Pack vs rogue

Nevertheless, I put those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. We will heal Ryker, come together, and create a new plan. We were committed to finding Kaito, regardless of the challenges.

While looking at Ryker's still form, I made a commitment to protect our pack, bring our members back together, and overcome the imminent threat.

I led the team out of the crowded house, feeling excited as my heart beat quickly. Ryker, Lim, and Adrian stood next to me, all looking at the abandoned warehouse in the distance. Our aim was clear: rescue Kaito and bring him back to his house.

As we approached the warehouse, I could feel the tension increasing. Horus's group was known for being very harsh, and we knew we were entering a dangerous scenario. Nevertheless, we had to give it a try. Kaito was a member of our team, and we were not ready to leave him behind.