The Next Award Show

4 Year Later

Year - 2031

Ananya is sitting on her bed sad, looking at her phone, she didn't get nominated, she also looks at who got nominated and Gagan's name is in it

Ananya Gowda: Congratulations Gagan! I'm happy for you unfortunately I didn't make the cut this time

As Ananya is sitting on her bed sad her mother hears everything

Mother: (She comes to the room) Is something wrong?

Ananya Gowda: Mm-mm I didn't get nominated 

Mother: For scriptoria

Ananya Gowda: Yeah

Mother: And who's Gagan

Ananya Gowda: (Shy) He's just a friend 

Mother: Just a friend huh? a friend you have a crush 

Ananya Gowda: What do you mean?

Mother: I can look in your eyes and just tell that you're in love with him

Ananya Gowda: Mm-mm

Mother: What's wrong?

Ananya Gowda: I don't know how to tell him that

Mother: How long do you know him for

Ananya Gowda: A single day

Mother: Then what do you gotta lose 

Ananya thinks about this deeply 

Ananya Gowda: Mom I don't know what to do, I really like him but what if he doesn't feel the same way? what if it ruins everything? I don't want to mess up our friendship, and honestly, it's easier just keeping it to myself, at least this way I won't get hurt

Mother: Oh honey, I get it, I really do, it's scary putting yourself out there, especially when you're afraid of losing something but let me tell you something you won't know what's possible unless you take that first step

Ananya Gowda: But what if he rejects me? what if he doesn't like me back? It would be so embarrassing, and I'd feel like such an idiot

Mother: You know, your father and I were just like you, we were both introverts, quiet, shy and keeping our feelings bottled up inside, we liked each other for the longest time, but neither of us had the courage to say anything, I remember being so terrified of rejection that I almost convinced myself it wasn't worth it

Ananya Gowda: (Curious) So what happened? How did you end up together?

Mother: (Laughs) Well, one day I got tired of waiting and worrying, I told myself what do I have to lose? the worst thing that could happen was that he wouldn't feel the same and life would go on, so I took the first step I told him how I felt, and do you know what happened? 

Ananya Gowda: What?

Mother: He told me he'd felt the same way all along and look at us now, married, happy, with a life full of memories, If I hadn't taken that chance, I would've spent years wondering what could have happened if I didn't ask him that day and trust me, regret weighs heavier than rejection, you never know what's going to happen if you don't take that first step, maybe things will work out, maybe they won't, but at least you'll know you were brave enough to try

Ananya Gowda: I guess I never really thought about it that way

Mother: Life is full of risks sweetheart but sometimes those risks lead to the best things in life, you don't have to rush but when you're ready, don't let fear stop you

The End Of Chapter 08...