My phone buzzed and I checked the caller id. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the person calling me. He must have seen the news and was probably going to be very furious.

What was he going to do ? He warned me not to do this but I did as I was told not to. He would be furious right ?

"Hello dad" I answered as I picked up the phone.

"Where are you ?" His voice was calm but it was obvious that he was angry.

"Why ?" I asked and I regret asking immediately I heard his furious voice yelling from the other end of the call.

"Are you crazy ? You are all over the news and you dare ask me why? I ask you a question ? I give you an hour for you to get your stupid self here" he ordered and ended the call before I could say anything else.

I took in a sharp breath.

I knew I was doomed, father was going to make sure I suffer for this. But why was father doing this to me ? Why can't he just support whatever I do ?