Chapter 3

Samara woke up early the next morning, the soft rays of dawn filtering through her curtains. Today was the first day of school at Haldir academy, The most prestigious institution where the Heliozvo country's most elite sent their children to be molded into future leaders. The school, named after the then Heliozvo Emperor that founded the school, had a history spanning over 990 years, originally a bastion for the nobility of the dissolved Heliozvo empire, it had been transformed into a meritocratic institution, albeit one still heavily influenced by wealth and legacy.


The old aristocracy, who had renounced their titles but retained their wealth and influence, sent their children here, as did the newer rich, who had climbed the social ladder through business and industry over the course of those years. But wealth wasn't enough to gain entry. Haldir academy prided itself on academic excellence above all else. Of the 1000's of students who applied each year in middle and high school, only 120 students were admitted each year. 80 students who had both the smarts, recommendations and the funds to attend, and 20 students, super smart to be recommended and granted scholarship.

The special students referred to as Elfdirs, were the 20 that attended the Haldir elementary school. The elementary school had a total number of 20 pupils admitted in the first year of elementary school, who were then trained till the fifth year and had a guaranteed spot all the way to high school. They all had to have at least two out of three of these; the alumni attendance of generations, were from families as influential as Gennadi, and had shown signs of earlier development and maturity amongst their peers, to be admitted.

In her first life as samara, she checked all three of them, she had the maturity of the newly turned of age Emily. She had also expected it to assist her in breezing through at least elementary school. How wrong she was. She quickly realized in her third year of elementary school, that the academics though somewhat similar in some ways, was fundamentally different and more complex in comparison to Emily's earth.

She had to discard and unlearn most what she had learnt as Emily, coupled with her quite normal brain, in the midst of geniuses of the country and in this world, she struggled to adapt, eventually by third year middle school to high school, she was in rank 60 to 70 amongst the 120 students in her grade. For the outside world, having such ranking in a school like Haldir, ranked first in the country and fluctuates between first and second internationally, was something worth celebrating and announcing. For her parents, this was unacceptable. They had expected their heir to be among the best, to uphold the family's honor.

The social gatherings of the high class were unbearable, filled with snide remarks and veiled insults about her. Her parents only fueled it as they never defended her. Instead, they treated her as a disappointment, something to be tolerated because of her bloodline. Despite this samara was grateful-grateful to be fed, clothed, and even given a clerical job at the Gennadi company and leaving her there for ten years without promotion while simultaneously stealing her ideas, though her qualifications would have taken her to great heights in another company.

Perharps still with the sentiment that she was a disappointment to them in her first life, when she returned to when she was seven as samara, she vowed to do better and be the perfect daughter. She pushed herself to the brink, overworking in an attempt to be what they envisioned. She managed to climb into the top 7 to 10 of her grade, a remarkable achievement given the school's standards. She even gained world recognition as a young business entrepreneur, featured in a reputable business magazine. But none of it was enough. Her parents remained cold, always demanding more.

In her second return, her third life as samara, frustration and resentment took hold, she became rebellious, acting out in ways that only further alienated her from everyone. Despite her best efforts, she could never escape the feeling of being seen as lesser, as a failure, by the first people she knew as her parents. It was hurtful and painful because it felt as though each time she was looked down upon, it was as though they were speaking directly to me as Emily, that even though she was reborn into a higher place as samara, she was still that unremarkable orphan Emily, that didn't amount to much.


'Smack!' samara slapped her cheeks hardly as if to drive the negative thoughts out of her head '' stop saying depressing things about yourself.'' She sat up looking at her reflection in the mirror across the mirror. '' you are awesome, you've accomplished great things as samara and your parents are assholes.'' ''And what's our resolve this time? We will not listen to what assholes have to say'' samara spoke to her reflection.

Feeling a renewed sense of determination and confidence, she got out of bed and began her morning routine, she took a shower, brushed her teeth, and reached for her uniform neatly hung by her bedside. It was placed there by the staff the previous was a dark green pinafore, that was sturdy and soft, made of the perfect blend of cotton and polyester, coupled with a simple yet elegant white blouse with puffed sleeves and a matching green bowtie. She put n a long knee-high socks and well-polished brown leather shoes. ''Truly a uniform worthy of the school's prestige, it amazes me every time'' samara thought as she looked as reflection in the mirror.

Samara Gennadi, at seven was already striking in a way that hinted at the beauty she would grow into. Her dark purple hair, a deep shade color fell in straight lines around her delicate face. Her eyes were a mesmerizing galaxy purple, filled with a sparkle that seemed to hold the universe within.

Samara tilted her head slightly, examining her reflection. She ran a small hand through her dark purple locks watching as they shimmered under the light. Her lips curved into a soft smile

In her mind, the voice of her older self-echoed with a mixture of realization and irony. '' it wasn't until my last life that I had the self-awareness to recognize just how pretty I was as samara, even in the standard of this world''

Downstairs, the house was quiet, as expected. Alara was still sleeping and Her parents had already left for work, their early departure was a routine occurrence. They had likely forgotten it was her first day at the academy, but they most certainly will remember the result days. Samara quickly ate a simple breakfast, and was chauffeured to school. Which was about 30 minutes' drive.

Haldir elementary school was as beautiful with its architectural design and had many facilities as she had remembered. The large iron gates though still as large wasn't imposing as to her, as it was in previous lives. Mr. Gregory waiting at the entrance for her.