Ch 33: Sub-Skill

Ryan did not know why Charlotte was not improving, whether it was because Charlotte was not trying hard enough, or because she was not in a fierce battle, resulting in Charlotte's stats not changing at all.

Not knowing which answer was correct, what was clear was that Charlotte still remained weak compared to the other strong individuals in this world. Because of this, Ryan needed to become stronger in order to protect himself, as well as to protect those who were important to him, such as his family, Ellina, and Charlotte.

"Status..." Ryan murmured softly.

[Name: Ryan Blackstar]

[Age: 5 Years]

[Condition: Strange Disease: ???]

[Level: F+]

[Health: 300/300]

[Strength: F]

[Agility: F+]

[Dexterity: F]

[Endurance: F+]

[Mana: F]


Frozen Heart: EX

- Can Keep Emotions Calm

- Can Manipulate Ice

- Can Freeze Surroundings

- Can Freeze Time (Locked)

Mana Manipulation Talent: SSS

- Can Manipulate Mana Energy

- Can Control Amount of Energy

- Can Absorb Mana Energy Quickly]


Frozen Destruction: ---C

- "Destruction Freezes Peace!"

- Freezes enemies within a range of 5-10 Meters; the stronger the enemy, the easier it is for the Sub-Skill to be canceled

- Can only freeze enemies for 5 Seconds]

Ryan had changed a lot since he first mastered his abilities, with the biggest change being when Ryan successfully created a Sub-Skill, an achievement that not many others had accomplished, especially not a small child.

A Sub-Skill is a derivative of the main Skill, which can only be created by those who possess deep understanding, creativity, and adequate knowledge.

Creating a Sub-Skill requires more than just practice; it is a process that combines intuition with deep experience regarding the Skill they control.

For example, a user of the Element who masters the Fireball Skill might be able to create a Sub-Skill called Small Fireball... a more concentrated and possibly more tactical version in battle.

Ryan, with his Frozen Heart Skill, managed to create a unique Sub-Skill that he named Frozen Destruction. This Sub-Skill not only relies on the ability to freeze objects but also provides an extraordinary destructive effect on its target.

A few months ago, when the Frozen Destruction Sub-Skill was created, Ryan found his ability at level ---C, a level that could be considered quite good.

However, having only one Sub-Skill might sound strange to others, given Ryan's potential. But the reality is that creating a Sub-Skill is a challenge that is much more difficult than imagined.

Ryan accidentally created this Sub-Skill when he focused Mana Energy around a glass of water, and, in an instant, froze it until the glass shattered with a sharp sound. At that moment, Ryan realized that he had stepped into the next level of mastering his Skill.

"Charlotte, tomorrow we will face my father, that man— I mean, my father is someone very strong, even too strong that it is almost impossible for us to inflict even a scratch on him. Now, let's train our body coordination." Ryan said while looking at Charlotte.

"I understand, master! Let's do it!" Charlotte replied with a happy smile.




The long-awaited fight day had arrived, and now Ryan had learned to complement each other in battle with Charlotte, using snowmen as substitutes for opponents, who just stood still and did not move.

Currently, Ryan was in the dining room, where Lyana, Leyfia, and Reynold were also present.

They were all having a meal together, as after breakfast, they would go to the training room.

Because Ryan and Reynold would fight each other, Ryan wanted to prove that he could survive in the outside world, just with Charlotte.

They all finally finished eating together, and then Reynold stood up first and walked towards the outer door.

"Ryan, I will wait for you in the training room." Reynold said as he finally left the dining room.

Ryan just nodded his head and continued to enjoy his dessert, which tasted delicious and sweet.


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