Chapter 29 - The Unworthy and the Champion(IV)

Chapter 29- The Unworthy and the Champions(IV)

The group moved cautiously towards the monster's territory, following the winding path through the grove.

Kai;s voice broke the silence, grim, "Stay calm. Get yourself ready for every possibility. This is it, guys. The end is near."

All eyes locked on the last tree in their path. Crossing it, a shiver ran through them as they found themselves in a new unsettling landscape. They surveyed their new surroundings— An eerie lake surrounded by ominous red trees.

"Hey, look, new people."

"Wow, I thought everyone else died."

"Maybe they got lucky. They sure look confused. How long do you think they are gonna survive here? Wanna bet?"

"I'm in. 100 coins says they won't make it past the hour. With faces like that, no way they live longer than that."

"What? I was gonna bet the same thing. You mad lad!!!"

"Hahaha, gotta be quicker, bro. But really, why do they look so out of place? Hope they can pull their weight at least."

Raven's gaze drifted upwards, spotting several survivors perched in the blood-red trees. 

'Sure enough, there are survivors,' he thought, but his expression darkened as he caught snippets of their conversation. 'One hour? So heartless… are they that bored that they make betting pools on our survival? Wait a minute, do we really look like extras?'

Still, it was a relief that Raven's group wasn't the only ones here. How else were they to share the despair around? Misery loves company, after all.

Suddenly, a ripple of ominous energy spread from the lake. The survivors' faces turned cold, shifting from casual to utter seriousness as they focused on the lake.

'What's happening? Why do they look so terrified?' Raven's unease deepened as his eyes flickered between the unmoving survivors and the eerie lake.

'No one's moving… they are waiting for something. Could it be… ?!!'

A chilling realization struck him and his eyes met with Trix's, seeing the same thoughts swirling within her eyes.

"Everyone, climb on a tree now!!" Kai shouted suddenly.

Levi and Malyk raised an eyebrow. "What?!"

"What are you talking about, Malyk?"

"Just shut up and do it! NOW!!"

The ethereal ripples surged once more, and black bubbles appeared on the surface of the lake, hissing ominously.

Trix was one step ahead. With a mighty leap, she hung onto the branch of a nearby tree. Raven scrambled after her, climbing the same tree, and then the rest of the group followed in a frantic rush.

"No. No. No. Get back up!! Hurry!!" a panicked voice cried.

At the same moment, a bunch of survivors fell from their tree. A sickening crack echoed through the air as branches gave way under the weight of too many survivors. More people plummeted to the ground, one after another.

"Oh shit. Fuck. Fuck! It's broken, find another tree, fast! We have to hurry… it's coming!"

They quickly found a vacant tree to the left and ran for it. But before they could, one of them— a young boy stopped in his steps.

They scrambled, eyes frantically searching for safety. A nearby vacant tree stood tall, but just as they made a dash for it, one of them stopped dead in his tracks, choking on his breath.

"Blan, what the hell are you doing? Let's get moving!!"

The boy remained silent. His eyes were wide, trembling and blood trickled from the corner of his lips. 


"Blan, did you bloody hear me? Le–"

Suddenly, a sinister snarl cut through the air. A slash appeared on Blan's neck and without warning, his body exploded into a gruesome spray of limbs and flesh.

"It's here! RUN!!" Blan's friends screamed in sheer terror.

They froze, paralyzed by the sheer weight of the monster's presence. In a heartbeat, limbs and fleshy lumps were ripped apart, the air thick with blood and fear. The carnage splattered across the black lake, painting it red. Fear ran rampant accompanied by dying cries.

Soon, wet, crunching sound echoed as all eyes focused on the spot where the now dead group were once rooted on.

Raven and the others couldn't believe their eyes. Their hands pressed against the bark of the tree. No matter what, they would never let go.

Meanwhile, amongst the other survivors, a keen ploy was in motion. 

A young lady with thick brown hair, neatly braided — neither too bold nor too simple— dropped silently to the ground. Her eyes surveyed the site of the massacre. Her face paled instantly as she spotted the blood-filled site, but she hung on to remnants of daringness left in her and pressed forward. There was way more on the line for her to start caring about herself. 

Her name was Sereya Voss, a second-generation noble. Daughter of rising entrepreneur Rook Voss, head of DustTech Salvage Syndicate. As a second-generation and the sole heir to her father's growing empire, there was a lot on the line for her. Success in the regional examination would unlock untold opportunities. If she played her cards right, DustTech would take their salvage and resource recovery network beyond the small waters of Charmire. Wealth and power would rain upon them like the golden showers of Heaven.

Right behind Sereya, a group of nobles approached, "Sereya Voss, we only have one chance. Are you sure we can make this work?"

Sereya pursed her lips silently. She had made acquaintances with the group of nobles because of their willingness to mingle. They weren't the baddest bunch in the bowl and most of all, they were just as daring as she was.

"Positive, so long as your idea works out," Sereya took a look at her team. "But, where's the rest, Wallon? You promised ten men. I don't see them."

"Uhh… about that. There were some among us that got cold feet. Cowards, those lots. However, I believe we can be able to make do with what we have. What we have to worry about is your side of things. How is it? Do you think you can manage?"

"Don't worry about me," Sereya shrugged.

The forest fell silent all of a sudden. The stench of blood wafted in the air with a sinister intent.

Sereya Voss's heart pounded. She could feel it. Something was coming.

"Stay sharp," she whispered. "It's here."