A Writer’s Challenge

INT. Writing Room – Night

Gagan and Ananya are now married, it's been 3 months since they got married

Gagan sits over his desk, typing on his laptop, his face is lighted up by the screen, his fingers moving over the keys. Ananya enter the room carrying a plate of food and stops at the door watching him silently for a moment

Ananya Gowda: You missed dinner again

Gagan doesn't respond, he's too focused on his writing, Ananya puts the plate down on the table beside him in frustration

Ananya Gowda: (Louder) Gagan, you missed dinner again

He finally looks up blinking as if he's snapping back to reality

Gagan: What? Oh… sorry, I just, this part's really important

Ananya Gowda: It's always important, isn't it? Your writing comes first, and I'm just... what? An afterthought?

Gagan: It's not like that, Ananya you know how it is, this is how I work, you're a writer too, you get it

Ananya Gowda: Yeah, I do but the difference is, I try to make time for us for this marriage

Gagan runs his hands through his hair frustrated

Gagan: Look, I'm under a lot of pressure I'm trying to finish this novel, keep my audience happy, meet deadlines It's not like I'm ignoring you on purpose

Ananya Gowda: (Angry) But you are ignoring me, Gagan! we barely talk anymore we haven't gone out in months!

Gagan: I'm doing this for us to build something! To keep my career alive!

Ananya Gowda: (tears rolling up) At what cost? Because it feels like you're losing me in the process

There's a long pause as Gagan stares at her, caught between guilt and the weight of his work, more tears in her eyes

Ananya Gowda: I don't want to be in a marriage where I feel like I'm alone

Gagan: Ananya, I…

Ananya Gowda: I need more from you, Gagan I need us to matter again

She walks out of the room, leaving Gagan sitting there, he looks at the laptop screen then at the closed door unsure of what to do


Gagan enters the bedroom quietly, Ananya is lying in bed, facing away from him

Gagan: Ananya are you awake?

She doesn't respond, Gagan sighs, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed

Gagan: I know I haven't been present and I know you're frustrated I am too but I'm trying

Ananya Gowda: (Without turning around) Trying isn't enough anymore

Gagan looks down at his hands, feeling the weight of her words, he reaches out to touch her shoulder but pulls back unsure, Ananya remains silent, her back still to him

Cut to

INT. KITCHEN – Morning

The kitchen is a mess of ingredients and half-prepared food, Gagan attempting to cook, pots are boiling over, and the oven timer is beeping. Ananya enters

Ananya Gowda: What on earth are you doing?

Gagan: (Flustered) Trying to make breakfast

Ananya Gowda: You? Cooking?

She raises an eyebrow, Gagan turns, holding a wooden spoon awkwardly

Gagan: I thought I'd give it a shot

Ananya Gowda: Looks like you've started a war with the kitchen, need some backup?

Gagan: Yes

Ananya laughs stepping in to help, together they work through the meal moving in sync as they cook

Gagan: You know, I've been thinking about what you said

Ananya Gowda: Which part? There's been a lot to say lately

Gagan: All of it about us about me not being around

Ananya pauses, stirring the pot as she listens

Gagan: I've been letting this, this work, this pressure take over, I'm sorry for that, I don't want to lose us

Ananya Gowda: I don't want to lose you either but it's not enough to just say that Gagan, we need to actually make changes

Gagan: I know I want to, no more working late nights, no more missed dinners, I'll cut my writing schedule, whatever it takes

Ananya looks at him, she can see he's genuinely trying

Ananya Gowda: We both need to, I've been buried in my own work too, and I didn't even see how far we drifted

Gagan: So, we make time, for us, no working after 7 PM and no excuses

Ananya Gowda: Deal

They continue cooking in silence


Ananya and Gagan are lying on the bed holding each other's hands

Ananya Gowda: Do you think it'll be enough? Just cutting back?

Gagan: I think it's a start we've made it this far we can make it through this too

6 months later…

Year – 2034

INT. Doctor's Office

Ananya sits in the examination chair nervous, Gagan stands beside her holding her hand tightly, the doctor walks in with a clipboard smiling

Doctor: I have some good news for you both, congratulations your wife is pregnant

Gagan and Ananya look at each other

Ananya Gowda: We're going to be parents

Gagan: We're going to be parents!

They smile at each other holding hands ready to face the future together

The End Of Chapter 14…