
Xiaoye looked at Yu Sera, this time she seem a bit more serious.

" Brother Wei, now that you have join i hope that we can cooperate well"

Yu Sera nodded and didn't take to heart. Working by choice is better than be forced unwillingly.

" don't have to worry just tell me what you have in mind. In fact i am here just for 2 days and don't know much about this game "

2 days ? Xiaoye looked weird, in her mind she thought he started directly like her. Well that's even better a real prodigy.

She smiled, if it's true then she is really in luck!

Yu Sera continued

" I have only seen a base of a company from the union but they look very prepared they even move in groups. "

She was surprised that he got so much information

" Oh what company ? Do you have coordinates it would be better "

Yu Sera sold his old friends. Of course he didn't want to swallow the way they treat him as a sheep. Who told you to do it?

" Ah yes i can give it to you "

He took the orb and showed the place

" Yesterday they were a group of 5 and their is one guy who guards it, i don't know what lvl he is but he never go out. It's the immortal guild "

Xiaoye was happy to hear all that and decided

" Fine since you treat me as a sister i will report it and ask for some contribution but before that let's go there "

Yu Sera nodded and soon they got out.

Xiaoye used her mecha rune and a giant mechanical bee yellow and black appeared, it was 3 meter.

Yu Sera was shocked it should be one of the monster mechas. Looking at the size it look like it can transport more than one person and even fly.

A vertical line opened in the middle of the mecha like a door

" Come in Brother Wei "

Yu Sera didn't hesitate and came in excitedly, he thought all mechas were like suit more than reals mechas but monster ones are differents, they are real mechas than are too big !

After the door closed the two were onto each other, it was still a bit restricted in space.

Xiaoye commanded the mecha and started flying in the air.

The trip that took Yu Sera all day, now can take less than an hour.


In the night the global union sent military that were of the garrison from the surrounding city of where the pillar of light situation happened.

Luke was one of the leader than lead the search of the incident and the people under him were more than 500.

They used some higher tracking equipements that are really advanced and can find traces of heat and movements, footprints without much effort.

One of the soldier came to luke in a hurry

" Mr Luke we found traces of someone walking here, it seem to be the source of the incident!"

Luke was overjoyed and asked

" Then do you know where did the person that was here is gone ?!"

The soldier hesitated and sweat were dropping on his back

" Sir i am sorry to say that but who can find a ghost? There is no moves after the mark under a tree ! Nothing else ! Or he is invisible or he was destroyed by the source of light! But there isn't any sight of the destruction! "

Luke was stunned. It was his first time since he started working for the global union that someone really disappeared! He was speechless and couldn't understand for a while.

" Okay thanks for your hard work, let set a camp here and check for any movements let's each people take turn for surveillance. I will report it and see what the above say "

The soldier nodded and spread the information.

Luke was thinking in his head

An alien appeared and took someone ?

Ahah i must be overworked.

He called the Branch of the East Global Union and told the informations.

Then he understood that he wasn't the only one who had a hard time finding all this event crazy

" Okay just send someone to check the only taxi that came here he might have some clues, that's all, just keep the zone under surveillance, i'll send someone tomorrow to talk to the monks "

" Yes Sir!"


After a bit more than an hour the locations of of one of the immortal company was found. Xiaoye and looked at it and confirmed. Taking pictures etc.

It was night outside but there was still people laughing and drinking outside. The shelter had clearly the logo of the immortal company. That show how much they are arrogant.

In the Mechanical bee Yu Sera and Xiaoye were really close together and the atmosphere was a bit akward the heat of being glued together for an hour made them a bit restless but they still made everything to calm themselves.

A soft voice came in Yu Sera ears adding to his inner frustration:

" Brother Wei thank you this you want to slay some monsters before going back or not ? We can't do anything for now since i have to give the informations to the superior "

Yu Sera didn't think much and it was true that all this stuff make him want to let go of his anger so killing monster it is!

" Let's go "

She smiled softly and urged back the mechanical bee to the location where they passed earlier, at least 100 mantis were moving in a big wave and it looked interesting.

After 30 min they wuickly located the mantis walking 5 by 5 fighting with the local Lizards living in the sands, they really felt like they didn't take the little tail creatures seriously.

Waving their arms each cuts would take a piece of meat in the ground.

Yu Sera looked at it and understood that it's not a normal game where monsters won't fight each other.