrected," taunted Malyk.

Cormac's face twitched involuntarily. "I didn't realize we would be getting one of you guys here."

"What? If nobles can participate, so can we, don't you think so?"

"Hmph! This is not the right place and time to battle. The examination would naturally present the opportunity. We will settle things then. I hope you can pass the preliminary."

After speaking, Cormac turned to his friends and said, "Let's go."

Without waiting for Malyk's reply, Cormac and the rest took off, leaving the onlookers confused. Where was the climatic battle that they expected?

In fact, most of them couldn't understand why Cormac retreated. Only a few special youths amongst them discerned the truth of the matter. 

"The children of the Serpents… Things are really getting interesting!" A murmur echoed from the lips of youth with sharp eyes.

The boy had no one around him. It was as if everyone avoided him for some reason, which was not surprising, knowing the boy's reputation.

His name was Reznor Cullen and, after watching the lush crowd of youngsters in this hall, even a fabled youth like him didn't feel confident about claiming First Seat…

"It's only better this way. If not, it will be so boring. With a grand congregation comes grand rewards."

Meanwhile, Malyk turned to friends with a look of disappointment. "What a coward! He ran as soon as he noticed."

Kai sent a look of exasperation. "Can you not antagonize everyone? We don't want enemies from all corners. Remember Zavis' warnings."

"Yes. Yes. I won't do that again." Malyk's expression turned into fear as he nodded his head. He knew if Kai reported his doings to Zavis, it would be game over. Although he was a man, Zavis was more scary than a strict mother.

"By the way, where's Leve?"

"Oh, she said something about meeting up with her best friend. Apparently, we are too boring for her," replied Malyk.

"Malyk…" Kai gave him a deadpan look.


"Leve's friends don't exceed past our small group."


Malyk thought back and realized it was true. 'Fuck? She fooled me. Where the hell did she go?'