Ch 48: For the Heroes of the Polons Kingdom

"Eh... That..." Ellina was surprised, her face flushed with embarrassment, not used to this sudden attention.

"Yes! We have become Master's women!" Charlotte replied enthusiastically, her face beaming, responding to Ryan's statement with unwavering confidence.

"Eh-eh...?" Ellina was even more shocked, her cheeks reddening further, unsure of what to say in the face of Charlotte's boldness.

Ryan smiled faintly at their reactions but quickly refocused on their objective. "Back to the main topic. This Magic Airship will head to the Dement Kingdom, located in the Southwest of the Western Continent. Of course, we won't stop there. This journey will be very long, reaching the farthest part of the Western Continent to its edge. However, we will disembark at the Polons Kingdom."

"Polons Kingdom?" Ellina raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident on her face. "The small kingdom affiliated with the Glane Empire?"

"Correct," Ryan nodded, confirming the information provided. "The Polons Kingdom may be small, but they have a very powerful General, a noble of Marquis rank with level ---A."

Ellina was amazed to hear this. The information Ryan had seemed very detailed, as if he had been monitoring the Polons Kingdom for a long time. "How... how do you know all this?"

Ryan glanced briefly at Ellina, his smile turning serious. "We are going there," Ryan said, as if answering the unspoken question in Ellina's mind. Ellina's expression was very easy for Ryan to read.

"But... why?" Ellina asked, still confused by the decision.

Ryan took a deep breath before continuing, his voice filled with hidden concern. "The Polons Kingdom may be just a small kingdom, but the situation there is deteriorating rapidly. Taxes have been significantly raised, causing suffering for the people. Robberies and thefts are on the rise, while all wealth is sent to the palace every month. Their king seems indifferent to the suffering of his people."

Ellina listened carefully, her eyes widening as Ryan continued. "Recently, there have been rumors that the Polons Kingdom has summoned Heroes from another world."

Ryan paused for a moment, giving Ellina time to digest this information. "That's why we must go there. Not just to see the situation, but to ensure that things do not get worse."

"Wait, are they raising taxes to fund the Summoning of Heroes?" Ellina immediately realized the connection between the two, her eyes widening in shock.

"Correct," Ryan replied in a serious tone. "The summoning was successful, and four Heroes from another world were called. They consist of three females and one male. However, the situation is more complicated than it seems. Two of them, one female and one male, decided to take on the role of Heroes. However, the other two, both female, refused the role and chose to stay in the palace."

Ellina listened carefully, but her expression showed growing concern as Ryan continued speaking. "The king allowed the two female Heroes who refused their roles to stay in the palace, while the other two decided to fulfill their duties as Heroes."

Ryan took a deep breath before continuing. ".... However, the problem is that these two Heroes are not good people. Rumors spread that the male Hero has forced several palace servants to engage in indecent acts, while the female Hero has manipulated the royal soldiers, making them act like loyal dogs."

Ellina sighed, understanding the complexity of the situation. "So, even Heroes from another world are not always kind... Sometimes, they can be very crazy and immoral."

"Correct," Ryan nodded. "That's why we are going there. Our plan is to kill those two corrupt Heroes and rescue the two female Heroes who are trapped in the palace."


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