I Heard 

[Chapter 27]

A few days later, I formally ascended to the position of the Leader of the Underworld Pavilion.

Early in the morning, the warriors of the Underworld Pavilion arrived at my residence.

Leading the group was Special Investigator Seo Daeryong, who had assisted me with the Demonic Army investigation.

"We're here to escort you, Pavilion Leader."

"Investigator Seo, you came."

"I volunteered."

In fact, this small, gloomy-looking man played a significant role in me becoming the leader of Underworld Pavilion.

"Let's go."

I decided to bring Lee Ahn along.

"Lee Ahn, you come too. You need to learn how an organization is run."

"Thank you!"

She seemed overjoyed, as if she didn't expect to be taken along this time either.

"We're not going for fun. Learn how the organization operates and how to manage your subordinates. Don't miss a single thing."


When we arrived at the Underworld Pavilion, the investigators were lined up at the entrance. It seemed this was their way of welcoming a new leader.

As I passed, they all cupped their fists and greeted loudly.

"Welcome, Pavilion Leader!"

I expected them to be less than enthusiastic about my appointment. However, their gazes were more favorable than I had anticipated.

So, I discreetly asked Seo Daeryong, who was standing next to me.

"Did you threaten to cut their pay if they didn't pretend to welcome me?"


"Then why is the atmosphere so good?"

Seo Daeryong mimicked stomping on the ground with his foot.

Seeing that, I understood the reason for their warm reception. It was all because of Godang, the first division leader of the Demonic Army. Godang had killed the first investigator sent for investigation and injured another when I was sent as a special investigator.

In such a situation, I had smashed Godang's head and killed him, providing them with a satisfying revenge, along with medical treatment for the injured, administered by the Maji himself. Moreover, any resistance to someone as young as me taking the leader's position was mitigated by the fact that I was of Heavenly Demon's lineage, and my martial prowess was proven by killing the Demonic Army Commander.

"Would you like to say a few words?"

At Seo Daeryong's suggestion, I turned to the subordinates before entering the building.

I slowly looked at each of their faces and delivered a brief statement.

"I don't know if your lives will be happier or more miserable now that I'm your leader. But one thing is certain. Your hearts will beat faster than before."

With that, I turned and entered the building.

I heard murmurs behind me. I didn't need to worry about how they would take my words. They would understand soon enough.

As Seo Daeryong was about to leave after guiding me to the office, I stopped him.

"Inspector Seo, we never expected to meet like this again, did we?"

"Honestly, I was quite surprised."

"I came because I missed you, Inspector Seo."

Seo Daeryong's expression didn't change at all, as if he knew that flattery wouldn't work.

"Lee Ahn, you should avoid such a stoic man. Your life will be boring."

"On the contrary, he might be solid and reliable."

Lee Ahn took Seo Daeryong's side.

"No, this guy is like a bland soup with no substance."

This time, Seo Daeryong spoke up for himself.

"I'm not a rich broth, but I'm not tasteless either."

"Oh, you've got some character. You'll need that character often in the future."

Quick-witted, Seo Daeryong instantly understood the meaning behind my words.

"No, I am just a bland soup. Please don't involve me in dangerous matters."

"I'll mix rice in that bland soup and add lots of spicy seasoning."

Seo Daeryong stepped back. Although he pretended to be scared, I knew that Seo Daeryong was a brave man. Within that small body was a large amount of courage and spirit.

"Now, tell me more about the Underworld Pavilion. I know nothing about it."

As if waiting for this, Seo Daeryong began to explain.

"As you know, Underworld Pavilion is the institution responsible for upholding and enforcing the cult's rules and laws. It handles everything from eradicating corruption to dealing with various incidents within the cult. There are a total of one hundred members, with thirty investigators and seventy enforcement martial artists."

The enforcement martial artists assisted and protected the investigators, and were responsible for arresting criminals.

"It's not as many as I thought."

"It's an organization that doesn't need large numbers."

The Underworld Pavilion was an authoritative organization that everyone feared. Although there were some exceptions like the Demonic Army, most of the cult members were afraid of the Underworld Pavilion.

"Out of the thirty investigators, there are five special investigators. Special investigators mainly handle difficult and important cases, but they function like regular investigators most of the time. Enforcement martial artists aren't assigned to specific investigators; they are deployed as needed."

After listening to the explanation, I asked him.

"Inspector Seo, what do you think is the biggest problem with the Underworld Pavilion?"

Seo Daeryong hesitated for a moment before reluctantly answering.

"No organization in our cult is free from the influence of the Eight Demon Supremes."

He didn't specifically point out the Underworld Pavilion, but it was clear that the Eight Demon Supremes were the biggest problem.

"Are you also under their influence?"

"No, I am not. As I mentioned, I am a loner."

At least, he wasn't involved in the cult's politics for money or promotions.

"It doesn't mean I have a grand conviction. Just think of me as a grumbler."

"That's fine. I don't like people who are too idealistic either."

I glanced at Lee Ahn as I spoke.

"I like reasonable people. Ones who take care of themselves first."

Knowing that I was referring to her, Lee Ahn just smiled faintly.

My gaze turned back to Seo Daeryong.

"You said it, right? That our cult won't change. How about it? Why don't we start changing it together?"

"What if you suddenly leave after getting everyone worked up, just like you appeared out of nowhere?"

"I'll leave when it's time for me to go."

"And I'll be left alone in the ashes after burning my passion together with you?"

"That's not my concern. You said you were a loner anyway. So, are you in?"

Seo Daeryong let out a loud sigh at my shamelessness, but his answer was different from his actions.

"I'll do it."


"Didn't you already show me the reason while dealing with the Demonic Army's matters?"

"Looking forward to working with you."

"Yes. Leave it to me."

I offered my hand cheerfully, and Seo Daeryong firmly shook it.

'What will you do when I leave? Well, you'll take my place.'

Anyway, I received a warmer welcome than I expected. Now, the important task was to make them recognize me properly.

For that, I needed an example. A very vicious and bad one.

"Are there any cases related to the Eight Demon Supremes that I need to review?"

The phrase 'need to review' was a roundabout way of saying 'improperly handled.'

Seo Daeryong understood my meaning immediately.

"Of course… there is."

His 'of course' reminded me of the issues he previously mentioned about the Underworld Pavilion.

"Bring it to me."

Shortly after, Seo Daeryong brought the documents.

After reviewing the case, I let out a long sigh.

"Seiously, aSeriously, are they doing this to get me killed?"

The case Seo Daeryong brought was related to the Blood Heaven Blade Demon, of all people.

"I don't want this either… but it fits your criteria."

"Why does it have to be the Blood Heaven Blade Demon!"

Lee Ahn, who had been watching, quickly intervened.

"Young master, you need to endure it this time. Elder Blade Demon is probably on the verge of exploding."

I handed the documents to Lee Ahn.

"It's too unjust to just cover it up for that reason. Lee Ahn, read it and see if you can cover it up."

After reading the contents, Lee Ahn couldn't bring herself to put the documents down and sighed.

"This can't be tolerated."

I jumped up from my chair.

"Let's go. If fate calls, I must answer."

Actually, this wasn't fate. It was an inevitable result of an old man leaving trash lying around.

* * *

Gwak Soo was drunk.

He was drowning in a despair so deep that even alcohol couldn't touch it.

His son, who attended the martial academy, had been brutally beaten by his friends. His son, who suffered a severe head injury, had still not regained consciousness after ten days.

Jo Chunbae, the owner of Flowing Wind Tavern who knew his situation well, carefully sat down in front of him.

"Is it true that those bastards were released?"

Gwak Soo gulped down another drink.

"Damn it! Damn it all!"

An Underworld Pavilion investigator had examined the incident. Naturally, he thought the culprits would be thrown in jail. But the three of them were found not guilty and released. It was ruled that his son got injured during a sparring match with friends.

"It's all ruined. The father of the kid who led this is Yang Tae."

Yang Tae was the leader of a hundred Blade Ghosts.


Jo Chunbae sighed. If the opponent's father was a subordinate of the Blood Heaven Blade Demon, and not just any Ten Demonic Blade but an actual Hundred Demonic Blade, this matter was as good as over.

"The Underworld Pavilion investigators are all the same. Those bastards are worse."

"Shh! Keep your voice down. What if someone hears?"

Jo Chunbae looked around, trying to calm him.

"Let them hear! Tell those Underworld Pavilion bastards to kill me first! Tell Yang Tae to come and kill me himself!"


Gwak Soo slammed the table. Jo Chunbae quickly caught the wobbling bottle before it fell.

"For heaven's sake, control yourself."

"If my son doesn't wake up, my wife won't survive."

Jo Chunbae knew he wasn't exaggerating. Gwak Soo had only one son, and he had seen how much the couple cherished him over the years.

"He'll wake up."

"If he doesn't, I'll kill that bastard and then take my own life."

Just then, a voice came from behind them.

"Can you kill him?"

They turned their heads to see three young men standing at the entrance of the tavern.

"And who are you?"

The one who had just spoken with a mocking tone was the young man in the middle, the very one who had led the attack, Yang Ho.

"Mister, who are you to say you'll kill someone's precious son?"

Gwak Soo sprang to his feet.

"You! You!"

He was stunned and panicked to encounter Yang Ho in such an unexpected situation. But he quickly roared in anger.

"You bastard. Because of you… Bring my son back! Bring him back to life!"

His emotions were so intense that he didn't even know what he was saying, but Yang Ho remained nonchalant.

"You bastard! We haven't even heard a single apology from you!"

At that, Yang Ho stepped forward and bowed his head respectfully.

"I'm sorry. I truly committed a grave sin. This will never happen again. Is that okay? I definitely apologized. So, mister, please stop with the insults."

"What? What did you just say?"

"I'm not your son, am I?"

The two guys next to him snickered, and Yang Ho also struggled to hold back his laughter.

Gwak Soo, overwhelmed by a mix of drunkenness and anger, couldn't hold back and tried to draw his sword, but Jo Chunbae rushed in and desperately stopped him.

"Hold back. Endure it! Think about your family!"

It was clear that if Gwak Soo drew his sword here, he would be killed by Yang Ho. Gwak Soo was a lower-ranked martial artist of the outer cult, while Yang Ho, though young, had been properly trained in martial arts since childhood.

"Mister, are you crazy? You asked for an apology, and now you want to kill me."

Instead of just leaving, Yang Ho seemed determined to provoke Gwak Soo even further.

"Wow, no conscience at all. Go ahead, kill me. Try to kill me if you can."

How could a human be so shameless? Gwak Soo wanted to stab him right then and there.

But he couldn't. Not only because he couldn't win, but even if he killed Yang Ho, it would create a bigger problem. At that moment, everything would end. Not just him, but his unconscious son and grieving wife would all be killed by Yang Ho's father.

"Guys, you should leave. Now."

Jo Chunbae tried to get Yang Ho and his friends to leave, but Yang Ho acted like he had abandoned his humanity. In the first place, he seemed more like a talking dog than a decent human.

"Our Junior, I wondered who he inherited his cowardice from, turns out it was from his father."

At that moment, Gwak Soo lost his sanity.

Gwak Soo drew his sword, and as if waiting for this moment, Yang Ho's fist immediately flew at him.

Gwak Soo, violently hit in the face, stumbled backward into a table and fell over.

"He definitely drew his sword first!"

The two guys standing behind Yang Ho shouted like a parody of witnesses.

Yang Ho rushed forward and began to beat Gwak Soo mercilessly.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

"A guy who only guards the storage dares to report me to the Underworld Pavilion?"

The reason Yang Ho hadn't left and had picked a fight was precisely this. He had been severely scolded by his father after being reported to the Underworld Pavilion and couldn't contain his anger, so he came to vent it.

Only after thoroughly punching Gwak Soo did Yang Ho finally rise from his body.

"This is all his fault. I told him to steal money from home, but he said no because it was money his father earned through blood and sweat. Acting all noble by himself. Am I the only trash here? How could I not beat him? This is all his responsibility. Got it?"

"You just confessed with your own mouth!"

Though Gwak Soo's lips were split and blood flowed from a cut under his eye, he found a glimmer of hope in this moment.

"What confession?"

"Everyone here heard it! You admitted why you beat our son. It wasn't a duel; it was assault."

Yang Ho glared around menacingly.

"Is there anyone here who heard what I said?"

There were many customers present, but no one dared to step forward. Even Jo Chunbae, the tavern owner, couldn't come forward. Speaking up would not only end his business here but also put his life at risk. The same was true for the other customers.

"No one heard anything? Hehehe."

At Yang Ho's laughter, Gwak Soo finally let out the tears he had been holding back.


He couldn't bear it anymore. The reality that the person who had put his son in a coma was mocking him while he could do nothing was too unbearable. As a father, he felt ashamed and incredibly sorry. He didn't want to cry, but the tears kept falling.

"A grown man cries like a fool. Truly like father, like son. Hahaha."

The guys who came with Yang Ho also laughed heartily.

Just then, a young man's voice rang out clearly from the second floor of the tavern.

"I heard it."