Ch 43: Making a Baby

"Hmm... It seems our son is growing up, isn't that right, Reynold?" Leyfia said with a meaningful smile, glancing at her husband.

Reynold, Ryan's father, nodded with a small smile. "That's right."

Leyfia continued in a teasing tone, "Dear, I can't wait to hold my grandchild. You and Lyana are growing up too fast. I still want to experience holding a baby again. So, do it often... well, you know what I mean, right?"

Ryan looked at his mother in confusion, trying to stay calm even though a bad feeling was starting to arise in his mind. "What do you mean, Mom? I don't understand."

Leyfia leaned in a little closer, her smile widening. "Don't pretend, Ryan. I know you were with Charlotte and Ellina last night. Making a baby, perhaps?"

Ryan's expression remained calm, but his eyes widened slightly. "What? No, it's not what you think..."

However, before Ryan could explain further, Lyana's surprised voice cut in, "Brother! Do you want to make a baby?"

All eyes in the room immediately turned to Ryan. Reynold and Leyfia chuckled softly, while Ryan sighed deeply, trying to remain calm despite feeling a bit cornered.

"Can I also make a baby with Brother Ryan?" Lyana asked innocently, causing Reynold and Leyfia to choke, coughing in shock at the unexpected question.

Reynold, usually wise, looked confused as he searched for the right words. "Uh, Lyana... that's not something you can do with just anyone."

Leyfia quickly tried to help, "Lyana, dear, you can only have children with a man you love and care for."

Lyana looked down, feeling embarrassed by the misunderstanding. "But... but I love and care for Brother Ryan!"

Ryan paused for a moment, processing his sister's feelings before speaking. "Lyana, I'm going to be away for a long time. If while I'm gone, your feelings remain the same, without loving or caring for another man, then... we can talk about it again."

Silence enveloped the room as Ryan's words slowly sank in for everyone. Reynold and Leyfia exchanged worried glances.

"Really?" Lyana smiled widely, her eyes shining with hope.

"Yes," Ryan nodded firmly, although there was hidden doubt in his heart.

However, before Ryan could continue, Reynold spoke in a firm yet cautious tone. "But this is not something to be taken lightly. The relationship between a brother and sister, especially to the point of having children, is very unusual."

Ryan set down his spoon for a moment, looking at his father calmly. "Many noble families want to preserve their lineage, doing things like this, right? After all, it's still not certain."

Leyfia nodded slowly, acknowledging the truth in Ryan's words. "That's true... Many noble families choose to maintain the purity of their lineage. Although this practice is rarely done now, some families still uphold it."

However, behind that agreement, there was an uncomfortable silence. Leyfia and Reynold knew that although the tradition existed, its application remained controversial and not easily accepted by everyone.

Ryan resumed eating before speaking again. "Therefore, don't match Lyana with anyone until she truly decides who the man she wants to marry is."

Ryan's words hung in the air, causing Reynold and Leyfia to pause for a moment. Reynold finally nodded slowly, understanding the hidden meaning behind Ryan's words.

Ryan didn't want Lyana to be forced into an unwanted marriage through matchmaking. By saying that he would marry Lyana if her feelings remained the same, Ryan was actually giving Lyana time to decide her own path in life, without pressure from anyone.

Leyfia looked at Ryan with a deep gaze before finally speaking in a serious tone, "If that's the case, Lyana must learn faster. Because if years later, Lyana still loves you, then at that time, Lyana must be ready to be the second wife after Princess Alina."


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