The Duke's Makeover

A flurry of rapid-fire knocks assaulted the door. Corina turned from Alexander and frowned. They had just gotten cleaned up and dressed for the day, and Corina had been having a little bit of fun, when such a noise molested her eardrums. "Who's there now?" She grumbled and walked to answer the door.

On the other side, we're both Nadine and Helga. The two stood there in silence for a moment as they studied Alexander's face, then they suddenly kneeled over and held their stomachs as they let out uncontainable laughter. 

"Oh, my..." Nadine gasped, it becoming hard for her to breathe. 

"Alexander. Did you decide to forgo the Duke gig and pursue a career as a clown instead?" Helga was nearly rolling on the floor with laughter. "I'm... dying. I know a ringleader. I'll introduce you sometime."

"It hurts," Nadine said, letting out a loud chortle. 

"Can't breath," Helga snorted.