Chapter 27 - The Unworthy and the Champion(II)

"What was that?" Kai grimaced as he swerved his head around.

The group fell silent, listened patiently. The sound was anything but natural.

Just as the tension began to ease, another scream ripped through the forest. It was different this time… as though it belonged to a new voice than the last time. It was laced with anger and despair, and as it reverberated throughout the forest, another took its place… and another… and another until a chorus of anguished cries filled the air.

"Well, ain't that perfect? We do not need to ponder about the objective of this annoying test. It comes to us instead. However, judging by the screams, it's a goddamn mean objective. I can't wait," whistled Malyk. He seemed particularly eager after hearing the horror screams.

"Don't be rash. Those screams come from other examinees. Something that can make us proud mystics squeal in that manner can't be a walkover. We need to think about this. By the way, Raven, is it okay if we tag along?" asked Kai.

All eyes turned to Raven, awaiting a reply. 

Raven pursed his lips gently while glancing at Trix. Since she hadn't said a word throughout all this, he took it that she was okay with whatever decision he made. 

As a matter of fact, it was unclear who really was tagging along in this situation. Raven couldn't tell if Kai was just being polite because of his association with Blaike. At least, Malyk wasn't hiding his disdain. The obvious ones were always easier to deal with.

'It's just a preliminary. The Unworthy and the Champion. Master Codix's words were a clue. This is a survival test. He aims to weed out the weaker ones. I'm guessing the ones screaming are the unworthy. So, I think there won't be any point system. That would defeat the purpose. It's life or death. Pretty simple setup. '

'Since survival is the key, teamwork should be our best strategy. After all, there is strength in numbers. And also, this group seemed more of an expert in situations like this than us. Kai had likely reached the same conclusion as I.'

Raven replied, "Not at all."

"Perfect. I'm sure by now we have all guessed the nature of the preliminary." Kai smiled.

"Not some of us. Leve here looks like she might need some help," snickered Malyk.

"Hey! It's obviously a monster. You know, not everyone is as dumb as you," growled Leve.

"Oh wow, for once, Little Leve isn't lost for once. Is your head getting bigger? I think you deserve a cookie. Good girl."

"Arghh. I will bite you!!"

Malyk sighed as he facepalmed. He said, "Stop arguing. We need to figure out our next move."

Trix shrugged, "It's a monster. We either kill it or die. Thankfully, we have other examinees trailblazing the way. What would we do without our dear peers?"

Raven nodded.

Monsters were creatures that had emerged in the new world, much like innate mystic sorcerers.Born of supernatural origin, they wielded magic, the phenomenon that defies logic. In the claws of monsters, magic was a terrifying power, something even mystics struggled to comprehend. To put things into perspective, if the magic of mystics could subvert logic, monster's magic has the potential to outrightly overthrow any notion of logic. 

Some peculiar monsters could freeze time, warp reality, or manipulate supernal concepts. They could absorb souls and drive people mad with a stare. The closest comparison to the nature of monsters' magic was the twisted powers of the abyss devils, making it imperative to approach them with extreme caution, no matter how cute or vulnerable they appear.

Malyk cackled at Trix's response, "Whew. I'm starting to like you. What's your name again? Tri? Trix?"

"Don't bother. I don't like you," Trix brutally spat. "We need to get closer to observe the situation. We can't waste any more time."

The group began their long walk towards the direction of the frequent screams. As the shrieks got louder, their faces shivered but they hid their fear and braved ahead.






At the heart of the swamp, there was a ring of ominous red trees that enclosed a small, blackened lake. The examinees all gathered just outside this eerie grove with grim expressions written across their faces. Not a single one of them dared cross the threshold. 

"What do you think is going on in there? It doesn't look good at all." A young boy shivered at the thoughts of the horrors happening inside the accursed clove.

"There's no use thinking. We are safe here… I think. If we just wait it out…"

"To what end?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"When is it going to stop—"

An agonising shriek shook the surrounding once more, sending chills down their spine. The examinees froze, their expressions shifting from fear to cold dread.. 

"Did you hear that? I don't think that is normal,right? Something doesn't feel right about the situation."

This particular scream was different— unnaturally loud, sounding closer to them than ever. Earlier, when they all gathered here, there was an unanimous conclusion that the grove was enclosed by a barrier and the danger wouldn't reach them. Whoever or whatever was attacking those in the grove wasn't a threat. Thus, despite their apparent fears, they had chosen not to flee.

But now, with a mysterious change of situation, all posture was thrown out of the window. Panic began to creep in, though they remained rooted to the spot, waiting for a clearer sign.

For several minutes, nothing happened, save for the occasional screams, which they had already grown accustomed to.

But then, around the tenth minute, an ethereal vibration rippled through the air. Everyone felt a strange pressure bearing down on them. Their hearts stopped and their minds raced in confusion. An ancient fear, silent and treacherous, began spreading around like an infectious disease.

Suddenly, a scream shattered the silence, sending a wave of terror through them.

"Oh no!!!" an examinee screamed, panicked.

Blood splattered as heads began to roll.